
mó bèi
  • membrane coat
  1. 在石墨化炉中多层膜被转化为TaC涂层。

    In the graphite furnace the multi-films is transformed into the TaC coatings at various temperatures .

  2. 通过光学数码显微镜和扫描电镜的观察,可以看到经超临界CO2流体处理后木材内的抽提物被浸提出,细胞壁上的纹孔膜被击破。

    The extractives of wood solubilized and bordered pits destroy in tracheids were observed under a optics microscope scanning electron microscope after the woods were treated by SCF-CO_2 using benzene-ethanol as co-solvent .

  3. 厚约50nm的Ti膜被用作过渡层,以增强Pt薄膜与衬底之间的黏着性。

    Ti layer of about 50 nm was used as the intermediate layer to enhance the adherence between Pt film and the substrate .

  4. 结果:在伯氏疟原虫ANKA株:1h,食物泡膜被破坏,疟色素有些变形;

    RESULTS : In P. berghei ANKA strain , 1 h after drug administration , the parasites food vacuole membranes were destroyed , and the pigment grains showed some changes .

  5. 研究结果表明:在长期的MFC运行中,质子交换膜被微生物、EPS及无机盐污染,导致MFC性能的下降。

    Results show that PEM is readily fouled by the microorganisms , EPS and inorganic salts during the long-term operation of MFC . This would decrease the conductivity , cation diffusion of the PEM , and thus deteriorate the MFC performance .

  6. 将包衣片在人工胃液中滞留1h,取出放入人工肠液中3h,包衣膜被部分溶蚀,出现大量孔洞,但无放射性漏出;3.5h后有放射性漏出,表明包衣膜开始破裂释药。

    Coated tablet is take out after laid in artificial gastric juice for 1 h and placed in artificial intestinal liquid , partial coating is corroded and appears a great quantity of hole in a utensil at 3 h , and coating starts to burst and release at 3.5 h.

  7. 防渗土工膜被撕裂是常见的衬层破坏现象。

    The avulsion of the antiseepage geomembrane is a common phenomenon .

  8. 他的耳鼓膜被爆炸的气浪震破。

    His eardrums had been punctured by the force of the explosion .

  9. 但是当膜被研磨后上述对应的衍射峰消失。

    However , after the crushing of the membrane the corresponding peak disappear .

  10. 结果:猪带绦虫虫卵胚膜被溶解,六钩蚴逸出。

    Results : The embryo membrane of Taenia solium eggs dissolved and oncospheres transgressed .

  11. 膜被略呈紫色的扁平淡味洋葱;装饰汉堡包和色拉用。

    Flat mild onion having purplish tunics ; used as garnish on hamburgers and salads .

  12. 突触前后膜被破坏,典型的突触结构已不存在。

    The presynaptic and postsynaptic membrane were damaged so seriously that the typical synaptic structure did not exist .

  13. GB16918-1997气瓶用爆破片技术条件他的耳鼓膜被爆炸的气浪震破。

    Bursting discs specification for gas cylinders His eardrums had been punctured by the force of the explosion .

  14. 淋巴结被膜被侵袭,淋巴瘤的细胞已经侵入周围的脂肪组织。

    The capsule of the node has been invaded and the lymphomatous cells extend into the surrounding adipose tissue .

  15. 经四氯化碳染毒的细胞脂质过氧化作用增强,并与细胞膜被破坏的程度一致。止血带引起的肢体脂质过氧化反应防治的再观察

    The degree of lipid peroxidation corresponded with the results of membrane damage . Effect of Tourniquet on Lipid Peroxidation

  16. 大豆肽经超滤分离后,膜被污染,膜通量下降。

    The ultrafiltrate membrane is polluted and the membrane flux is reduced during the purification of soybean peptide by ultrafiltrate membrane .

  17. 抛光过程中因钝化膜被磨损,腐蚀加快,腐蚀电流密度大幅增加。

    Because of the films being abraded during polishing , the corrosion rate was quickened and the corrosion current density was increased greatly .

  18. 1995年俄罗斯国立医学大学的生物物理学家认为,眼球的晶状体细胞膜被自由基逐渐氧化是老年性白内障的主要病因。

    In1995 , the biophysicists from Russian State University for the Medicine held that the gradual oxidization caused by free radicals to lens cell membrane was the main cause for senile cataract .

  19. 为了防止银膜被氧化,提出了双层金属膜结构,分析了它的金属层厚度和空气缝隙的变化对滤波器峰透过率、带宽和色纯度的影响。

    For preventing silver films to oxidation , the double metal layers structure was proposed . The thickness of metal layer and air gap have an effect on transmission , bandwidth and color purity .

  20. 一般来说,肿瘤的转移包括以下五步:肿瘤血管生成,肿瘤细胞粘附于内皮细胞,局部基底膜被降解破坏,肿瘤细胞迁移到继发部位,肿瘤细胞在继发部位增殖。

    Commonly speaking , tumor metastasis includes five steps ; neoplasm angiogenesis , neoplasm cells adhere to ECs , local basement membrane is degraded and destructed , neoplasm cells migrate to the secondary sites and the neoplasm cells proliferate on the secondary sites .

  21. 含有单体牛细胞色素c氧化酶的脂质双层膜,被成功地固定在金石英晶体微平衡电极上。

    Lipid bilayer membrane containing monomeric bovine cytochrome c oxidase was successfully immobilized in gold quartz crystal microbalance electrodes .

  22. 它们位于氨基酸序列的N端,在蛋白质转运到细胞膜时被剪切掉。

    They comprise the N-terminal part of the amino acid chain and are cleaved off while the protein is translocated through the membrane .

  23. ZnO材料无论是在晶格结构,晶格常数还是在禁带宽度上都与GaN很相似,对衬底没有苛刻的要求而且很易成膜,被认为是很有前途的光电子材料。

    The crystal structure and lattice constant of ZnO are similar to those of GaN .

  24. CVD金刚石膜表面被预先涂覆一层导电金属,然后采用电蚀方法对该表面进行加工,使金刚石膜突起的尖峰被迅速去除。

    Diamond film is coated with a thin layer of conductive material in advance , and then EDM method is used to machine the coated surface .

  25. EUV掩膜板被自动送入和送出双盒容器(Dualpod)中;其中内层盒可以储存在InSync系统的环境下。

    EUV masks are automatically transferred into and out of the dual pod ; the inner pod can be stored inside the InSync environment .

  26. 试验表明,在钎焊过程中二次镀Ni层可有效保护Ti膜不被氧化,镀膜陶瓷与金属钎焊接头的剪切强度也显著提高。

    The test results showed that the active Ti layers have not been oxidized during the brazing processes , and the shear strength of Ti plated Si 3N 4 ceramic joints gets a remarkable raise after the Second time Ni plating .

  27. 结论:mPEG-SPA不论在红细胞膜蛋白被单独提取后,还是膜破损后以及存活状态下,均能与红细胞膜蛋白稳固结合。

    In conclusion , mPEG-SPA can bind the erythrocyte with its extracted membrane protein in both ghosts and living erythrocytes .

  28. 透射电镜显示,VLF中心是电子致密物质,外有单层膜包被,直径约35nm。

    Transmission electron microscopy showed that an electron dense core of 35 nm in diameter was wrapped by one layer membrane in the center of the VLF .

  29. 细胞内基质也叫细胞液,由细胞膜包被;

    The endocellular matrix is also called cytolymph covered by cytomembrane .

  30. 一种新的水土保持方法&人工防蚀生草膜覆盖被介绍。

    A new method for soil loss control was introduced .