
  • 网络diaphragmatic eventration;eventration of diaphragm;eventration of the diaphragm;eventration of the diaphregm;eventration of the draphrain
  1. 从X线方面讨论了与先天性肺囊性病变、金葡菌肺炎和膈膨升的鉴别诊断。

    The differential diagnosis from congenital cystic disease of the lung 、 staphylococcal pneumonia and eventration of the diaphragm was discussed on the x-ray findings .

  2. 婴幼儿先天性膈膨升11例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Congential Diaphragmatic Eventration of 11 Children cases

  3. 胸腔镜修复儿童膈膨升症10例

    Thoracoscopic diaphragmatic eventration repair in children : About 10 cases

  4. 儿童肺结核并发膈膨升

    Pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with diaphragm eventration the in children

  5. 目的总结婴幼儿先天性膈膨升的诊断与治疗经验。

    Objective To summarize the diagnosis and management of congenital diaphragmatic eventration in children .

  6. 先天性膈膨升1例

    Congenital eventration diaphragm : case report

  7. 我院自1976年至1996年收治10例儿童肺结核并发左侧膈膨升。男6例,女4例。

    Ten cases of pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with eventration of the diaphragm in children were admitted in NanJing children 's hospital from 1976 to ` 1996.Six cases were male and four cases female .

  8. 结果6例立位腹部平片均有膈下游离气体、膈膨升、横贯全腹的气液平面、胃泡消失的征象,并4例有肝上缘轮廓显示;

    Results The appearances in standing plain film of freeing gas under diaphragm , eventration of diaphragm , passing through the whole abdomen of gas and liquid plane , vanished gastriole were found in 6 cases . Superior border of liver was found in 4 cases .