
  • 网络drug elimination
  1. 计算公式如下:式中K为药物消除速率常数。

    The formula for calculation is as follows : ( 1 ) where K is the drug elimination rate constant .

  2. AfteranIVbolus,平均驻留时间(MRT)是表示药物消除的又一个测量值,是指某种药物快速静注后,其药物分子滞留在体内的平均时间。

    Mean residence time ( MRT ), another measure of drug elimination , is the average time a drug molecule remains in the body after rapid IV injection .

  3. 微球药物消除半衰期为MTX溶液的2.14倍,在16h的体内检测中,肝静脉局部的MTX-ms血药浓度始终高于MTX溶液组。

    The half-life of MTX-ms in vivo was 2.14 times as much as that of MTX solution . During the assay period of sixteen hours the drug concentration of MTX-ms in hepatic vein blood was constantly higher than that of MTX solution .

  4. 她说,避孕药物消除了正常的气味信号所传递的资讯。

    The contraceptive erased all the normal information the odor signals conveyed , she says .

  5. 原型排泄分数有助于评估肾病或肝病对药物消除的潜在影响。

    The fraction excreted unchanged helps assess the potential effect of renal and hepatic diseases on drug elimination .

  6. 身为心理学家的辛克莱博士同意这点,他担心人们正试图利用药物消除自身最糟糕的部分。

    This resonates with Dr Sinclair who fears that people are trying to use drugs to eliminate the worst aspects of themselves .

  7. 根据细胞消除前后6-香豆素的胞内分布差异,我们构建了描述细胞内药物消除过程的动力学模型,药物消除分为快速消除和慢速消除两相。

    We established a kinetic model which divided into fast and slow elimination phases to mathematically describe the cellular elimination process for the first .

  8. 本片制作人还采访了临床心理学家梅雷尔·金迪特。金迪特发现,可以通过药物消除不好的记忆,她就曾在蜘蛛恐惧症患者身上成功运用了这个方法。

    The film 's makers also speak to clinical psychologist Merel Kindt , who has discovered that medication can be used to remove the negative associations of some memories - through which she has managed to ' cure ' patients of arachnophobia .

  9. 本杰明·富兰克林我知道没有药物能够消除你们所提到的那种疯狂的自然倾向;

    I know of no Medicine fit to diminish the violent natural inclination you mention ;

  10. 低分数表明肝脏代谢很可能是药物的消除机制,因而,肝脏疾病可以影响药物的消除。

    A low fraction indicates that hepatic metabolism is the likely mechanism of elimination and that hepatic disease may therefore affect drug elimination .

  11. 身为心理学家的辛克莱博士同意这点,他担心人们正试图利用药物“消除自身最糟糕的部分”。

    This resonates with Dr Sinclair who fears that people are trying to use drugs to " eliminate the worst aspects of themselves . "

  12. 给年轻朋友的一封信本杰明富兰克林我知道没有药物能够消除你们所提到的那种疯狂的自然倾向;

    Letter to a Young Friend Benjamin Franklin My dear friend I know of no Medicine fit to diminish the violent natural inclination you mention ;

  13. 消除速率常数是表示药物被消除器官从血液中清除及该药物在体内分布情况的一个函数。

    The elimination rate constant is a function of how a drug is cleared from the blood by the eliminating organs and how the drug distributes throughout the body .

  14. 我知道没有药物能够消除你们所提到的那种疯狂的自然倾向;即使我知道,我想我也不该告诉你.婚姻是适当的药物。

    I know of no medicine fit to diminish the violent natural inclination you mention ; and if I did , I think I should not communicate it to you . Marriage is the proper remedy .

  15. 伤寒杆菌质粒pR(st98)的DNA限制性内切酶分析和药物的体外消除研究

    The Restriction Endonuclease Analysis and Elimination of pR_ ( st98 ) in Salmonella typhi

  16. 药物在体外消除肠道杆菌携带的耐药质粒pR(ST98)的研究

    Study on the Elimination Antibiotic Resistant Plasmid pR _ ( ST98 ) in Different Enteric Bacilli in Vitro

  17. 药物从体内消除的速率随血浆浓度而改变。

    The rate of elimination of a drug from the body varies with the plasma concentration .

  18. 树枝状大分子本身也被用作研究药物,用于消除感染,抑制细胞、病毒、细菌、蛋白间的多价结合等。

    Dendrimer itself is also used as a drug for eliminating infection , inhibiting multivalent binding among cell , virus , bacteria and proteins .

  19. 结合新医改,落实国家基本药物制度,消除以药养医现象。

    Secondly , in light of the new health reform , national essential drug systems should be implemented for eliminating the phenomenon of sustaining medicine with drug .

  20. 土霉素在锯缘青蟹体内的药物代谢和消除规律中药复方连黄消除沙门氏菌耐药性及对其生物学特性的影响

    On the metabolism and elimination of oxytetracycline in mud crab ( Scylla serrata ) following oral administration The influence of bionomics after the drug resistance of salmonellosis was eliminated by the chinese traditional compound medicine " LN "

  21. 结果老年人伴有肾功能不全或心衰者,最高血药浓度明显增高(12.41±1.1μg/ml),药物在体内消除缓慢,T(1/2)明显延长,易发生毒性反应。

    The serum concentration obviously increased ( 12.4 + 1.1ug / ml ) in the aged and patients with cardiac insufficiency or renal insufficiency . The clearance rate of gentamicins decreased and the T1 / 2 was prolonged .

  22. DBU在喹诺酮类药物合成中催化消除反应研究

    Study on catalytic deacidification of DBU in Quinolones synthesis

  23. 奥比沙星在兔体内的药物动力学与残留消除规律研究

    Studies on Pharmacokinetic and Tissue Residues of Orbifloxacin in Rabbits

  24. 使用适宜的抗菌药物,以利于消除感染症状。

    Administration of the appropriate antimicrobial drug may be successful in removing evidence of infection .

  25. 最新的两项实验发现利用一种药物组合没能消除耐药性。

    The two most recent tests that found resistance were not carried out using a combination drug .

  26. 有,我们有几种非处方药物,可以帮助消除感冒症状。

    Oh , we have several non-prescription medications that can help with the symptoms of a cold .

  27. 他们说,加入一剂降低胆固醇的他汀类药物,就可以消除高脂肪膳食对健康造成的危害。

    They say that including a dose of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs could offset the health risks of a high-fat meal .

  28. 中药浴足和按摩足底时,产生高红外线辐射、电和磁、内源性药物因子,迅速消除疲劳。

    The chinese medicine cures fully , a high-infrared radiation , electric and magnetic , endogenous drug factor , the rapid elimination of fatigue .

  29. 单靠峰时血浆浓度来确定生物利用度会导致误解,因为药物一进入血流就会开始药物消除。

    Bioavailability determinations based on the peak plasma concentration can be misleading , because drug elimination begins as soon as the drug enters the bloodstream .

  30. 结果说明,动物种属是决定药物体内过程的首要因素,药物的结构及消除方式是其次。

    The results suggest that animal species is the first , and the chemical structure of drugs is the second factor among those which effect disposition of drugs .