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Enzymatic isolation and observation of protoplasts of embryo sac elements of Atropa belladonna
By squash technique , the meiosis cells with chromosome dispersion phase were observed in EMC ( Embryo Sac Mother cell ) of potato . The ideal length of potato style was 2-3 mm .
The aposporous initials , the nucellar cells in the chalazal end , developed during full blooming stage . Then it grew rapidly to unreduced embryo sac and formed 8-nuclei aposporous embryo sac , which happened 5 to 7 days after full bloom .
Study On The Meiosis Of EMC in Potato By Squash Technique
Ultrastructural Observations on the Synergid of the Mature Embryo Sac in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus
Image processing system was employed to measure the volume density and the diameter of the deposits .
Observation by paraffin section showed that Lipeng No.2 embryo sac mother cells were almost entirely degenerated during megasporogenesis .
The megaspore mother cell develops into a linear tetral and the megaspore at chalazal end will become a functional megaspore but the rest at the microphyte end will not develop .
Callose was initially deposited in the walls of these sexual embryo sac cells , following the embryo sac mother cell via meiosis , callose also deposited in the megaspore tetrad walls .
The mature embryo sac contains seven cells and the two polar nuclei fused before fertilization .
Enzyme activity was the highest in most components of the nucellar cells adjacent to the embryo sac where the degeneration of nucellar cells was the strongest , but it was not observed in the nuclei of the degenerated nucellar cells .
The constituent cells of the female germ unit in the embryo sac of Pelargonium hortorum Bailey just before fertilization were studied using transmission electron microscope .
Polygonum-type & During the process of megasporocyte meiosis , callose occurs first in the wall of megasporocyte from micropylar end , then gradually envelops the whole cell .
All nucellar cells disappear , when an embryo sac is ripe .
There ware two cell proembryo and some endosperm free nucleuses in the embryo sac 7-8 days after pollination ;
Some specialised nucellar cells between the vascular bundle and the chalazal end of embryo sac were often present and elongated , this might facilitate nutrient absorption of embryo sac through chalazal end .
The fertilization and development of egg cells in the large embryo sac might be the main cause of the formation of the so called " mid-seated embryo " ( the embryo far from the micropyle end ) .
No acid phosphatase activity was observed in the mature embryo sac of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) except the chalazal cytoplasm of the central cell before fertilization .