
  • 网络Facilities Management Software;Device Manager
  1. 基于WEB的嵌入式机电设备管理软件的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Management Software for The Embedded Mechanical and Electrical Equipment on WEB

  2. 本文依据在ERP设备管理软件的实际开发过程中使用到的一些数据库技术,通过实例介绍了在ERP系统的开发设计中如何实现数据库的跨平台特性。

    This article introduces how to realize database commonality in developing and designing ERP system , based on some database technology used in developing ERP equipment management system .

  3. 基于JCI要求的设备管理软件的介绍

    The Introduction of Medical Equipments Management Software System Based on the JCI Certification Requests

  4. 台网遥测设备管理软件CALI编制与应用

    Compilation and application of management software Cali of equipments of telemetering seismic station network

  5. 移动设备管理软件让管理员可以远程清除设备上的数据。

    MDM software lets administrators remotely wipe a device clean of data .

  6. 基于Client/Server结构的大型企业设备管理软件系统

    Software System of Equipment Management for Large Enterprises Based on Client / Server Structure

  7. 文章着重介绍现代化楼宇物业设备管理软件的使用及优点。

    This article mainly introduces the usage and advantage of property equipment management software of modern building .

  8. 目前,以图形作为信息交互平台的设备管理软件极为缺乏。

    At present , equipment management information system which uses graphic as information interactive platform is required .

  9. 介绍了设备管理软件系统的运行环境、各子系统的主要功能。

    The article introduces the running environment of equipment management software system and the main functions of each subsystem .

  10. 里诺设备管理软件是一款通用性极强的设备管理软件,软件界面设计简洁,美观。

    Reno equipment management software is a strong commonality of equipment management software , software interface design is simple and attractive .

  11. 目前,在电力企业生产管理软件尤其是设备管理软件的开发上,国内软件尚未完全跟上电力企业的改革步伐,也未与相关国际标准接轨,仍缺乏具有核心竞争力的产品。

    At present , Chinese electrical enterprises are still lack of power production management system especially power device management system which adopts advanced software theories and is suitable for the situation of China .

  12. 分析了国外典型设备管理软件的功能和技术特点,对比生产管理系统的设计目标,提出了共性和差别点。

    In this article , the functions and features of typical overseas equipment management program were analyzed . Compared with the design goal of this production management information system , the common characteristics and differences between them were raised .

  13. DWDM终端设备网络管理软件的实现。

    Implementation of the network management software for DWDM terminal equipment .

  14. 文章结合通用设备管理应用软件的开发过程,提出了基于J2EE的应用软件架构和功能结构,并论述了其应用过程和效果。

    Combining the development of the Universal Equipment MIS , the paper gives the architecture and function , and discusses the process and effect ?

  15. 本文在研究设备管理应用软件开发过程的基础上,提出了基于J2EE的应用软件架构。

    In this paper , we study the development process in Equipment Management Information System and propose an application software structure based on J2EE .

  16. 发电厂电气设备检修管理软件介绍

    The software system of electricity equipments maintain management in power plant

  17. 宽带接入设备管理代理软件设计

    Design of the Management Agent Software in Broadband Access Equipment

  18. 基于HIS的医院设备维修管理软件的设计

    Design and implementation of maintenance management system for medical equipment based on HIS

  19. 基于可视化数据库系统,开发了一套适应于大学实验教学和设备管理的软件。

    A new soft of experimental teaching and equipment management system was developed based on visual database system .

  20. 作者应用计算机技术开发研制了基于“军字一号”工程的医院投资合作设备管理系统软件。

    The authors applied the computer technology , successfully designed and realized new software of the Invest equipment management system for the hospital .

  21. 介绍我院开发使用的医疗设备计算机管理软件系统的总体设计、结构、实现方法以及使用情况。

    In this paper , several aspects of a kind of computer managed system for medical equipments are presented , including its general design , structure application and the method for its realization .

  22. 从机房特点、硬件设备管理、软件系统、计算机病毒防治及网络安全等方面,论述高校计算机实验室安全管理的内容,并提出相关措施,以便更好地为实验教学服务。

    Given the lab situation , the management of hardware equipment , software system , anti-virus system and internet safety , the paper discussed the contents and related methods for managing computer lab in the colleges and how it makes lab teaching better .

  23. 基于IP传感器的设备远程监测管理软件设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Device Telemonitoring and Management Software Based on IP Sensors

  24. 用VBA开发选矿设备图形库管理软件

    Programming graphics base system of mineral processing equipment with VBA

  25. 介绍应用VISUALFOXPRO6.0开发设备综合管理系统软件的设计、技术特点及其使用

    This paper introduces the application of Visual FoxPro 60 to developing the equipment comprehensive management system software , its design and technologic features as well as the operation method

  26. 化学实验设备与药品管理软件DIY

    Chemical Experiment Equipment and Medicine Management Software DIY

  27. 吉林市电视台设备信息管理的软件开发

    Jilin City Television Equipment Information Management Software Development

  28. 公路施工机械设备计算机管理系统软件开发

    Software Exploitation of Computer Management System in Construction Equipments Highway Construction in Karstic Terrain

  29. 设备综合管理系统软件的开发应用

    Developing of Equipment Comprehensive Management System Software

  30. 最后,按照网络管理系统的设计思路进行链路设备管理技术的软件设计与实现。

    Lastly the design and implementation of link transmission equipment is done according to the threading of network management system .