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  • 网络Sea Slug;sea-slug;Nudibranchs
  1. 这是一种向捕食者喷射这种可爱、明亮的紫色墨水的海蛞蝓。

    This is a sea slug that squirts this lovely , bright purple ink at any creature that tries to eat it .

  2. 他们认为“尼西”可能是一种庞大的、还不为人类所知的海蛞蝓。

    They think that it could be a huge , unknown kind of sea slug .

  3. 所以,这种珊瑚和海蛞蝓所体现的双曲几何到底是什麽?

    So what is this hyperbolic geometry that corals and sea slugs embody ?

  4. 海蛞蝓有三千多个品种许多专门猎捕一种猎物

    There are over 3000 species , many hunt just one specific prey .

  5. 这里也有掠食动物例如这些海蛞蝓

    There are hunters here too , like these nudibranchs , or sea slugs .

  6. 这是太阳能海蛞蝓。它属裸鳃亚目它结合叶绿体在体内当它的能源。

    This is a solar-powered sea slug . It 's a nudibranch that has incorporated chloroplast inside it to drive its energy .

  7. 腹足动物,有鳃,位于心脏后面,无鳃盖;包含海蛞蝓;海蝴蝶;海兔。

    Gastropods having the gills when present posterior to the heart and having no operculum : includes sea slugs ; sea butterflies ; sea hares .