
xiàn tǐ
  • gland, aden
  1. 她的腺体肿胀。

    Her glands are swollen .

  2. 颈部腺体可能增大。

    The glands in the neck may enlarge .

  3. 她腺体肿痛。

    Her glands were swollen and painful

  4. 胰脏是一个细长形的白色腺体。

    The pancreas is an elongated , whitish gland .

  5. 他患腺体肿症。

    He suffered from swollen glands .

  6. 2中药组对改善腺体萎缩方面与西药对照组相比存在显著差异,中药组优于对照组(P<0.05)

    For the relieving gastric mucosa by endoscopy , the TCM were Statistically different from the western medicine group ( control ) ( p < 0.05 )

  7. 于胞蚴的胚球,尾蚴的吸盘、生殖原基、单细胞腺体主要含DNA阳性物质;

    Germ balls in daughter sporocyst , suckers of the cercaria , germinal primordia and unicellular gland of the cercaria contain DNA positive substances .

  8. CC组与CC+hMG+hCG组比较子宫内膜腺体成熟度无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    Delayed endometria maturation was frequently found in group CC and group CC + hMG + hCG ( p < 0.01 ) .

  9. 应用SSH技术分离克隆棉花显性无腺体基因

    Isolation and Cloning of Dominant Glandless Genes of Cotton Using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization

  10. 28例癌旁粘膜研究显示腺体重度异型增生和大肠型肠化者p~(53)表达率85%和78%,而轻度异型增生和小肠型肠化p~(53)呈阴性反应(P<0.02)。

    The lesions of severe dysplasia and the type of colonic intestinal metaplasia in 28 cases mucosa adjacent to the tumor showed 85 % and 78 % of p53 expression .

  11. 结论:EDA蛋白在小鼠颌面部的软骨和腺体中有阳性表达。在小鼠牙胚中是否有表达还有待进一步研究。

    Conclusion : EDA protein was expressed in Cartilages and glands of mice embryonic tissues .

  12. 除常规手术前甲亢准备外,必须行CT检查确认腺体大小,确定残留腺体的大小和位置。

    Apart from conventional pre-operative preparation , CT examination is also necessary for identifying the measurements of thyroid glands and determining the proportion and location of residual glands .

  13. 保留主导管腮腺浅叶切除后腺体ECT测定分析

    The determination and analysis of ECT after the superficial lobe parotidectomy with retaining parotid master dust

  14. 典型的CT表现为:①腺体高度大于9mm;

    Characteristic CT features were : ① The height of the gland > 9mm ;

  15. 但可在颌面部的表皮、腺体、软骨中检测到EDA蛋白的表达。

    Strong expression can be detected in the maxillary glands , cartilage and epiderm , however .

  16. 蓖麻蚕后部丝腺体Poly(A)~+RNA的cDNA在大肠杆菌中的克隆

    Cloning of cDNA for Poly ( A ) ~ + RNA from the Posterior Silk Gland of Silkworm Attacus ricini in E.coli

  17. 本文用喇曼(Raman)光谱和X-射线衍射等手段研究了桑蚕吐丝过程中丝腺体不同部位的丝蛋白的构象变化。

    In this paper , the conformational transition of silk fibroin in different parts of silkgland was determinated by Raman spectroscopy and LAXS .

  18. 光镜下可见胃黏膜层腺体细胞明显萎缩,炎细胞浸润,部分标本粘液腺化生,cyClinD1表达率为33.3%。

    Some glands were mucous metaplasia , the positive rate of cyclin D1 was 33.3 % .

  19. 测量不同b值时正常腺体组织、良性病变、恶性病变的表观弥散系数(ADC值),使用单因素方差分析比较三组数据。

    Apparent diffusion coefficients ( ADC value ) were measured in normal tissues , benign and malignant lesions and statistical difference was compared among three groups .

  20. 开放手术组31例,平均切除(39.6±30.8)g,平均腺体切除率70.8%;

    In 21 cases treated by open prostatectomy the mean weight of tissues resected was ( 39.6 ± 30.8 ) g and the proportion of resection was 70.8 % .

  21. 结果:A、B女婴大部分脏器结构相似,子宫腺体密度差异性较大,各脏器存在程度不同的细胞水肿现象;

    Results : Most of the tissues and structures of A and B female infant are resemble , but there are differences in uterine glands . Some organs have cell dropsy phenomena to varying degrees .

  22. 结论:OB胶在闭合腺体残腔,创面止血,切口愈合等方面,有突出的优点。

    Conclusion : OB gel has advantages of closing remained cavity , coagulation and incision healing .

  23. 目的观察PKCβ1、PKCβ2和P53在结肠肿瘤及其相应正常腺体中的表达情况。

    Objective To study the expression of PKC β 1 , PKC β 2 and P53 in carcinomas and adenomas of colon .

  24. 对72例乳腺癌患者,24例乳块或腺体增生者及25例健康妇女进行了CP-3抗原检测。

    CP 3 antigen was detected on 72 cases of breast cancer , 24 cases of breast hyperplasia and 25 cases of normal women .

  25. A组治疗2年子宫内膜厚度、乳腺腺体层厚度及乳腺导管宽度均小于B组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    The thickness of endometrial and breast and width of mammary duct in group A with 2 years treatment were less than those in group B , the difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 结果(1)HRT后乳腺腺体厚度高于HRT前,呈逐年上升的趋势;

    Results ( 1 ) The breast glandular section thickness after HRT was larger than that of before HRT .

  27. 本文对32例腮腺病变,33个腺体做了数字减影腮腺造影(DSS)检查。其中23个腺体也应用了传统的腮腺造影方法。

    DSS ( Digital Subtraction Sialography ) was performed in 33 parotid glands of 32 patien-ts , 23 of which were compared with traditional sialography .

  28. 在粘膜层及粘膜下层、微血管和腺体周围,有EOS等炎性细胞浸润。

    In the mucosa layer and submucosa layer , around the capillaries and glands , there were EOS and other inflammatory cells .

  29. 体视学分析结果显示,米非司酮低、高剂量组异位内膜腺体屏障厚度、数密度明显小于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Stereologically , the volume density of endometrial gland and the barrier thickness of endometrial epithelium in ectopic endometrium of the control group were significantly increased than those of the high dose group and low one ( P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 肝脏是人体内最大的腺体,其主要功能包括物质代谢、解毒、防御、激素系统稳态、血液存储和pH调节、造血和免疫调节等。

    The liver is the largest gland in the human body . Its main functions include metabolism , detoxification , defense , hormone system homeostasis , blood storage and pH regulation , hematopoiesis and immune regulation .