
  • 网络Equipment management system;Plant management systems
  1. 论高等学校设备管理制度的改革

    On the Reform of the Equipment Management System in Institutions of Higher Education

  2. 根据目前实验室仪器设备管理制度存在的问题,提出一些探讨和整改建议。

    This paper puts forward some discussion and remedial suggestions according to the existing problems from the present laboratory instrument management system .

  3. 究其深层次原因是:(1)设备管理制度不健全、流程不完善,执行力度差;(2)缺乏先进的设备管理理念。

    It is a deep-seated reason : ( 1 ) equipment management system is not perfect , imperfect processes , poor enforcement ( 2 ) the lack of advanced equipment management concept .

  4. 一家刚刚改制的公路工程施工企业制定了一系列设备管理制度,以促进综合管理水平的提高。

    The highway construction enterprises that just fulfilles the reform became to be an administrant enterprise . In order to improve the modern level , a series of equipment management systems have been put into practice during the interim .

  5. 设备点检管理制度是全员、全过程(TPM)对设备进行动态管理的一种管理方法。

    Equipment spot inspection management is a kind of dynamic management on equipments , a way to carry out the total productive maintenance ( TPM ) .

  6. 论金工实习设备维修管理制度的改革

    Discussion on the Reform of Manufacturing Engineering Practice Equipments Maintenance Management System

  7. 全员设备维修管理制度的实行情况

    On Practising Situation of All Staffs Maintaining and Managing System of Equipment

  8. 制定、完善各项设备管理规章制度,建立并贯彻落实各项设备管理规范;

    Formulate , consummate the management regulation and policy , setting up and implement the equipment management specification .

  9. 从管理上:制定完善的管理制度。如:设备工艺管理制度:操作管理制度;

    From management Establishing perfect management system such as equipment and process management and operation management system and so on .

  10. 合理、高效的设备缺陷管理制度和管理方法将提高设备的健康水平,保证机组与设备的安全运行,从而实现预定的安全生产目标。

    Rational , efficient equipment defect management system will raise the health level of the equipment , guarantee the safe operation of generators and equipments , thus to realize the goal of safety production expected .

  11. 设备管理的各项制度、流程涉及的点多面广。

    Equipment management of the system , the process involved over a broad area .

  12. 浅谈施工机械设备使用及维护管理制度

    Talking about the Utilizing and Maintaining Management System of Construction Machinery and Equipment

  13. 齐全的检验设备,完善的管理制度,确保了优质的产品质量。

    And the complete testing facilities and perfect management system ensure the high grade of product quality .

  14. 公司雄厚的技术力量、先进的生产试验设备、科学的管理制度,使本公司的产品质量稳步发展,产品种类日益增多。

    The high technique , advanced production equipments and the scientific management system make our product 's quality improved steady and the product category increased progressively .

  15. 文中着重介绍非自然损耗,主要是由于设备管理不善,规章制度不健全,操作人员责任心不强及不按操作规程作业等引起的。

    The non natural losses introduced in the paper mainly result from the management , Equipment management , regulation and rules are not well , operation doesn 't follow the instruction .

  16. 该厂具有先进的技术力量,现代化的生产设备,严格的管理制度,完善的检测仪器,始终把产品质量作为本企业的生命。

    Our factory has advanced technology , modern production facilities , strict managing system , and perfect examine instruments and gives our first priority to the product quality at all times .

  17. 究其深层次原因是:(1)检测工作流程不完善;(2)设备管理和人员培训制度不健全;(3)操作规范执行力度差。

    Investigate its profound reason is : ( 1 ) detection work flow not perfect ;( 2 ) equipment management and personnel training system is not sound ;( 3 ) operation norm enforcement is poor .

  18. 我国的少年教养机构大多规模大、设备陈旧、管理方法制度落后,被教养者容易相互交叉感染,教育矫正的效果往往不令人满意。

    Our juvenile correctional institutions in China are large in scale , equipment stale , management method , system is backward , be nurturers easy cross infection , education and correction of the effects are often not satisfactory .

  19. 同时由于缺乏有效的系统管理手段,导致设备管理比较混乱,设备管理的制度化,程序化,规范化水平较低。

    At the same time because of the lack of efficient means of system management , it leads to the disorderly equipment management : equipment management is far less institutionalized , systematic and standardized than average .

  20. 点检定修是通过设备状态实施点检来确定维修项目的一种设备管理制度。

    Point equipment inspection is an equipment management principle which throughout point inspection to confirm maintenance project according to the status of equipment .

  21. 文章对我国民爆行业设备安全管理提出了建议,建议行业制定系统的设备管理制度。

    It presents a proposal about the safe management of industrial explosive equipment in our country . The establishment of systemic equipment management system is suggested .

  22. 通过实践总结出设备24小时满负荷运转的关键是良好润滑,而严格的设备管理制度是必不可少的。

    Though practices , he sums up that good lubrication is the key point for equipment 24 hours peak - load operation , as strict equipment management system is necessary .

  23. 通过对供水企业的设备管理现状的分析,提出转变观念,建立新的管理体制,完善设备管理制度,更新旧设备,引进新技术,提高人员素质,真正强化设备管理。

    Through the analysis on the present situation in equipment management some comments are put forwards to intensify equipment management , which contain establishing new management system , perfecting equipment management system , renovating old equipments , introducing new technology and enhancing personnel 's qualities .

  24. 随着设备故障诊断技术在各种工业现场的推广,越来越多的企业实现了以状态监测为中心的设备管理制度,这就对检测用的仪器仪表提出了更高的要求。

    With the technology of device fault diagnosis being popularized in kinds of industrial fields , more and more enterprises implement device management system with the core device status monitoring . In such a case , the instruments used to detect device are requested more and more strictly .