
zhū bǐng
  • funicle;funiculus;podosperm
珠柄[zhū bǐng]
  1. 种子珠柄膨大的在基部,附属物胃形成。

    Seed funicle inflated at base , appendage stomach-shaped .

  2. 种子珠柄而不是膨大的在基部。

    Seed funicle not inflated at base .

  3. 栅栏组织状组织一直延伸到珠柄,在珠柄基部形成毛刷状结构。

    The line was formed by palisade like tissue , which distributed to funicle and formed a brush like structure .

  4. 这种乳突组织与花柱内侧起柱头作用的乳突组织,以及珠柄上的珠柄珠孔塞的乳突组织相连续,成为一个整体。

    The papilla tissue , the papilla on the style , which acts as stigma and the funicular obturator are united as a whole .

  5. 在子房室内,沿珠柄侧的子房内壁生长至与胚珠珠孔相当部位时,花粉管离开子房壁进入珠孔,经珠心冠细胞之间隙抵达胚囊。

    The pollen grain germinates on the stigma and the pollen tube grows along the hollow style canal into the ovary chamber at the funicle side and enters the micropyle .

  6. 种脐:1是种子的外种皮上保留的一个痕迹,显示种子与子房壁在此处靠珠柄连接。

    Hilum ( pl. hila ) 1 . A scar on the testa of a seed marking the point at which it was attached to the ovary wall by the funicle .

  7. 珠柄:被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。营养物质通过珠柄传递到胚珠和种子。

    Funicle ( funiculus ) The stalk attaching the ovule ( later the seed ) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries . Nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed .

  8. 5月上旬,雌花序授粉后,迅速增长,子房膨大,两个胚珠分化出珠柄、珠被和珠心,珠心中产生孢原细胞;

    When female inflorescences accepted the pollen grains , ovary development was increased in early May . With the development of either of the two ovule , funiculus , integument and nucellus were differentiated .

  9. 花粉管通过柱头沟和花柱道时生长快,通过珠孔塞和珠孔以及珠柄时生长缓慢。

    The growth rate of pollen tubes varied widely with the position of gynecium . The pollen tubes grew fast in the stigma canal and style canal , but slow in the obturator and micropyle .

  10. 成熟的胚珠是由珠心、珠被、珠柄,合点和珠心喙组成。

    Mature ovule was componented of nucellus , integument , bead handles , combined point and composition of the nucellar beak .