- embryoid

Kinetin was later shown to be inhibitory for embryoid formation .
Increasing content of B vitamins and inositol could also benefit to embryoid induction .
The medium of inducing embryo was MS without hormone .
Through changing pH value and agarose concentration of culture medium , we developed a method for embryo and adventitious bud induction .
Method : Tender stems of Gentiana scabra Bunge were cultured as explant in MS medium and clump of buds were acquired via embryoid .
Embryoid formation of Zizyphus jujuba var. spinosus Hu in tissue culture
The root growth and the shoot development of embryoids were promoted markedly in the MS or B5 liquid medium supplemented with cytokinin and auxin by shake culture .
It was harmful for embryoid development to increase pH to 6.8 ~ 7.8.The optimun sucrose concentration and types of hormone in the media varied with different materials .
The results showed that Co 2 + enhanced the formation of celery embryoid , but the effect decreased with further rise of its concentration .
Studies on conversion of Apium graveolens artificial seeds in nonsterile soil and activities of POD and PAL during the differentiation of somatic embryo
Changes of Fatty Acids During the in vitro Development of Fertilized Ovary and Pollen-derived Embryoid of Brassica juncea
After induced for 30 days , most of the embryoids were mature .
In Vitro Callus Induction And Plantlet Regeneration Of Levisticum Officinale Koch Through Embryoid Pathway
Endogenous levels of IAA and ABA in the cultures were reduced and induce rates of embryoid was increased by Co 2 + during embryoid formation of celery .
To induce the normal plant and embryoid , reducing the content of lAA / CKs after heart-shape embryoid was suggested .
This paper reports the experimental results on the erucic acid ( EA ) content in the pollen-derived embryoid of Brassica juncea on a vast scale of population .
The optimum number of ovaries in co culture is 20 Low temperature in ovary co culture can result in low callus rate and induce high green plant rate .
Anthers were treated with heat shock 72 h respectively , and the callus induction rate and embryoid induction rate were both increased with the increase in treatment time .
If embryoids were induced for 32 ~ 38 days to reach a diameter of 2 mm , a very low level of green plant regeneration was obtained .
In anther and pollen culture , using the low temperature treating anthotaxy ( 4 , 1 ~ 2day ) before being inoculated and high temperature culturing ( 33 1 ~ 2day ) after being inoculated can promote the embryogenesis and increase embryoid rate .
Consequently , a DH population which contains 94 lines was constructed in present paper . 3 Plant genotype was a main factors effecting on success in the decision to form embryoids in procedure of microspore culture .
Normal plantlets were regenerated from the embryoids on the hormone-free MS-1 medium , while abnormal ones formed on the MS-1 medium supplemented with hormones .
Thus , the embryoids with a diameter of 2 mm and induction time of 28 ~ 29 days should be selected for further regeneration and differentiation in the microspore culture of wheat .
Six genotypes in three generations , cabbage F_1 and F_2 and inbred S_3 were used in anther culture to study the factors affecting embryoid induction and formation of cabbage anthers in culture .
Using plant growth inhibition substance ( MET , MH ) with a propriety concentration treating donor plants in different time ( spraying plants in meiosis , dipping anthotaxy in low temperature treatment and adding them into medium ), it is helpful to increase the inductive frequencies of embryoid .
The experiments showed that each plate of Hevea calli , which was bombarded once by gold particles coated with the plasmid and the distance between particles and target cells at 9 cm , had good results , the embryoid induction rate reaching to 1.87 % .
Factors analysis affecting isolated microspore culture of Purple Flowering Stalk The effects of the activated charcoal on embryoid production were investigated . For most of genotypes , the ratio of embryoid production increased in the media supplemented with 0.1mg/ml activated charcoal .
Somatic embryogenesis in leaf culture of cotton and related cytological observation
Plant Regeneration From Immature Cotyledons Culture of Soybean Via Somatic Embryogenesis
The bud was differentiated from the embryoid and the callus .