
  1. 该模型具有很强的通用性,可用于任意复杂能量系统设备经济性的分析和诊断,为能量系统的诊断、评价、规划、设计和改进提供科学指导。

    This analysis model has doughty current character in any complex energy system , and provides scientific decision basis in diagnosis , assessment , plan , design and improvement of energy system .

  2. 矿井主通风设备运行经济性探讨

    Approach on main ventilation equipment economic operation in coal well

  3. 图书馆配备和使用数字化设备的经济性原则初探

    The Economic Principles for Library Digital Equipment & Its Purchase and Use

  4. 电厂抽气设备的经济性比较及改进初探

    Comparison on Economies of Air Extractors in Power Plant and Discussion on Improvement

  5. 城市污水处理设备的经济性指标评价

    Evaluation of Economic Indexes of Wastewater Treatment Equipments

  6. 该经济性评价方法对同类型设备的经济性比较也具有应用价值。

    The economic evaluation method can also be applied to comparison of homogeneous equipment .

  7. 合理有效地组织热物流和冷物流之间的热交换是提高整个工艺设备装置经济性的重要方面。

    Heat transfers appropriately between hot and cold streams are extremely important which can increase the operating performance of the process .

  8. 以可靠性为基础,采用成本利润分析法进行设备故障经济性评价,用故障相对损失率来确定故障等级及风险分析对象。

    Taking reliability as theoretic basis , the economy of plant failures was evaluated using cost and revenue analytic method , and the class of failures and the objects of risk analysis were determined by the relative loss rate of failure .

  9. 高压电管理系统是混合动力汽车产业化的关键技术,他不仅能保障车辆和驾乘人员的安全,同时也能提高和保障蓄电池及用电设备的经济性、安全性。

    High Voltage Safety Control ( HVSC ) is a key technique for hybrid automotive industrialization because it ensures the safety of the vehicle and its driver as well as the battery itself and related equipment ′ s economic and safety .

  10. 设备大修理经济性分析与论证

    Economic Analysis and Demonstration on Overhaul of Equipment

  11. 工程机械设备更新的经济性分析

    Economic analysis on equipment renewal for construction machinery

  12. 设备故障的经济性和风险分析

    Economical evaluation and risk analysis on plant failures

  13. 施工机械设备维修的经济性浅析

    Economic analysis on equipment maintenance for construction machinery

  14. 空分设备项目投资经济性分析

    Economic analysis of investing an ASU project

  15. 浅析医疗设备维修中经济性特征

    The economic feature in medical equipment maintenance

  16. 电力市场条件下发电设备可靠性与经济性关系探讨

    Study of the Relationship between Reliability and Economics of Power Generation Equipment on Power Market Conditions

  17. 高层建筑空调系统冷热源设备选型及经济性分析

    The Equipment Selection and Economic Analysis for Central Refrigeration Cooling and Heating Energy Station in High-rise Building

  18. 电站煤粉锅炉是火力发电厂的重要设备,其经济性也决定了整个火力发电厂的运行成本。

    Pulverized coal-fired boiler is an important equipment in thermal power plant , which determines the operation cost of the whole plant .

  19. 本文结合实际工作中的情况和问题,阐述较为简便的设备大修理经济性分析与论证的原理和方法。

    This paper expounds the principle and method of economic analysis and demonstration on overhaul of equipment incorporating practical instances and problems .

  20. 在设备选型的经济性分析方面,运用费用效率的寿命周期费用评价方法来确定设备选型的最佳方案;

    Using cost & efficiencies means for the best selection of equipment in the aspects of economics analysis and using comprehension appraise the technology norms of equipment , such as , technology , reliability .

  21. 结合某一工程,利用当地太阳能分布系数对集中供热的民用太阳能热水系统进行了参数计算、设备选择、经济性分析,并对投资可行性进行了探讨。

    Combining some engineerings , using local solar energy distribution coefficient , makes the parameter calculation , equipment selection , economy performance analysis for solar demestic heating water system with central heating , discusses the feasibility of investment .

  22. 概述了铸铁熔炼炉及熔炼技术的进步,比较了冲天炉、感应炉、电弧炉三种主要熔炼设备在熔化经济性、铁液质量、环保等方面的特点及对产品的适用性。

    The article summarized the progress of the cast iron melting furnaces and melting techniques , compared three types of main melting furnaces in the aspects of melting economy , molten iron quality , environment protection and their suitability to the products .

  23. 第四,对电力设备状态维修的经济性进行了分析。

    Finally , economy analysis on condition-based maintenance is carried out .

  24. 机械设备预防维修的经济性权衡

    Economic Weighing of Preventive Maintenance of Machines and Equipment

  25. 制盐设备材质选择的经济性评价

    Estimated the Economy of Material Selection for Salt Making

  26. 机组顶峰运行对锅炉设备安全性及经济性的影响

    Influence of peak-load operation of units on safety and economical efficiency of boiler equipments

  27. 设备选型应考虑经济性、劳动保护和可靠性的要求;

    Economy , labour protection , and reliability should be considered in machine type selection ;

  28. 热经济性是表征在达到一定技术目的条件下,设备的能量利用经济性。

    Thermodynamic effectiveness features the energy utilization economy of an equipment item under the condition of its having attained a given technical objective .

  29. 进行设备大修理的经济性分析、论证工作,可以提高计划的正确性和工作效率,减少许多无用功劳动和浪费现象。

    The economic analysis and demonstration on overhaul of equipment can improve the plan and efficiency of work , and reduce useless work wasting time .

  30. 针对电力系统对电气设备运行可靠性和经济性的要求,采用带电加油装置进行现场设备维护具有较广泛的适用性。

    In accordance with the requirements of electric power system for operation reliability of electrical equipment , it is useful widely to utilize electrified oil-charge device for maintaining on-the-spot equipment .