
  • 网络Geshu
  1. 其中针刺组30例,主穴选取心俞、肝俞、胆俞、膈俞、肾俞,并进行随证加减。

    In acupuncture group , the main points are Xinshu , Ganshu , Danshu , Geshu , Shenshu and with the evidence for addition and subtraction .

  2. 膈俞斜刺0.5-0.8寸,得气后行快针捻转泻法,中强刺激。

    Oblique needling 0.5-0.8 Cun is on Geshu .

  3. 目的研究针刺或艾灸膈俞穴对低白模型大鼠提升白细胞和增强骨髓增殖功能的作用。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of point Geshu acupuncture or moxibustion for raising leukocyte and promoting marrow proliferation .

  4. 针刺组针刺百会、双侧血海、双侧肾俞以及膈俞4周。

    The acupuncture group was treated by acupuncture at Baihui acupoin 、 Geshu acupoint and bilateral acupoint of Shenshu and Xuehai once per day for 4 weeks .

  5. 治疗组在中药治疗的基础上给予针刺,主穴选肾俞、三阴交、太溪。配穴:血瘀者配内关、膈俞;气虚配足三里、关元;生殖道炎症配丰隆。

    The treatment group also take acupuncture , the main points are Shenshu , Sanyinjiao , Taixi , add-subtract : blood stasis , add Geshu ; if partial deficiency , add Zusanli , Guanyuan ; genital tract inflammation , add Fenglong .