
  • 网络economic life of equipment;economical life of equipment
  1. 技术进步条件下设备经济寿命分析

    Analysis on economic life of equipment under technological progress

  2. 基于缺省数据费用样本的设备经济寿命预测

    The Prediction on Economic Life of Equipment Based on Missing Data Costs Sample

  3. 生产性企业设备经济寿命的分析

    Analysis of the Economic Life of the Equipment of Production Enterprise

  4. 设备经济寿命的初步探讨

    A Preliminary Research on the Economic Life-Time of Equipments

  5. 在建立了一个设备经济寿命模型和两种折旧算法模型的基础上,对一个实例进行了研究。

    An instance is studied , after an equipment economic life model and two sorts of depreciation numeration models are based .

  6. 本文在对其进行定量分析的基础上,建立了设备经济寿命的计算模型,为设备更新决策提供参考。

    This paper , from the angle of economy and on the base of quantitative analysis , sets up the mathematical pattern of economic lifetime of equipment to provide reference decisions for updating equipment .

  7. 系统地介绍了设备经济寿命的定义,确定设备经济寿命的静态模型和动态模型及五种设备更新方案的费用现值比较方法,并举例说明各种方法的具体应用。

    The definition of equipment economic life was introduced systematically . The static model , dynamic model , and five comparison methods of the cost present worth of equipment renewal scheme were also introduced with examples .

  8. 低劣化数值与最小年均成本法计算设备的经济寿命;

    The economic life of equipment is calculated by the methods of inferior value and minimum annual average cost ;

  9. 在阐述设备寿命和设备经济寿命的基础上,介绍设备更新的生产成本最低分析法和矩阵分析法。

    On the basis of expounding the service life and economical life of equipments , analyses on method of lowest production cost and method of matrix analysis for renewal of equipments are introduced .

  10. 本文运用技术经济学中的年金法,探讨了在技术进步条件下对设备更新周期的影响,给出了设备经济寿命的一般数学模型及最适解的表述形式。

    The annuity method is used to discuss the influence on the cycle of equip-ment renovation under the condition technological progress .

  11. 以前,人们研究设备更新问题时较多地注意单台设备的经济寿命。

    When people studied the problem of equipment renewal in carly time , they paid more attention to the economic life of single apparatus .

  12. 通过对设备费用样本的分析,采用了中间线性回归方法和考虑了货币的时间价值,建立了符合缺省数据费用样本的设备经济寿命预测模型。

    Based on the analyzing of costs sample of equipment , set up prediction model of economic life of equipment , considering the middle-linear regression method and period value of costs .