
  • 网络access to medicine;Drug Access;drug accessibility
  1. 从供方角度探讨我国药品可及性问题

    Discussion on Issues of Drug Accessibility in China from Supply-side Perspective

  2. 笔者认为,必须有步骤地完善药品专利制度中与药品可及性相关的制度,才能解决或缓解我国目前面临的绝大多数药品获得的困难。

    It is suggested that if the systems of drug patent and drug accessibility be consummated , the current shortage of drugs in China may be overcome .

  3. 实施TRIPS协定对我国药品可及性影响及相关政策研究

    Study on What the Effect on the Access to Drug and the Relative Policy after the Entry of TRIPS

  4. 药品可及性与公共健康权息息相关,是一个全世界共同关注的话题。

    The Access to Medicines is a worldwide topic , which is closely related to public health .

  5. 罕见病药品可及性的概念与评价指标我们创新性地将药品可及性的含义界定为系统促进药品从物质状态转化为健康价值的过程。

    Definition of accessibility of drugs for rare diseases we define the accessibility as the process of systemically transfer the drug from substance form to health value .

  6. 目前全球面临的公共健康危机亟待得到解决。对于解决公共健康危机,药品可及性的作用显得尤为重要,而药品专利制度对药品可及性产生了重大的影响。

    The global public health crisis needs to be buffered , and the access to medicines is very important to solve the problem . But the pharmaceutical patent system exercises influence over the access to medicines .

  7. 利用需求弹性理论、公共经济学原理及健康权与专利权属性比较等方法,结合TRIPS协议和国外的相关实践,研究药品的可及性问题。

    This article aims at studying the drug accessibility and drug patent protection on the bases of demand elasticity theory , public economics principles , the comparison between right of health and patent right , TRIPS Agreement and correlated practices at home and abroad .

  8. 基本药物制度的根本目的是保证民众对安全有效药品的可及性。

    The aim of the national essential medicines system is to ensure the people 's accessibility to quality drugs .

  9. 近年来,针对公共健康危机在全球范围内的频频爆发,如何提高药品的可及性是解决问题的关键。

    In recent years , with the continuously appearing of the global public health crisis , how to enhance the accessibility of drugs is a key to solving .

  10. 从总体战略上来说,作为发展中国家,我国应制定宽松灵活的强制许可制度,以提高药品的可及性和我国公共健康的保护水平。

    Speaking from the overall strategy , China , as a developing country , should establish a more flexible compulsory license system to promote the Access to Medicines , and to raise the level of public health protection .

  11. 本文的第一部分以国际社会的热点案例作为引子,揭示了药品专利保护与药品可及性之间的矛盾。

    Chapter 1 starts out with the case in WTO members , which disclosed the controversy between patent protection and access to medicines .