
  • 网络Southwest University;Southwestern University;South-West University;SWU
  1. 本文据此设计了西南大学研究生用户在CNKI数字图书馆信息检索过程中的选择行为测试问卷,并进行了实证研究。

    In the following , the dissertation designs the testing questionnaire of the postgraduates ' selection behavior of southwest university in the process of information searching on CNKI based on foregoing ten analyzed parameters .

  2. 西南大学水稻研究所,重庆;

    Rice Research Institute , Southwest University , Chongqing ;

  3. 2007年11月获得西南大学2006-2007年度硕士研究生优秀奖学金三等奖;

    11Gain excellent scholarship of2006-2007 southwest university year Master degree candidates third prize ;

  4. 西南大学农科专业学生寝室人际关系现状探究

    A Survey of Interpersonal Relationship in Student Dormitories of Agricultural Science Majors of SWU

  5. 在西南大学图书馆手工查找有关双重束缚资料。

    And some books about double bind were found manually in the laboratory of Southwest University .

  6. 该问卷是西南大学硕士研究生叶丽编制的,具有良好的信度和效度。

    The questionnaire is southwest university graduate student Ye Li compiled , with good reliability and validity .

  7. 本文采用网上问卷调查的研究方法对西南大学和上海外国语大学进行人人网使用调查。

    Online survey research methods are adopted among the students of the Southwest University and the Shanghai International Studies University .

  8. 高校BBS:大学生思想政治教育的新载体&以西南大学樟树林论坛为例

    BBS in the Colleges and Universities : A New Medium of Ideological and Political Education of Students Intergovernmental Forum on Forests

  9. 实验前一周,来自西南大学外国语学院英语教育专业三年级两个班的学生接受了关于英语阅读教学策略熟悉度的前调查。

    The survey takers were from 2 third-year classes of the English Education Department at the School of Foreign Languages in Southwest University .

  10. 2008年,徐佳从西南大学电子信息工程学院毕业后,便来到北京工作。

    After he graduated from the school of electronic information engineering at Southwest University in 2008 , Xu went to Beijing to work .

  11. 西南大学(原西南师范大学)129名研究生参加了此调查,收回有效问卷96份。

    A total of 129 postgraduate students in Southwest University ( originally Southwest Normal University ) have participated in this study and 96 are valid .

  12. 西南大学通过开展“反思:我们为什么上大学”系列活动,对当代大学生“反思教育”进行了实践与探索。

    South-West University has held a series of activities themed " Reflection : Why Do We Come to College ?" to probe into and practice reflective education .

  13. 这位21岁的西南大学戏剧影视文学专业学生刚刚完成了一部纪录片的拍摄,该片讲述了春节期间住在火车站的的流浪者群体的生活。

    The 21-year-old film and television drama literature major at Southwest University had just finished shooting a documentary about homeless people who live at the station during Spring Festival .

  14. 他说自己一直打算去西南大学教授体育,并想向市民展示自己超常的体力。

    He revealed that he had planned to teach physical education course in southwest university , and he wanted to show off his unusual physical power to his fellow citizens .

  15. 西南大学教育学院副教授石隆伟认为,孩子能自由成长、培养自己的兴趣更为重要。

    Shi Longwei , associate professor of education at Southwest University , said it is more important for children to have the freedom to grow and develop their own interest .

  16. 重庆西南大学法律讲师汪力写了一本有关黑帮的书。他表示,黑帮势力真正扩张是在2000年之后,当时重庆经济开始腾飞。

    Wang Li , a law lecturer at Southwestern University in Chongqing who has written a book about gangsters , says it really expanded after 2000 when its economy began to explode .

  17. 对西南大学校园鸟类进行调查,共记录到鸟类96种,隶属11目、27科.其中留鸟56种,约占58.33%;

    In a survey of the birds in the campus of Southwest University and their composition , a total of 96 species are recorded , which belong to 11 orders and 27 families .

  18. 实测对象主要为西南大学的学子,以运动鞋、电脑、洗面奶、牙膏品牌这四类生活中必不可少的产品类别为代表进行研究分析。

    Measured object is Southwestern University students , representatives of research and analysis essential in the lives of these four types is sports shoes , computer , face cream , toothpaste brand product categories .

