
  • 网络membrane anchor
  1. 通过在分泌型VP7基因下游融合流感病毒血凝素膜锚和胞质结构域编码序列,构建了表达后可锚定于宿主细胞膜表面的VP7基因。

    The secreted VP7 ( VP7s ) was further modified into a cell-surface-anchored antigen ( VP7tm ) by the addition of the membrane anchor sequence from the influenza virus HA .

  2. 重叠区扩增基因拼接法在构建膜锚定金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素A融合基因上的应用

    Construction of a chimeric SEA-hPLAP-1 cDNA with gene splicing by overlap extension

  3. 光控PI取向膜方位锚定能的温度特性

    Study on the Temperature Dependence of the Azimuthal Anchoring Energy on the Photo - alignment PI Films

  4. 张拉索膜结构锚板基础设计理论研究

    Design methods of anchors plates as tension foundations of tensile cable - membrane structures

  5. 论文深刻分析了之字形排列缺陷的产生机理,实验中通过改变取向膜的锚定强度控制了液晶分子的预倾角,获得了均匀的人字形层结构排列态。

    We profoundly analyzed the forming mechanism of the zigzag defect . And by controlling the anchoring strength and the pretilt angle of the alignment films , we obtained the uniform chevron shaped layer alignment of the FLC .

  6. 结论:检测血细胞膜表面GPI锚蛋白分子表达可为确定或排除PNH的诊断提供敏感、特异的证据。

    However , lymphocytes with PNH defect were found in only 14 patients . Conclusion : GPI anchored protein assay provided sensitive and specific method for the diagnosis of PNH .

  7. 取向膜表面方位锚定强度对铁电液晶分子排列的影响

    Effect of Surface Azimuthal Anchoring Strength Energy of Alignment Layer on the Molecular Alignment of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals

  8. SNARE蛋白家族是所有真核细胞胞吐及分泌作用中的关键因子,由其介导的运输囊泡膜与靶膜的锚靠、融合为胞内蛋白的运出提供了一条重要途径。

    SNARE proteins are key factors during exocytosis and endocytosis in all kinds of eukaryotic cells . The SNARE-mediated docking and fusion between vesicular carriers and target membrane provide an important pathway for protein trafficking and deployment .