
hú nào
  • run wild;be mischievous;make a row or cause disturbance without obvious reasons;muck around;piss around;monkey business;monkey
胡闹 [hú nào]
  • [run wild;be mischievous] 胡为闹事;行动不讲道理

  • 简直是胡闹

胡闹[hú nào]
  1. 她毫无顾忌地胡闹,没意识到惹人生气了。

    She carried on merrily , not realizing the offence she was causing .

  2. 给警察打个电话应该就能制止他们的胡闹。

    A call to the police should put an end to their little caper .

  3. 别再像惯坏的孩子那样胡闹了!

    Stop acting like spoilt children !

  4. 别胡闹了,我们还是收收心想想要紧事吧。

    Let 's get down to basics and stop horsing around .

  5. 你是认真的呢,还是有点胡闹?

    Were you serious , or was that a bit of tomfoolery ?

  6. 我们只是胡闹,大笑。

    We just pissed about , laughing .

  7. 她和马克在水池中嬉戏,胡闹着要将他按入水中。

    She splashed around in the pool with Mark , rowdily trying to duck him .

  8. 他们过去常在一起胡闹,互相取笑。

    They used to play the fool together , calling each other silly names and giggling .

  9. 那天晚些时候,我正和凯蒂一起胡闹时,她不小心用手指戳到了我的一只眼睛。

    Later that day I was horsing around with Katie when she accidentally stuck her finger in my eye .

  10. 我想人们对这种胡闹总有一个承受极限。

    I think there is a limit to how much of this nonsense people are going to put up with .

  11. 胡闹了一通后,我们浑身脏得一塌糊涂——头发、眼睛、脸颊、脖子上,全是糖浆。

    What a mess we were in at the end of this caper — hair , eyes , cheeks and neck covered in treacle .

  12. 我很高兴你警告比利不许胡闹。他还是个孩子,仍然需要有人告诉他该做什么。

    I 'm glad you read the riot act to Billy . He 's still a kid and still needs to be told what to do .

  13. 不要为小事去胡闹。

    Don 't kick up a row about such trifle .

  14. 叫孩子们别胡闹了。

    Tell the children to keep out of mischief .

  15. 他答应不再纵酒胡闹。

    He promised to give up being on the bend .

  16. 有些男孩子常常瞎胡闹,举止荒唐。

    Some boys are always acting the giddy goat , behaving foolishly .

  17. 别胡闹,坐下!

    Stop acting the giddy goat and sit down !

  18. 不要胡闹。

    Don 't get up to any mischief .

  19. 别再胡闹了,听我说。

    Stop messing about and listen to me .

  20. 这孩子再这么胡闹,父母都得跟着他吃挂落。

    If the boy continues to fool around like this , his parents will be in trouble too .

  21. 别再胡闹了,买些新的吧。

    Stop the monkey business and get some new ones .

  22. 他老是带头胡闹和开玩笑

    He always leads in pranks and capers .

  23. 他们只是回过头来瞪着跑出来看的人群,然后继续胡闹,玩得不亦乐乎。

    They just stare back at the crowds of people who turn out to watch them . Then they continue to monkey around and have a good time .

  24. 据悉,这段视频的播放次数已超过680万次,有网友因其如此胡闹的行径将拉洁斯森PS成了海报上的小孩。

    The video , which has been viewed more than 6.8 million times , made Ramkissoon a poster child for bratty behavior .

  25. 好了,Lynette,太胡闹了。

    No , okay , Lynette , this is crazy .

  26. 不过在这一通胡闹之余(主持人蒂娜•费举杯道:致这个美好的混乱之夜),本届金球奖(GoldenGlobes)颁奖典礼还是清醒地把多项重要大奖颁给了各个夺奖热门。

    But at the end of a madcap Golden Globes ( Ms. Fey toasted it as ' the beautiful mess we hoped it would be ' ) , the major honors soberly ended up with the favorites .

  27. 我记得曾很不耐烦地吼他,让他停止胡闹。

    I remember shouting at him impatiently to stop fooling about .

  28. 路易莎,看在上帝的份上,别再胡闹了。

    Stop this nonsense , louisa , for god 's sake .

  29. 哪个爱胡闹人的人摆弄我汽车上的天线了!

    Some joker 's been playing around with my car aerial !

  30. 不不这是我胡闹呢

    No , no , no. This is just me messing around