
  • 网络monetary imbalance;monetary disequilibria;monetary disequilibrium
  1. 西部大开发需要金融政策的支持,调整区域货币失衡的金融政策有:差别存款准备金政策;

    The development in the west area calls for the support of financial strategy .

  2. 危险在于,新一轮管制措施会产生新的货币失衡。

    The danger is that a fresh round of controls produces new currency imbalances .

  3. 国际货币体系失衡下的中国汇率政策

    On China Foreign Exchange Reform in the Unbalanced International Monetary System

  4. 文章从金融层面考察,分析了区域货币资金失衡的具体原因。

    Viewing the disequilibrium of regional capital at financial angle , we can find several reasons .

  5. 本文认为区域货币资金失衡是东、中、西部地区经济发展差异的重要原因。

    The view of this article is that the disequilibrium of regional capital is an important reason for the development difference among the eastern , middle and western economy .

  6. 区域货币资金失衡是西北地区经济发展滞后的重要原因,而金融政策尤其是信贷政策的一刀切又是导致区域货币资金失衡的根本原因。

    The important cause of the backward development of the economy in the northwest is the unbalance of the regional currency which is made by the financial policy especially , by the credit policy with the undistinguishable use .

  7. 只要不同的国家有着不同的财政政策,财政和货币政策的失衡和不协调就会存在。

    As long as fiscal policies are different in different countries , there will be imbalances and disharmonies between fiscal and monetary policies .

  8. 协同进行的紧急贷款正抵达前线(其纾困效果尚值得疑虑),但它们会让各国的货币政策出现失衡。

    Co-ordinated emergency loans with dubious soothing effects hit the front lines , but they leave national monetary policies out of the equation .

  9. 关键一点是,在一个货币联盟内部,失衡不会自动调整。

    The point is that in a monetary union , imbalances do not adjust automatically .

  10. 短期而言,北京的刺激措施和货币政策正在延长失衡局面。

    In the short term , Beijing 's stimulus and monetary policy are perpetuating the imbalances .

  11. 在他们的煽动下,出现了过度宽松的货币政策、全球失衡、糟糕的汇率政策、政府资助的抵押贷款企业以及糟糕的金融监管。

    They instigated excessively loose monetary policy , global imbalances , poor exchange rate policy , government-sponsored mortgage enterprises and poor financial regulation .

  12. 她补充表示:我们还应该关注货币区之间的失衡,而不是指责欧元区内某个特定的国家。此话旨在回应美国对德国未尽力支持国内需求的批评。

    We should also look at imbalances between currency regions and not pick on specific countries within the eurozone , she added , referring to criticism from the US that Germany is not doing enough to support its domestic demand .

  13. 货币供给和货币需求的失衡是影响外汇储备变动的主要原因。

    The out-of-balance of monetary supply and demand is the basic factor affecting foreign reserves change .