
  • 网络fluorescence phenomenon
  1. 本文还对3-羟基黄酮分子体系(3HF)的激发态分子内质子转移(ESIPT)及双荧光现象进行了理论计算和研究。

    Excited state intramolecular proton transfer ( ESIPT ) and dual fluorescence properties of3-hydroxyflavone ( 3HF ) have been investigated using time-dependent density functional theory .

  2. 一种有机化合物双光子荧光现象的实验研究

    Two photon Absorption Induced Fluorescence in an Organic Compound

  3. HoP5O(14)非晶的上转换荧光现象

    The up-conversion luminescence phenomenon in hop_5o_ ( 14 ) noncrystalline

  4. ErP5O(14)非晶中Er~(3+)离子的三光子荧光现象

    The multi-photon fluorescent phenomenon of er ~ ( 3 + ) ions in erp_5o_ ( 14 ) noncrystalline

  5. Ag-BaO纳米薄膜红、蓝紫光波段光致荧光现象研究(Ⅰ)

    Study of red blue violet photoluminescence from Ag Bao nanometer thin film (ⅰ)

  6. 自从1990年Canham首次发现电化学阳极氧化多孔硅的强室温光致荧光现象以来,各类硅基材料的制备与发光特性研究始终为广大材料物理学家所关注。

    Since the year of 1990 when Canham firstly found strong luminescence at room temperature from porous silicon fabricated by anodization , so many kinds of Si-based materials have been studied and their luminescence properties have been investigated thereafter .

  7. 真菌的自发荧光现象研究

    Study on the Autofluorescence in Fungi with Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope

  8. 本文研究了一二能级原子系的双光子共振荧光现象。

    The two-photon resonance fluoresence distribution of a two-level atom is investigated .

  9. 本文比较系统地介绍了金属表面增强荧光现象、产生机理及其应用。

    The phenomenon , mechanisms and applications of metallic surfaces-enhanced fluorescence are reviewed .

  10. 萤火虫萤光素酶-萤光素分子体系的生物荧光现象研究生物发光是自然界常见的现象,其中以萤火虫发光效率最高。

    Study of firefly luciferase-luciferin bioluminescence system Bioluminescence is a quite common natural phenomenon .

  11. 同时也对实验中观测到的上转换绿荧光现象进行了定性的分析。

    The observed green fluorescence duo to result of up-conversion effect is also analyzed .

  12. 我们在人体指纹谱研究中发现一种容易被忽略的特异现象,即消荧光现象。

    The fluorescence-disappear effect which is an unordinary phenomenon neglected was observed in study on somatic fingerprint spectrum .

  13. 用平板划线法共分离到39个菌株,其中18个菌株有荧光现象。

    39 strains were screened out through plat streaking method , of which 18 strains have fluorescent phenomena .

  14. 消荧光现象是激光与物质表面非线性相互作用的结果,这是一种普遍现象。

    The fluorescence disappearing phenomenon ( FDP ) was used due to the nonlinear interaction between the laser and the matter , a universal phenomenon .

  15. 当叶绿素溶液置于白光光柱中,溶液发出暗红色的光,这一现象称为荧光现象。

    When a solution of chlorophyll is placed in a beam of white light , it gives off light of a deep red hue . This phenomenon is called fluorescence .

  16. 系统以荧光现象的选择性和鉴别性为理论基础、将光纤传感和计算机数据处理技术相结合,具有结构简单、探头无源的特点。

    It based on the selectivity and appraisal of fluorescence phenomenon and combines the technology of optical fiber sensor and computer data processing . It has advantages of simple structure and passive sensor head .

  17. 埋藏于BaO介质中的Ag纳米粒子可见光波段的光致荧光增强现象研究

    Study of Photoluminescence Enhancement of Silver Nanoparticles Embedded in BaO Thin Film

  18. 结论Cd2+对Fura-2及Fura-2/AM都存在荧光干扰现象,使荧光比值增加。

    Conclusion Cadmium can interfere with the Fura-2 fluorescence .

  19. 使用MUG培养基定量检测植物药中大肠杆菌时荧光猝灭现象的发生与克服方法

    Fluorescence quench effects and the overcoming method by USS of Mug ( fiuorocult  ̄ r ) - lauryl sulfate broth for the determination of E. coli in medicinal plant materials

  20. 若细胞DNA受损时,其断片会进入凝胶中,电泳时受损片段向阳极迁移,形成荧光拖尾现象,形似彗星,因此又称彗星实验(cometassay)。

    If the cell DNA damaged , the fragment could get into the agarose gel . The damaged fragment migrated towards the anode after gel electrophoresis , and formed fluorescence tailing phenomenon which was like a comet . So it was also called comet assay .

  21. 高密度冷原子云辐射陷获效应造成的荧光减弱现象

    Fluorescence weakening due to radiation trapping in a high density cold-atom cloud

  22. 悬浮颗粒散射引起的荧光增强现象

    Enhancement of fluorescence induced by scattering from suspended particles

  23. 研究了镁离子对阿魏酸的荧光增敏现象。

    The sensitized fluorescence FA by addition of Mg2 + was studied .

  24. 胶束溶液中的荧光和磷光现象&有前途的痕量分析新领域

    Fluorescence and phosphorescence phenomena in micellar solution & a new promising scope of trace analysis

  25. 观察了喹诺酮药物萘啶酸及氟哌酸对人血清白蛋白荧光的猝灭现象。

    The fluorescence quenching behavior of human serum albumin by the quinolone antibacterials , nalidixic acid and norfloxacin , has been studied in detail .

  26. 而阳离子效应的测试显示:Cu2+对化合物有明显的荧光淬灭现象,Fe3+对化合物的作用不明显。

    The result of cation effects test showed that these compounds had obvious fluorescence quenching phenomenon with Cu2 + , but Fe3 + exhibited less obvious effect to these compounds .

  27. Cd(0.96)Zn(0.04)Te低温Raman光谱中荧光背景的猝灭现象

    Quenching of the fluorescence background in cd_ ( 0.96 ) zn_ ( 0.04 ) te Raman spectrum at low temperatures

  28. 结果2周后FFA显示大鼠视网膜均未出现荧光渗漏、积聚现象,未发现有毛细血管无灌注区。

    Results Retinal vessels showed absence of dye leakage or accumulation .

  29. 实验中发现了荧光信号的退化现象。

    Phenomenon Deterioration of the signal was found during these experiments .

  30. 扁平显像管中荧光面杂乱发光现象探讨扁平显示屏幕

    A Study of Disorder Luminescence on Fluorescent Screen of FCRT Flat-pannel display