  19. 西南大学蚕桑学重点实验室是我国蚕桑学基础和应用基础研究的中心之一,随着实验室规模的不断扩大,对实验室的管理工作也提出了更高的要求。

    With the steady expansion of the Key Sericultural Laboratory of Southwest University , which is a center of basic research and application research of sericulture in China , its management has to be improved accordingly .

  20. 西南大学心理学专家吴明霞称,家族精神病史、社交孤立、感情和经济问题是最常见的一些原因。

    Some of the most common causes are a history of mental illness in the family , social isolation , relationship and financial problems , says Wu Mingxia , a psychological expert from the Southwest University .

  21. 以西南大学校网球选修课的学生为实证研究对象,比较计算机网络辅助教学模式与传统教学模式教学效果的差异,进行分析研究,证实网络多媒体网球教学系统的可行性及实效性。

    Students of tennis elective in Southwest University are regarded as study objects . The practicability and actual effect of the multimedia tennis teaching system has been demonstrated through comparing the teaching effect of CAI and traditional teaching mode .

  22. 西南大学家蚕基因库保存的遗传系统18-130的蛾体色表现特殊性状,雄蛾为灰黑色,雌蛾为白色。

    The analyzed genetic system 18-130 which is kept in the Bombyx mori gene bank of Southwest University showed a special character in the body colour of moth . The male moth is grey-black , the female moth is white .

  23. 重庆西南大学工程技术学院的十名学生发明了一辆重100公斤的蓝色太阳能动力车,该车顶装有四块太阳能电池板,收集来的太阳能作为汽车动力来源。

    Here comes the sun The 100-kilogram blue solar car invented by 10 students at Southwest University ` s College of Engineering and Technology in Chongqing has a top with four solar panels that charge the battery that powers the auto .

  24. 西南大学是原西南师范大学和西南农业大学合并后所建立的综合性大学,有深厚的文化底蕴,其学生主要是师范专业和农学专业类学生。

    Southwest University is a merger comprehensive university , which are the former Southwest Agricultural University and the Southwest Normal University . In Southwest University , there is rich cultural heritage , and the disciplines are mostly normal professional and agriculture majors .

  25. 《办法》中明确规定,从08年秋季起,在北师大、华东师大、东北师大、华中师大、陕师大和西南大学等6所部属师范大学实行师范生免费教育。

    In this document , since the fall of 2008 , the policy about normal education for free was enacted in Beijing normal university , East China normal university , Northeast normal university , Shanxi normal university , Huazhong Normal university and Southwest university .

  26. 我们以西南大学、重庆师范大学和西南政法大学外国语学院二年级220名学生为受试,并随机把其分为实验组和对照组。

    Two hundred and twenty sophomores from Southwest China University , Southwest China University of Political Science and Law , and Chongqing Normal University participated in the experiment , and they were divided into two groups randomly , namely , the experimental group and the control group .

  27. (西南大学工程技术学院,重庆400715)摘要:随着改革开放的深入和经济的迅猛发展,近年来我国的花卉苗木产业发展很快。特别是进入20世纪90年代以来,发展更是迅速。

    The Flower and Plant Industry in our country developed rapidly in recent years along with the deepening of reform and opening up and the rapid economic development , especially Since the 1990s , and it has become the bloom industry for adjusting industrial structure and making the farmers richer .

  28. 李小平,重庆大工律师事务所副主任、合伙律师,西南政法大学经济法系法学学士毕业,现为西南政法大学在册硕士研究生。

    Xiaoping li , vice chair of dugong law firm , bachelor of law , graduated from Southwest University of political science and law ( swupl ), and a present master in swupl .

  29. 研究了沪、西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第n页深股市交易日内的价格波动特征:分析了沪、深股市高频价格数据波动的可预测性。

    The intraday price volatility and the predictability of high-frequency price fluctuations in Chinese stock market are also studied .

  30. SCI收录西南农业大学学术论文的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on Papers from Southwest Agricultural University Collected by SCI