
  • 网络proteomic project;MRPP
  1. 人类基因组和蛋白质组计划的实施,给我们带来了大量的生物序列和分子结构数据。

    With the development of human genome project and proteomics project , it brings a great lot of biological sequences and molecule structure data .

  2. 核小体动力学主要研究DNA与组蛋白的相互作用下核小体受力、结构形成过程,是蛋白质组研究计划的核心研究内容之一。

    Nucleosome dynamics , one of the core areas of histone protein research projects , is largely concerned with the interaction between DNA and histone octamer and properties of the formation of nucleosome complex .

  3. 国际人类蛋白质组组织于2001年成立,提出人类蛋白质组计划,2002年,该组织正式宣布启动由中国领导的国际人类肝脏蛋白质组计划。

    International human proteomics organization was founded in 2001 , which purposes to develop the leading functions of China in this field . In 2002 , the organization announced that international human liver proteomics project ( HLPP ) leaded by China , Canada and France was initiated .

  4. 随着蛋白质组学技术手段的不断丰富和发展,血浆蛋白质组计划的启动,为全面而系统地认识健康和疾病状态下血液循环中血浆蛋白的性质提供了有利的平台。

    The development of proteomic technologies and the beginning of Human Plasma Proteome Project ( HPPP ) provide favorable platforms to understand plasma proteins in healthy and sick states .