
  • 网络aromatherapy;Aromatherapie;aroma therapy
  1. 温迪·里格比最近应邀给一帮医生讲芳香疗法的疗效。

    Wendy Rigby was recently invited to lecture a group of doctors on the benefits of aromatherapy .

  2. 我、我的学校或任何被许可的芳香疗法教师,都不会发表、张贴或广告任何与芳香疗法「执照」或NAHA「证书」有关的不实保证或声明。

    Neither I nor my school nor any approved aromatherapy instructors will create , post or advertise any false promises or statements in regards to an aromatherapy'license'or NAHA'license ' .

  3. 我对替代疗法非常感兴趣,想做个芳香疗法治疗师。

    I was interested in alternative medicine and becoming an aromatherapist

  4. 并不是所有精油都适合芳香疗法。

    Not all essential oils are suitable for use in aromatherapy .

  5. 芳香疗法可以让身体得到放松并有镇静作用。

    Aromatherapy Aromatherapy sooths the body and have a calming effect .

  6. 芳香疗法配合灸法治疗抑郁症临床研究

    Clinical Study on Depressive Disorder Treated by Combination of Aromatherapy and Moxibustion

  7. 在加州,用时间货币可以获得理发服务、税务援助以及芳香疗法。

    In California , they buy haircuts , tax help and aromatherapy .

  8. 芳香疗法是一个伟大的好处,有很多不同的人。

    Aromatherapy is a great benefit to a lot of different people .

  9. 那是有镇静作用的芳香疗法蜡烛。

    And it was an aromatherapy candle , for serenity and calm .

  10. 芳香疗法&精油的保健和治疗作用

    Aromatherapy & healthful and curative effects of essential oils

  11. 将芳香疗法当成一种生活方式不应导致妄想症或产生不必要的过虑。

    Implementing aromatherapy into your lifestyle shouldn 't cause paranoia or undue worry .

  12. 保健和美容芳香疗法产品配方

    Products Recipes for Health and Beauty Using Essential Oils

  13. 香精油用于芳香疗法中,用于改善身体和精神健康。

    Sential oils are used in aromatherapy to improve physical and mental well-being .

  14. 芳香疗法有许多种,例如薄荷油,薰衣草,桉树油。

    Many popular aromatherapy treatments come from peppermint , lavender , and Eucalyptus .

  15. 我会在我们未来的家里使用芳香疗法。

    I 'll use Aroma in our future home .

  16. 添加入按摩油和芳香疗法中时,能起到镇静的作用。

    It has a calming effect when used in massage oil and aromatherapy .

  17. 芳香疗法的作用机理

    Study on Mechanism of Action of Aromatic Therapy

  18. 芳香疗法在园林中的应用研究

    Research on Aromatherapy 's applying in Landscape

  19. 草药被用在润肤乳、芳香疗法和我们使用的香水中。

    Herbs are components of skin creams , aromatherapy , and in the perfume we use .

  20. 芳香疗法与现代妇女保健

    Aromatherapy and modern women 's health

  21. 说完一个芳香疗法按摩。

    Finish with an aromatherapy massage .

  22. 芳香疗法源流与发展

    Origin and Development of Aromatherapy

  23. 芳香疗法研究中使用的各种方法

    Method in Aromatherapy Research

  24. 同时,从药物生理和芳香疗法的角度,初步分析了挥发物对人体生理、心理健康的影响。

    Meantime , effect of volatiles on physiology and psychology were analyzed from angle of drug physiology and aromatherapy .

  25. 缓解头痛有许多方法,从芳香疗法到药物治疗,这段视频为你介绍所有选择。

    Full of ways to alleviate your headache , from aromatherapy to medication , this video gives you all the options .

  26. 介绍了芳香疗法的定义、发展过程以及国内外研究应用现状。

    The definition , developmental process and research situation of the therapy by means of aromatics at home and abroad are introduced .

  27. 同样,芳香疗法和针灸也是帮助很多人抛弃烟草的不太传统的方法。

    In the same vein , aromatherapy and acupuncture are also less conventional methods that have helped lots of people ditch tobacco .

  28. 森林浴就是到森林里放松地走一走,其效果被认为与自然芳香疗法类似。

    A forest bathing trip is a short , leisurely visit to a forest and is regarded as being similar to natural aromatherapy .

  29. 文章阐述了各国对芳香疗法的研究成果,并介绍了利用微胶囊技术开发芳香型保健织物的现状。

    The article introduces the fragrance therapies available both at home and abroad and the development of fragrant health-care textiles by using micro-capsulate technology .

  30. 放松身体和警醒意识与振兴的芳香疗法治疗师的专家或在温泉您隐私空间。

    Relax the body and awaken the senses with rejuvenating aromatherapy treatments by our expert therapists in the spa or the privacy of your room .