
  • 网络Equipment accident
  1. 虚拟现实技术在抽水蓄能电站设备事故及缺陷处理的应用

    The Application on Equipment Accident and Defect Treatment for Virtual Reality Technology

  2. 其次从特种设备事故发生的特点进行要点分析。

    Second , from the characteristics of the special equipment accident analysis points .

  3. GIS设备事故的预防

    Prevention of Failure for GIS

  4. 220KVGIS设备事故及原因分析

    Analysis of Faults of 220 kV GIS Equipment

  5. 介绍了PLC在碎煤机控制和保护中的应用,简化了硬件结构并完善了保护系统,从而大大降低了设备事故率。

    The application of PLC in the control and protection of crusher is introduced , which has simplified hardware structure , perfected the protection system and reduced the motor 's failure .

  6. 然而,从实际运行情况看,GIS设备事故和故障时有发生,故障主要由于加工、装配、运输和现场安装产生的缺陷引起,同时运行中的部件老化和操作位移等也是故障发生的重要因素。

    But , in fact GIS equipment accidents and failures occasionally happens . Failure is mainly due to processing , assembly , transportation and field installation . Also , component deterioration and operating displacement are the important factors in failure .

  7. 健康安全环保(HSE)管理体系及其在陕北油田钻井中的应用,使该工区钻井达到了零误工时、无井下及设备事故以及没有工伤事故的目标。

    The application of HSE in Shanbei oil fields has ensured zero delay of man-hour , zero accident in the pit and zero apparatus and industrial accident in this working area .

  8. 机械设备事故趋势与越限综合报警方法

    The machine plant accident alarm with trend and overage synthesis method

  9. 基于模型的机械设备事故报警方法的研究

    The Study on Model_Based Accident Alarm Method for Mechanical Devices

  10. 船舶设备事故中的人为因素分析与控制研究

    Analysis and Control of Human Factors in Ship Equipment Accidents

  11. 1995~1999年全国变压器类设备事故统计与分析

    Nation-wide Statistics and Analysis on Power Transformers Faults in 1995 ~ 1999

  12. 分析了发生特种设备事故的原因。

    The author analyzes the causes of the accidents .

  13. 特种设备事故分析评价及信息管理系统研发

    Accident Analysis and Assessment of Special Equipment and Research on the Information Management System

  14. 引进发电机励磁系统设备事故及其质量管理:(一)事故分析

    Problems in Faulty Analyses , Committing Trials and Quality Managements of Imported Generator Excitation Systems

  15. 离心机的异常振动常会酿成设备事故。

    The vibration may make centrifuge fault .

  16. 一起低压电气设备事故分析

    Analysis of a low-voltage electrical accident

  17. 上个月,中国发生多起特种设备事故并造成18人死亡,5人受伤。

    Accidents involving special equipment claimed 18 lives and injured five people in China last month .

  18. 大型水电站水轮机控制设备事故配压阀采用差装阀的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Differential Valve Applied to Accident Distributing Valves of Large Hydropower Turbine Control Equipment

  19. 一起过电压设备事故分析

    Fault Analysis on Overvoltage Device

  20. 石油化工用液氨设备事故多数源自液氨应力腐蚀开裂。

    Accidents of liquid ammonia equipment used in petrochemical industry happen mostly due to stress corrosion cracking .

  21. 其焊接钢结构会突然断裂,导致在灾难性的设备事故和人身伤亡。

    The welded steel will be suddenly ruptured , resulting in catastrophic equipment accidents and personal injuries .

  22. 设备事故与安全

    Equipment Accident and Safety

  23. 特别是对安全管理的目的是确保人身伤亡事故、重大变电设备事故和电网事故为零。

    Safety management is designed to not occurring personal casualties , major substation equipment accidents , incidents grid .

  24. 重新设计后,轴承的工作寿命提高136倍,实现了该设备事故率为零。

    After resigning , the lifetime of bearing increases by 136 times and the equipment failure is up to zero .

  25. 在冶金工业生产中,经常出现由于轧机扭振造成的设备事故、产品质量问题。

    In metallurgical production , there frequently exist some equipment accidents and quality problems because of torsional vibration of rolling mill .

  26. 宝泉抽水蓄能电站在建设中未发生任何人身伤亡事故和设备事故。

    In the construction of the Baoquan Pumped Storage Power Station , there is no personal safety accidence and equipment failure .

  27. 通过对炉卷轧机的压下螺丝与螺母烧损的设备事故现象的分析,找出事故产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决方案。

    Some solutions are put forward by analyzing reasons of burning loss for the screwdown screw and nut on steckel mill .

  28. 状态监测和故障诊断是保障企业安全高效运行和防止设备事故的有效技术手段。

    The condition monitoring and fault diagnosis are effective ways to assure the large-scale unit to run efficiently and to prevent plant accident .

  29. 分析了锅炉引风机振动的原因,提出了预防措施以减少设备事故,使设备安全稳定经济地运行。

    The vibration reason of blast in boiler is analysed and the prevention measure is put forth to prevent accidents for safe and economic running .

  30. 随着船舶自动化程度越来越高,电气设备事故造成的影响也越来越大,对船舶电气设备的稳定性和可靠性也愈来愈高。

    With the automatic of the vessel becomes higher and higher , the influence of accidents caused by electrical power system is greater and greater .