
  • 网络drug retailer;Medicines retail enterprises
  1. 药品零售企业GSP认证法律规制调整的建议

    Suggestions about Regulating the System of GSP Certification on Drug retailers

  2. 天津市药品零售企业实施GSP认证后的调查研究及发展趋势

    Study on Drug Retail Companies with GSP Certification in Tianjin

  3. 药品零售企业实施GSP存在的突出问题及对策

    The Prominent Problems and Countermeasures in Drug Retail Enterprises Which Run GSP

  4. 这些股票包括:药品零售企业CVSCaremark;

    Examples include drug retailer CVS Caremark ;

  5. 有些人担心此桩交易可能不会赢得反垄断批准,历来药品零售企业与药品津贴管理企业都处于敌对状态,而且此交易可能对CVS过于有利。

    Some worry that the deal may not win anti-trust approval : PBMs and drug retailers have historically been quite antagonistic , and this cosy takeover might steer too much business to CVS .

  6. 药品零售企业远程监管系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Remote Monitoring System for Drugs Retail Enterprise

  7. 试论我国药品零售企业开展药学服务的必要性

    The Necessity of Developing Pharmaceutical Services on the Retailed Pharmacy in China

  8. 同时,药品零售企业对所销售药品的上述信息也要留存备份。

    Also , the retailers must backup aforementioned information of the sold drugs .

  9. 关于严禁在药品零售企业中非法开展医疗活动的通知

    The Notice That Illegal Medical Practice Is Strictly Prohibited in Drug Retail Enterprises

  10. 浅谈新医改对药品零售企业发展的影响

    Superficially Research about the Influence of New Medical Reform to the Medicine Retail Market

  11. 本文收集并比较了全国各省有关药品零售企业的开办规定。

    The regulations on drug retailing license issued by each province were collected and compared .

  12. 目的:探讨我国药品零售企业的发展趋势。

    OBJECTIVE : To study of the development trend of drug retail enterprises in China .

  13. 非盈利性医疗机构门诊药房改为药品零售企业问题。

    The drug store of the non-profit medical system should be changed into medical sale enterprises .

  14. 各地要选择若干家医院积极进行门诊药房改为药品零售企业的试点。

    In every area several hospitals will be selected for experiments in substituting pharmacies in outpatient departments for drug stores .

  15. 新医改对药品零售企业的影响及企业的策略选择

    The new reform of medical and health system on the impact of China 's pharmaceutical retail enterprises and Enterprises 's Strategies

  16. 目的:探讨药品零售企业开发自有品牌产品的必要性、可行性和实施方式。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the necessity , feasibility and methods for exploitation of private brand products in pharmaceutical retail enterprises .

  17. 合理布局药店,为居民建立个人的购药记录,随机核对药品零售企业处方药购销记录。

    Keep record of drugs purchased by every resident and randomly check purchase and sale records of prescription drugs in retail pharmacy .

  18. 把医院的门诊药房改为药品零售企业,切不断医和药之间直接的经济联系;

    Even if drugstore in policlinic became drug retail trade , the direct economic relationship between medical and medicine can not be cut .

  19. 作为药品零售企业的同泰医药超市也不例外地受到医药市场变化大局的影响。

    Tong-tai Pharmaceutical supermarket as a drug retail enterprise is affected by the impact of the change in the overall situation of the pharmaceutical market without exception .

  20. 对药品零售企业的监管是药品监管的重要组成部分,是整个药品监管的最前沿,实现有效监管对用药安全有效有着十分重要的意义。

    As the frontier of the integral drug regulation , regulation on Drug retail enterprises is an important part in drug regulation . Effective regulation plays a significant role in using drugs safely .

  21. 基层药品零售企业作为药品不良反应的上报主体之一,在我国的药品不良反应监测和报告工作中发挥着重要的作用,但也存在着一些问题。

    Junior retail pharmacy as one of the main reporting subjects of adverse drug reaction ( ADR ), plays an important role in ADR monitoring and reporting work that there are also some problems in china .

  22. 目的:为药品零售企业应对《互联网药品交易服务审批暂行规定》可能产生的影响提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : Discusses the possible influence of Provisional Regulation on the Approval of Internet Drug Business on retail pharmaceutical enterprises as well as how to deal with the influence , and to give reference for retail phar-macies .

  23. 加入WTO后我国药品零售连锁企业的发展探索

    Discussion on the Development of Pharmaceutical Retail Chain Enterprises in China After Access to WTO

  24. 试论ERP仓储管理子系统在药品零售连锁企业的应用

    Research On The ERP Warehouse Management System In The Pharmaceutical Retail Chain Enterprises

  25. 特别是ERP系统对企业经营管理提供强大的支持这一观点在业内已经达成广泛共识,超过半数的药品零售连锁企业在信息管理系统的选择上更倾向于ERP系统。

    Especially this view about ERP system provide strong support for business management has been reached broad consensus in the industry .

  26. 其中文献研究主要包括,针对1995年至2010年间国内药品零售连锁企业ERP系统相关文献的内容分析。

    Literature research including , the analysis of the literature content about the domestic pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises ERP system from 1995 to 2010 .

  27. 对于药品零售连锁企业来说,GSP认证是一把双刃剑:一方面,它促进企业改善经营管理、提高信息化水平;

    GSP is a two edged weapon to the chain of retail pharmacies . On one hand , it can promote the pharmacies to improve management and enhance the level of informationization ;

  28. 目前药品零售连锁企业已经认识到信息化建设对企业日常管理和发展的积极作用,对诸如ERP系统、CRM系统、OA系统等信息管理系统的关注程度日益提高。

    At Present pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises have realized that information technology has an active role on the daily management and development company , and to the information management system such as ERP system , CRM system , OA system , increasing the degree of concern .

  29. 药品零售连锁企业门店选址研究

    Study on Selecting the Drugstore Site for Pharmaceutical Retail Chain Enterprises

  30. 论药品零售连锁企业人力资源管理

    Discussion on Human Resource Management of Chinese Pharmaceutical Retail Chain Enterprises