- 动move forward on one's knees ;grovel;crawl

[move forward on one's knees] 指屈服或哀求于人,双腿跪着向前挪动
Surgery Group and CT intervened Group were intervened by cutting off the anterior cruciate ligament and the medial meniscus of their right knees , while the left knees as the control samples .
Methods : Ninety patients ( 110 knees ) undergoing TKA were subjected to rehabilitation instruction and training before and after operation .
All patients with lateral line side and knee radiology index scores , clinical function and using standard scores of knee arthroscopy technology articular cavity inspection line to confirm the preoperative diagnosis and cartilage lesions ( Outbridge standards ) and clear articular cavity .
Seven patients were admitted into this department in acute phase of trauma , repair of popliteal artery in 2 patients and repair of PMC and MCL in 4 patients were performed in this phase .