
fāng xiāng
  • aromatic;fragrant;fragrance;perfume;sweet-smelling;sweet fragrance
芳香 [fāng xiāng]
  • [fragrance;aromatic;sweet-smelling] 花草等的香气

  • 从牛轭湖吹来的和风带来了花园的芳香

芳香[fāng xiāng]
  1. 她沐浴时在浴缸内洒了些芳香油。

    She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils .

  2. B区芳香植物组合在促进睡眠方面达到了较好的的效果。

    B area fragrant plant made up and got the result of the better one in promoting the sleep .

  3. 花园里弥漫着玫瑰的芳香。

    The garden was perfumed with the smell of roses .

  4. 花儿散发出芳香。

    The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume .

  5. 我对替代疗法非常感兴趣,想做个芳香疗法治疗师。

    I was interested in alternative medicine and becoming an aromatherapist

  6. 这种水果独特的芳香来自于3种主要化学物质的混合。

    The fruit owes its extraordinary aroma to a mixture of three main chemicals

  7. 芳香胶囊对缓解鼻塞有奇效。

    Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose .

  8. 藤本月季的芳香飘进了窗户。

    The scent of climbing roses wafts through the window

  9. 温迪·里格比最近应邀给一帮医生讲芳香疗法的疗效。

    Wendy Rigby was recently invited to lecture a group of doctors on the benefits of aromatherapy .

  10. 桂花发出浓郁的芳香。

    Osmanthus blossoms give off [ exhale ] a rich perfume .

  11. 这种肥皂有一股花一般的芳香。

    This soap has a delicate , flower like fragrance .

  12. 野草散发出芳香。

    A sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses .

  13. 雨水净化了空气,青草闻起来清新芳香。

    The rain had cleared the air , and the grass smelt fresh and sweet .

  14. 春天的原野散发着泥土的芳香。

    In spring the fields give off an earthy aroma .

  15. 夏日的傍晚,鲜花散发出醉人的芳香。

    On summer evenings the flowers gave forth an almost intoxicating scent .

  16. 苯环型烃都是非经典烃,因此,可能是芳香烃。

    The benzenoid hydrocarbon are all nonclassical and , thus potentially aromatic .

  17. 事实上还不知道芳香族化合物的直接烷氧基化的方法。

    Direct alkoxylation of aromatic compounds is virtually unknown .

  18. 那些花的芳香使我想起在农村生活的年代。

    The smell of these flowers called up my years in the countryside .

  19. 泥土的醉人的芳香叫人懒洋洋的,感到一种远离尘世的宁静。

    Intoxicating earth aromas induced lassitude and ethereal calm .

  20. 牛群一闻到青草的芳香,就开始慢跑起来。

    As soon as they smelled grass , the cows broke into a trot .

  21. 在空气中有一股芳香。

    A sweet odour hung in the air .

  22. 花吐芳香。

    The flower breathes fragrance .

  23. 它带给我们芳香的花朵、新鲜的水果和蔬菜。

    It   brings   us   sweet   smelling   flowers ,   fresh   fruit and   vegetables .

  24. 最后一个摇摇头说:“美丽花朵的芳香四处飘散。”

    " The sweet smell of the beautiful flowers spread here and there . " The last one shook his head .

  25. 这些花晚上散发出醉人的芳香。

    The flowers give off a heady scent at night .

  26. 美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰,

    Sweet spring , full of sweet days and roses ,

  27. 萦绕着青苹果,柠檬和矿物质的芳香

    Tinges of green apple , citric fruits and a slight mineral touch .

  28. 芳香:优雅、馥郁、迷人的柑橘属水果的果香及花的清香

    Nose and elegant nose with attractive fruity , floral and citrus fruit aromas .

  29. 分子轨道理论和周环反应:关于化学键和芳香性的现代概念

    Molecular Orbital Theory and Pericyclic Reactions : Modern concepts of bonding and aromaticity .

  30. 它是口感轻淡,圆润,芳香的,用于结束一顿饭完美的选择。

    It is light , fruity aromatic and a perfect choice for ending a meal .