
lóng hāo
  • tarragon
龙蒿[lóng hāo]
  1. 而Na2CO3和H2O2则对龙蒿种子的发芽没有明显的促进作用。

    But Na_2CO_3 and H_2O_2 have no obvious effect on the germination of tarragon seeds .

  2. 外源物质对龙蒿种子发芽影响的研究

    Influence of exogenous substance on germination of tarragon seeds

  3. 龙蒿生殖生物学及繁殖方法的研究

    Study on the Reproductive Biology and the Propagating Methods of Artemisia Dracunculus

  4. 龙蒿挥发油成分研究

    Studies on the chemical constituents of the essential oil of Artemisia dracunculus

  5. 龙蒿或莳萝、切碎的豆瓣菜、菠菜或黄瓜做成的蛋黄酱。

    Mayonnaise with tarragon or dill and chopped watercress and spinach or cucumber .

  6. 加一茶匙龙蒿叶末子来调味。

    Season it with a teaspoon of chopped tarragon .

  7. 像荷兰酸辣酱一样的沙司,用白葡萄酒、龙蒿和青葱代替柠檬汁做成。

    Hollandaise-like sauce made with white wine and tarragon and shallots instead of lemon juice .

  8. 龙蒿草烟熏三文鱼薄片,威廉生梨酱,有机西芹苗。

    Tarragon cured salmon carpaccio , lightly smoked , Williams pear puree , organic celery shoots .

  9. 龙蒿花粉在黑暗条件下萌发较好;

    The pollen germination viability of tarragon in dark was better than that of tarragon in light ;

  10. 为试验材料,探讨了龙蒿精油的提取工艺条件,并对龙蒿的有性繁殖和无性繁殖方法进行了研究。

    As material , discussed the extraction conditions of essential oil , and studied the generative propagation and clone .

  11. 把土豆一个挨一个地放在烤箱盘上,把黄油,盐和龙蒿放在土豆上。

    Put the potatoes close to each other in an oven proof dish and put butter , salt and tarragon over the potatoes .

  12. 一个芳香灌木或草本属,通常产于北温带地区和南非及南美西部;苦艾;山艾树;艾属植物;龙蒿。

    Usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America : wormwood ; sagebrush ; mugwort ; tarragon .

  13. 这为今后龙蒿的育种研究和制种提供了理论依据,也为大面积栽培提供了指导。

    Artemisia dracunculus this for the future of research and seed breeding provides a theoretical basis , as well as the cultivation area to provide guidance .

  14. 为了深入了解光照对野生蔬菜龙蒿的生物学产量的影响,通过设置不同的遮荫条件对其进行了研究。

    In order to comprehend the effect of light on the biomass of Artemisia dracunculus deeply , the study under the different shading conditions was conducted .

  15. 后来我坐在天井里,一边品尝胡萝卜芫荽汤、新鲜面包、烤金枪鱼配龙蒿酱和苹果脆片,一边俯瞰下面的梯田。

    I sat on the patio overlooking the terraces and enjoyed a near-perfect meal of carrot and coriander soup , fresh bread , grilled tuna with tarragon sauce and apple crisp .

  16. 同时龙蒿精油具有在医疗、食品、工业等多方面的用途,随着研究的进一步深入,对龙蒿的需求量将是更加迅猛的增加。

    At the same time oil of Artemisia dracunculus is in the medical , food , industrial , and many other uses , with further in-depth research on the demand for the Artemisia dracunculus is more tremendous .

  17. 龙蒿的花芽分化根据茎尖生长锥的形态变化可以分为为3个时期:花轴分化期、花序分化期和花器官分化期。

    Artemisia dracunculus shoot tip of the flower bud differentiation in accordance with the changes in the pattern of growth cone can be divided into three periods : spend axis of differentiation , differentiation and flower inflorescence organ differentiation stage .

  18. 龙蒿在新疆作为蔬菜食用是近两年才开始出现在人们餐桌上的,而对龙蒿日益增加的需求只能靠一味的挖取野生龙蒿资源来弥补供需缺口。

    Artemisia dracunculus in Xinjiang as a vegetable consumption in the last two years before beginning to appear in people on the table , and for the needs of Artemisia dracunculus increasing blindly rely on the resources taken from our wild Artemisia dracunculus .