
  • 网络embryo research
  1. 胚胎研究是个容易引起激烈争论的问题。

    Embryo research is an emotive issue .

  2. 存在重大争议的科学试验&人兽杂合胚胎研究

    Major Controversial Scientific Experiments & Human Animal Hybrid Embryo Research

  3. 以精子为载体的体外转基因猪胚胎研究

    Generation of Transgenic Pig Embryos by Sperm Mediated Gene Transfer

  4. 他们正在进行一项胚胎研究。

    They are engaging in an embryo research .

  5. 那些出于宗教原因反对胚胎研究的人,认为“诱导多能性”细胞的出现是他们祈祷的结果。

    Those with religious objections to embryo research have hailed iPS cells as an answer to their prayers .

  6. 其次,在胚胎研究的问题上,他从偏好功利主义的视角出发,得出了容许对长达14天的发展初级阶段的胚胎进行研究的结论。

    Secondly , on Embryo Research , he holds that Embryo in the early stages of its development ( up to 14 days ) be allowed to research .

  7. 尽管仍有一些国家出于宗教和伦理原因采取严格限制措施,全世界对涉及人类胚胎研究的监管越来越宽容。

    The world is growing more permissive in the regulation of research involving human embryos , though a few countries maintain severe limitations for ethical or religious reasons .

  8. 英国人类胚胎研究管理体制建立的背景及其现实功能分析&兼论日本生命科学技术的社会管理体制结构

    Background of the Establishment of a Control System for Human Embryo in the UK and Its Actual Function-For the Construction of a Social Governance System of Life Science Technology in Japan

  9. 新技术使重组技术得到一个飞跃,同样也给那些反对人类胚胎研究者提供一新的替代技术。

    While the latest advances have spurred a rush to improve the reprogramming technique , they have also given fresh ammunition to those who oppose research on human embryos , an alternative technique .

  10. 同时,各种高新生命技术的应用以及人类胚胎研究与试验的急功近利,也使得胚胎(包括胎儿)经常性地被当作医学技术的副产物或牺牲品出现。

    At the same time , the applications of various high-technology and human embryo research and experiment , Also makes embryo ( including the fetus ) be treated as by-product or a victim of medical technology .

  11. RNA干扰在哺乳动物卵母细胞及早期胚胎发育研究中的应用

    Application of RNA Interference in the Study of Mammalian Oocyte and Early Embryo Development

  12. 转GFP基因体细胞核移植克隆牛胚胎的研究

    Study on Transgenic GFP Gene in Bovine Embryos Production by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

  13. 一些国家允许所有类型的ESC研究(除了生殖性克隆),而其他一些国家,诸如巴西,只允许对来自生殖治疗中被废弃的胚胎进行研究。

    Some countries allow all kinds of ESC research ( except for reproductive cloning ), while others , such as Brazil , allow research only on embryos discarded from fertility treatment .

  14. 目的探索单细胞退变寡核甘酸引物PCR(DOP-PCR)-比较基因组杂交(CGH)技术应用于单细胞全基因组分析及着床前胚胎遗传学研究的可能性。

    Objective To investigate the possibility of applying degenerate oligonucleotide primer PCR ( DOP-PCR ) and comparative genomic hybridization ( CGH ) in analysing genomic genetics of a single cell .

  15. 氯化三丁基锡对体外培养小鼠胚胎毒性研究

    Toxicity study on tributyltin chloride on cultured mouse embryos in vitro

  16. 聚合法制作猪嵌合胚胎初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Aggregation of Porcine for Making Chimeras

  17. 鸡稀蛋白培养鹌鹑胚胎的研究

    Study on the Quail Embryo Culture by Thin Chick Egg White

  18. 矮沙冬青雌配子体及胚胎发育研究

    Study on the development of female gametophyte and embryo in Ammopiptanthus nanus

  19. 东北地区白桦雌配子体的形成与胚胎发育研究

    Megagametophyte and Embryo Development of Betula platyphylla in Northeastern China

  20. 转人源免疫球蛋白猪胚胎的研究进展

    The Developmental Study of Transferred Humanized Immunoglobulin In Bama Pigs

  21. 奶牛卵母细胞体外受精和胚胎培养研究

    Study on Cow Oocyte in vitro Fertilization and Embryo Culture

  22. 一个高频率的活体-离体胚胎发生研究系统

    A High-frequency in vivo-in vitro Experimental System for Embryogenesis Study

  23. 利用成年母兔耳部皮肤上皮细胞生产克隆胚胎的研究

    Producing cloned embryos from ear skin epidermal cells of adult female rabbits

  24. 水稻野栽杂交及胚胎培养研究

    The study on hybridization and embryo culture of wild and cultivated rices

  25. 山羊同期发情、超数排卵及胚胎移植研究

    Study on Synchronisation of Estrous , Superovulation and Programmed Embryo Transfer in Goats

  26. 哺乳动物胚胎分割研究进展及应用前景

    Development and Application in Mammalian Embryo Bisection Study

  27. 川楝素对昆明小鼠的胚胎毒性研究

    Research of Embryotoxicity of Toosendanin in Kunming Mice

  28. 精子载体法制作转基因试管猪胚胎的研究

    Studies on Gene Transfer Making Tube Embryo in Porcine by Using Spermatozoa as Vector

  29. 大鼠肛门直肠畸形的胚胎发育研究

    Development of anorectal malformation in murine fetal models

  30. 参芪口服液对孕鼠胚胎作用研究

    A Study of the Effects of Shenqi Oral Liquid on Embryo in Pregnant Mice