
Xià mén dà xué
  • Xiamen University
  1. 到了准备择校的时候,周围没有人相信我能考上厦门大学。

    When it was time to prepare for picking schools , nobody around me believed I could get into Xiamen University .

  2. 据厦门大学(XiamenUniversity)一项调查显示,参加该校商业竞赛的人有53%声称,他们参赛是为了获得更多工作经验,积累更多人脉,以帮助他们日后找工作。

    According to a survey conducted by Xiamen University , 53 % of participants in its university business competition claimed that they entered to gain more work experience and contacts to help them in their future job hunt .

  3. 本文所提出针对思明区人社局平时绩效考核体系完善的措施和方法,是本人在厦门大学攻读MPA期间密切关注并积极思索的。

    The measures and methods of Siming District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau usual performance appraisal system is perfect , I pursue MPA at the Xiamen University , pay close attention to and actively thinking .

  4. 那次调查发现,外资公司有性别歧视的概率低于中国民营企业或国有企业。该调查由加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSantaBarbara)和厦门大学的两位教授主持进行。

    Foreign-owned films were less likely to discriminate based on gender than private Chinese firms or state-owned enterprises , according to the study , which was conducted by a pair of professors from UC Santa Barbara and Xiamen University .

  5. 方法:实验于2004-04/11在厦门大学医学院动物实验中心完成。①选用健康Wistar大鼠40只,7周龄,雌雄各半。

    METHODS The experiment was completed in the Animal Experimental Center in Medical College of Xiamen University from April to November of 2004 . ① Totally 40 healthy Wistar rats aged 7 weeks old of half gender were selected in this study .

  6. 该文通过对吉尔口译训练模式与厦门大学口译训练模式的比较,提出了以实践为主线的3P口译模式,及其在《商务现场口译》课程教学中的具体训练方法和可操作案。

    This paper introduces two models for interpreter training : Daniel Gile 's Model and Xiamen University Model . Then the author introduces the new " 3P " interpreting model , and its application in the course of " Business Interpreting " .

  7. 厦门大学智能科学与技术专业建设介绍

    The Specialty Construction of Intelligence Science and Technology in Xiamen University

  8. 请送我到厦门大学大南校门(相邻南普陀)。

    Please take me to the Da-nan Gate of Xiamen University .

  9. 他从厦门大学在生物出席了并且接受了他的程度。

    He attended and received his degree in biology from Xiamen University .

  10. 我是厦门大学英语协会的会长。

    I am the president of the English society in Xiamen University ,

  11. 厦门大学图书馆存储体系建设

    The Storage Solution in the Library of Xiamen University

  12. 新囊萤新映雪新群贤&厦门大学漳州新校区主楼群设计理念及表达

    Design concept and expression for main buildings in Zhangzhou Campus of Xiamen University

  13. 厦门大学游泳馆钻孔灌注斜桩施工技术

    Construction technique of bored cast-in-situ battered pile used in Xiamen University 's swimming hall

  14. 厦门大学图书馆数字化建设回顾与展望

    Reflection on and Future Prospects of the Digital Library Construction of the Xiamen University

  15. 厦门大学音乐系音乐表演专业,学习长笛演奏。

    Music and performance subject of music dept in Xiamen university , studying flute .

  16. 这里就是著名的厦门大学。

    This is the prestigious Xiamen university .

  17. 厦门大学创建于1921年

    Xiamen University was founded in 1921 .

  18. 厦门大学管理学院

    School of Management , Xiamen University

  19. 第三部分是论文的核心章节,针对厦门大学马来西亚分校学生中心进行具体的设计研究。

    To make some particular design research aim at Student Center of Xiamen University at Malaysia .

  20. 我在厦门大学博士学习的阶段,外国老师是一个美国人。

    I the stage which study in Xiamen University doctor , foreign teacher is an American .

  21. 厦门大学研究生院

    Graduate School of XiaMen University

  22. 设计彩沙示踪法研究滨海沙滩底沙运动&以厦门大学滨海沙滩为例

    Design coloured sand tracing to study beach bedload movement & Take beach of Xiamen University for example

  23. 但三个月过去了,厦门大学仍未宣布调查结果。

    But after three months , the university has yet to announce the results of that investigation .

  24. 寻迹&厦门大学漳州新校区学生公寓区规划设计

    Looking for footprint & Planning design of Student ' apartment area in Zhangzhou Campus of Xiamen University

  25. 毕业于厦门大学。为中国作家协会会员。

    A graduate of Xiamen University , he is a member of both Chinese Writers'Association and Chinese Musicians'Association .

  26. 1975年出生,于1997年获得厦门大学数学系学士学位。

    Ltd , born in 1975 , conferred BS by mathematics department of Xiamen University , China , 1997 .

  27. 高校图书馆馆藏发展政策评析&以厦门大学图书馆为例

    Evaluation on the Collection Development Policy of University Library & Taking the Library of Xiamen University as an Example

  28. 据报道,厦门大学这学期开设了一门新课:爬树课。

    It is reported that Xiamen University ( XMU ) is offering a new class this semester : Tree-Climbing .

  29. 本文通过对吉尔口译训练模式与厦门大学。

    This paper introduces two models for interpreter training : Daniel Gile 's Model and the Xiamen University Mod-el .

  30. 文章首先论述国内外两大主要口译训练模式:吉尔模式和厦门大学模式。

    This thesis initially expounds two principal training patterns and methods in interpreting : Gile pattern and Xiamen University model .