
huò bì liú tōnɡ liànɡ
  • amount of currency in circulation
  1. 连续几年的财政赤字,对市场货币流通量、乃至对整个国民经济的发展影响颇大。

    The budget deficits we 've experienced in the past few years have seriously affected the amount of currency in circulation as well as the development of the whole national economy .

  2. 弗里德曼与该书合著者美国国家经济研究局(nationalbureauofeconomicresearch)的安娜施瓦茨(annaschwartz),不辞辛苦搜集了内战结束以来美国经济中的货币流通量数据。

    Friedman and his co-author , Anna Schwartz of the National Bureau of economic research , painstakingly assembled data on the amount of money circulating in the US economy going back to the end of the civil war .

  3. 在葡萄牙,货币流通量和流通速度都在下降;

    In Portugal , the quantity and velocity of money in circulation are both down ;

  4. 发行政府证券以增加货币流通量货币回笼的增加,为平抑全区物价发挥了作用。

    The increase in withdrawing currency from circulation has played its role in stabilizing commodity prices in the entire region .

  5. 这一变化导致更大范围的货币流通量在资金需求不断上升之际几近停滞。

    That development has resulted in virtual stagnation of broader monetary aggregates at a time when the demand for money is rising .

  6. 在葡萄牙,货币流通量和流通速度都在下降;在阿根廷,两者都在快速上升。

    In Portugal , the quantity and velocity of money in circulation are both down ; in Argentina , both are rising rapidly .

  7. 在英国,英国央行已采取措施阻止货币流通量下降太多,但似乎无力加快货币流通速度。

    In Britain the Bank of England has prevented the quantity from falling too far , but seems unable to get the money moving .

  8. 应该对货币流通量进行控制,使其有利于人民币价值的稳定,有利于经济的增长。

    The volume of money in circulation should be kept at a level beneficial to stabilizing the value of the RMB and to economic growth .

  9. 进一步的思考表明,增加一个国家的货币流通量,不会增加货币的用处。

    Further consideration showed that the uses of money are in no respect promoted by increasing the quantity which exists and circulates in a country ;

  10. 三是货币需要量和流通量受生产季节性影响而表现的季节性变化,货币流通速度慢。这些特点与宋代商品经济的发展水平和货币制度密切相关。

    These characteristics had close relationship with the level of commodity economy and currency systems of Song Dynasty .

  11. 并且,利用门限协整模型来考虑货币流通速度。即考虑货币流通量和经济体中交易的商品和劳务总量之间是否存在门限协整关系。

    Besides , we test velocity of currency using Threshold Cointegration Model , that is , to confirm whether the Threshold Cointegration relationship between velocity of currency and gross goods in economic parties exists or not .

  12. 金融则主要是解释和解决货币功能的开发利用、金融媒介的机制设计和管理、货币流通量的控制和均衡以及国家或地区的货币政策等问题。

    Monetary finance is to interpret and solve the development and utilization of monetary functions , mechanism design and management of financial media , the regulation of monetary circulation and national or regional monetary policies .