
  • 网络monetary expansion;Money creation
  1. 当然,如果单纯试图稳定汇率而不采取全面货币扩张政策,收效则会小得多七国集团(g7)提出的对策似乎就是这样。

    Of course , simply trying to stabilise exchange rates without overall monetary expansion as the G7 seems to have proposed is far less helpful .

  2. 任何一个严谨的央行都不会让货币扩张达到这种水平。

    No serious central bank would carry monetary expansion to that level .

  3. 货币扩张的杠杆已经被使用的过于频繁。

    The lever of expansionary money has been pulled once too often .

  4. 因此,货币扩张可能不是一种可取的政策。

    Therefore , the monetary expansion may not be an adequate policy .

  5. 一些经济学家担忧货币扩张速度对通胀的潜在影响。

    Some economists are concerned about the potential inflationary impact from the pace of monetary expansion .

  6. 巴基斯坦的货币扩张和通货膨胀

    Money expansion and inflation in Pakistan

  7. 通货紧缩与财政货币扩张

    Deflation & Fiscal Monetary Expansion

  8. 货币扩张是利益刚性作用条件下成本持续上升的结果。

    And money expansion is merely the result of continuous cost increase acted upon by interest rigidity .

  9. 这个故事蕴含的深刻道理就是货币扩张并不是经济持续繁荣之路。

    The moral of the story is that monetary inflation is not a way to sustainably generate economic prosperity .

  10. 在这种背景下,有报道说投机性活动推高了几种食品的价格。从长远看持续的货币扩张会推高通胀率也属实。

    In this setting , there are reports that speculative activity has driven up prices of several food products .

  11. 这不是直升机撒钱,因为其意图是在经济复苏的时候逆转货币扩张。

    This is not helicopter money , since the intention is to reverse the monetary expansion when the economy recovers .

  12. 太平洋两岸的货币扩张成为提振全球投资者信心的灵丹妙药。

    The combined monetary boost on opposite sides of the Pacific has been a powerful elixir for global investor confidence .

  13. 无论采取多大规模的货币扩张政策都无法解决我们当前的金融问题,反而会令问题进一步恶化。

    No amount of monetary expansion can solve our current financial problems , but it can make those problems much worse .

  14. 中国官员拒绝了允许人民币大幅升值的要求,并对西方经济体实施货币扩张和零利率政策进行了批评。

    Chinese officials rejected calls for a significantly stronger renminbi and criticised western economies for their monetary expansion and zero interest rate policies .

  15. 1720年的南海和密西西比泡沫是相关的,放松管制和在英格兰及法国的强力货币扩张助长了泡沫。

    The South Sea and Mississippi bubbles of 1720 were related , stoked by deregulation and powerful monetary expansion in England and France .

  16. 第三个阶段出现时,适逢全球经历快速货币扩张,而中国正投资于国内制造业,以支持美国债务拉动的消费。

    The third stage occurred as the world underwent rapid monetary expansion and China invested in domestic manufacturing to supply the US 's debt-fuelled consumption .

  17. 一个需求疲软、通胀率低的大国,大幅采取货币扩张政策对其他各国并非坏事,而是好事。

    Aggressive monetary expansion in a big economy suffering from weak demand and subdued inflation is good for the rest of the world , not bad .

  18. 货币扩张通过主观价值客观化而使人由个别的存在进入普遍的存在,使人的意志和权利具体化、物化。

    Monetary expansion specializes and materializes human will and right by means of making subjective value objective so as to turn individual existence into universal existence .

  19. 如果盯住目标汇率的做法持续下去,瑞士将很快通过通胀或资产泡沫(或两者皆有)的形式,感受到货币扩张的影响。

    If the peg persists , it will not be long before the Swiss feel the effects of monetary expansion in inflation , asset bubbles or both .

  20. 考虑到货币扩张的力量,中国央行极有可能不得不过分收紧,因为它下手太晚了。

    Given the force of the monetary expansion , it is highly likely that the PBoC will have to tighten too much because it left it too late .

  21. 商业银行贷款意愿不足和对信贷的非价格配给是1998年后我国货币扩张的效果不明显的主要原因。

    Banks ' unwillingness to lend and their rationing behavior are the main reasons why expansionary monetary policy since 1998 did not affect real economy as effectively as expected .

  22. 回归结果表明,我国货币扩张的产出效应和价格效应都随着经济开放度的增大而减小。第5章是研究结论和对策部分。

    The result shows that with the economic openness increases , the output of Chinese monetary expansion effects and price effects decrease * The fifth part is the conclusion and solution .

  23. 上世纪90年代后期的亚洲金融危机过后,中国经历过一次类似的货币扩张,但那一次并未导致高通胀的原因在于,中国经济当时存在大量闲置产能。

    China experienced a similar monetary expansion in the aftermath of the Asia crisis in the late 1990s without suffering high inflation because there was so much idle capacity in the economy .

  24. 经济全球化造成的竞争加剧和廉价出口抑制了商品通胀,为发达国家尤其是美国的货币扩张政策提供了空间,后者转而推动了金融膨胀。

    Intensified competition and cheap exports brought by economic globalization repress conventional inflation and provide room for monetary expansion policies in the developed countries , especially in the U.S. , which hence promote financial inflation .

  25. 当初,由于汇率飙升损害了出口竞争力,加之美国强迫其削减经常账户盈余,日本选择了规模巨大的货币扩张,而不是亟需的结构性改革。

    With export competitiveness damaged by its soaring currency and pressured by the US to reduce its current account surplus , Japan chose not the needed structural reforms , but a huge monetary expansion , instead .

  26. 在那种情况下,货币扩张或财政扩张政策,以及银行业资产互换和担保政策,没有增加(而是减少了)安全优质资产的供应:这些政策使政府票据退出安全投资类别,转而进入高风险类别。

    Then policies of monetary or fiscal expansion or of banking sector asset swaps and guarantees do not boost but reduce the supply of safe high-quality assets : they move government paper out of the safe and into the risky category .

  27. 在“欧元本位制”下,美联储想发行更多的美元就需要更多的欧元,它实施的货币扩张必然会促进进口需求,而它不能无休止地用欧元储备来为进口埋单。

    Under a " Euro standard " , the Fed would need more euros to create more dollars , as its monetary expansions necessarily produce demand for more imports , and it could not endlessly run down its euro reserves to pay for them .

  28. 货币出现扩张,股市一片繁荣,政府毫无悬念地会为赤字融资,因此公共支出也不断上升。

    Money expands , stock markets boom and state spending rises as governments fund deficits without drama .

  29. 货币国际化扩张中的政策行为&基于最优铸币收入的动态分析

    Monetary Policies During the Process of Currency Internationalizing : A Dynamic Analysis on the Optimal Path of the Income by Seigniorage

  30. 你非常清楚,基础货币的扩张并不一定会导致总体货币供给的扩张。

    The expansion of base money does not lead automatically to an expansion in the overall money supply , as you know well .