
fānɡ zhānɡ chún
  • linalool
  1. 氧化芳樟醇的合成及其组成的GC-MS分析

    The synthesis of linalool oxide and its analysis by means of GC MS method

  2. 产品经减压精馏,w(芳樟醇)>98%,收率为80%~90%。

    The product was distilled under reduced pressure and consisted of over 98 % linalool with a yield of 80 % - 90 % .

  3. 用常用的Pd/C或RaneyNi催化剂对芳樟醇实现了选择加氢,以98%以上的收率得到二氢芳樟醇。

    Dihydrolinalool is synthesized from linalool by selective hydrogenation using 5 % Pd / C or Raney Ni . The yield is 98 % .

  4. 研究了在相转移催化剂三甲基十六烷基溴化铵存在下,用环境友好氧化剂H2O2氧化芳樟醇合成氧化芳樟醇的工艺条件。

    Research has been done on the synthesis of linalool oxide that linalool reacts with H_2O_2 in the exsitence of phase transfer catalyst cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide .

  5. 反应最佳工艺条件为:醇酐质量比为1∶12,催化剂用量为芳樟醇投料量的4%,反应时间为24h,反应温度为116±2℃。

    The optimum condition was follow : weight ratio of linalool to acetic anhydride is 1:1:2 , catalyst amount 4 % of linalool , reaction time 24 h and temperature 116 ± 2 ℃ .

  6. 采用GC-MS对提取的杏香气成分进行分析,结果表明2-己烯醇、芳樟醇和月桂烯醇三种成分在两种方法提取的香气成分中检出率较高,是构成杏特征香气的主要成分。

    The GC-MS was used for the analysis of aroma components extracted , the results indicated that 2-hexenol , linalool and myrcenol as the basis of aroma components of apricot in two extraction methods had a higher detection rate .

  7. 本试验中,通过新茶和处理茶香气物质的比较可知:芳樟醇是新茶及处理茶中含量最高的香气物质,在贮藏过程中40d后芳樟醇含量有不同程度的下降。

    It is the highest concentrations of tea aroma substances in new tea and treatment tea . In this experiment content of Linalool declined in varying degrees by 40 days after .

  8. 本研究开发了芳樟醇合酶基因在害虫诱导产生转基因拟南芥植物中的可用性,并且创造了由来自马铃薯蛋白酶抑制剂2启动子PI2控制的LIS基因的转基因拟南芥。

    I exploited the availability of a linalool synthase ( LIS ) gene to develop transgenic herbivore-inducible linalool-producing Arabidopsis plants and developed Arabidopsis plants with this linalool synthase gene under the protease inhibitor 2 ( PI2 ) promoter from potato .

  9. 研究了芳樟醇与乙酸酐酯化反应动力学。

    The kinetics of esterification of linalool with acetic anhydride was studied .

  10. 研究了β-环糊精(β-CD)对左旋芳樟醇的包合作用。

    The inclusion action of β - cyclodextrin to levo-linalool was studied .

  11. 芳樟醇与乙酸酐酯化反应动力学研究

    The Study on the Kineties of Esterification of Linalool with Acetic Anhydride

  12. 由芳樟醇合成乙酸芳樟酯的研究进展

    Research Progress in Synthesis of Linalyl Acetate from Linalool

  13. 从香紫苏油中分离提纯芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯工艺的研究

    Study on the Purification of Linalool and Linalyl Acetate from Clary Sage Oil

  14. 结论柳茶的主成分为E-罗勒烯酮和芳樟醇。

    CONCLUSION The main constituents are E-ocimenone and Linalool .

  15. 其中芳樟醇含量最高,约占精油总量的20%。

    The Linalool was found to be 20 % in the total essential oil .

  16. 芳樟醇选择加氢制备二氢芳樟醇

    Synthesis of Dihydrolinalool by Selective Hydrogenation of Linalool

  17. 天然樟脑和芳樟醇的新资源植物

    New resource plants of natural camphor and linalool

  18. 毛细管柱气相色谱法分析芳油中芳樟醇及其杂质

    A Study on the Linalool and Impurity of Ho Oil by Capillary Gas Chromatography Method

  19. 此外当植物受到伤害时,芳樟醇的释放也会影响寄生蜂的行为。

    Moreover , the linalool emission also affected parasitoid behaviour when the plants were damaged .

  20. 再由柠檬醛,经次氯酸钠选择性环氧化,而后开环转化为芳樟醇。

    Citral underwent selective epoxidation of sodium hyp rite and Wharton transposition to afford Linalool .

  21. 结论野黄桂叶油是一种资源植物且挥发性成分中芳樟醇和桉叶素含量较高,具有较高的开发价值。

    Mazz is a useful resource plant of high value for containing abundant Linalool and1,8-cineole .

  22. β,γ-不饱和仲烃基乙酰乙酸乙酯的皂化及芳樟醇衍生物的合成

    Saponification of β, γ - unsaturated sec-alkyl acetoacetic acid esters and the synthesis of linalool derivatives

  23. 合成芳樟醇的研究进展

    Progress in the synthesis of linalool

  24. α-蒎烯合成芳樟醇精馏残液的利用研究

    Study on the application of residual liquids of rectification in linalool synthesis from α - pinene

  25. 其叶子精油主分为芳樟醇,占总量的81.0%;

    The major component of the essential oil of leaves was the Linalool ( 81 . % ) .

  26. 芳樟醇、2-(1,1-二甲基)-环己醇和联苯为沙枣蜜的特征性挥发组分;

    Linalool , 2 - ( 1,1-dimethylethyl ) - cyclohexanol and diphene were the characteristic compounds in oleaster honey ;

  27. 最适工艺条件下,芳樟醇的转化率为76.71%、乙酸芳樟酯的产率为61.48%。

    The conversion of linalool was 76.71 % and the yield of linalyl acetate was 61.48 % under optimum conditions .

  28. 阐述了乙酸酐和乙烯酮作为酰化剂对芳樟醇合成乙酸芳樟酯反应的影响;

    The effects of acylating agents , acetic anhydride and ketene on synthesis of linalyl acetate from linalool were studied .

  29. 共鉴定出α-蒎烯、芳樟醇、乙酸松油醇酯、β-丁香烯和丁香烯氧化物等40个化合物。

    Forty compounds including α - pinene , linalool , terpinyl acetate , β - caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide , etc.

  30. 结果不同产地的芫荽子挥发油含量以及挥发油中芳樟醇含量均有一定差异。

    Result Content of volatile oil and the content of linalool in it vary with sites that the herbs were collected .