
pēi pán
  • blastoderm;blastodisc;germ disc;embryonic disk
胚盘 [pēi pán]
  • [embryonic disk] 胚泡的内细胞质部分,有胚胎哺乳类的胚胎从那儿发育

胚盘[pēi pán]
  1. 短双链RNA对鸡胚盘细胞外源绿荧光蛋白基因表达的影响

    Inhibition of green fluorescent protein gene expression in chicken blastoderm cells by siRNA

  2. 本文详细研究了甜菜夜蛾Spodopteraexigua(H櫣bner)胚胎发育的卵裂、胚盘、胚带的形成和胚层分化。

    This paper studies the embryonic development of Spodoptera exigua ( H ü bner ) including the cleavage , the formation of blastoderm and germ band , and the differentiation of germinal layers .

  3. 鸡X期胚盘细胞的冷冻保存及复苏后嵌合体鸡制备的研究

    Studies on the Cryopreservation Conservation of Chicken BCs in Stage X and Chicken Chimeras Using Frozen-thawed BCs

  4. 目的基因置于质粒内P因子中可在转座酶的作用下插入前胚盘胚。

    Desired gene is placed between P element ends , usually within a plasmid , and injected into preblastoderm embryos in the presence of transposase .

  5. 通过微注射法将鸡原始生殖细胞(PGCs)注入到鸭的胚盘下腔中,用鸡W染色体DNA探针通过原位杂交的方法对供体PGCs在嵌合体胚胎性腺外的发育作了研究。

    Chicken PGCs from a line of White Leghorns were microinjected into Maya duck blastoderms at stage ⅹ . Extragonadal development of donor PGCs in chicken duck chimeric embryos were studied by in situ hybridization with W chromosome specific DNA probes .

  6. 将转染后的鸡胚盘细胞移入到受体AA肉鸡的胚下腔,孵化6d后在8个鸡胚中检测到有外源基因的存在,阳性率为40%(8/20)。

    The transfected blastodermal cells were injected into the subgerminal cavity of the recipient , after being hatched for 6 days the exogenous gene were detected in 40 % ( 8 / 20 ) of the embryos examined .

  7. 距前一个蛋产出后175h(12~125h子宫龄)至明区形成期,即鸟类的囊胚期晚期,结果在胚盘中央形成透明的明区和周围不透明的暗区。

    Later blastocyst stage , from 17 5 h ( 12 ~ 12 5 h uterine age ) to area pellucida formation after the former egg had been laid .

  8. 25min后,雌、雄原核向胚盘中央靠近,然后彼此接触,最后融合为合子核;

    By the 25 min postinsemination , the male and female pronuclei move toward the center of blastodisc , then associate with eath other tightly , lastly confuse completely to be the zygotic nucleus .

  9. 在水温18~22℃条件下,胚胎从受精到孵化出膜历时66h,经过了胚盘形成期、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官分化期6个主要阶段。

    The incubation period is 66 hours from 18 to 22 ℃ . The embryonic development process can be divided into 6 stages , including fertilized egg , cell cleavage , blastula , gastrula , neural stage and organ formation , and there are thirty-one developmental phases observed noticeably .

  10. 水温高于28℃时,胚胎发育至多细胞期,胚盘聚合死亡。

    The embryos died at the stage of multicell over 28 ℃ .

  11. 鸡胚胚盘不同区域对原结诱导的区域性反应

    Studies on the regional responses to inductor of the chick blastoderms of different ages

  12. 草鱼早期胚胎胚盘细胞表面微区元素的研究

    Microanalysis of the ionic elements in the embryo cell surface of the grass carp

  13. 影响胚盘的因素包括母体的高血压、压力和吸烟。

    Factors that can affect the placenta include maternal high blood pressure , stress and smoking .

  14. 与牙鲆卵不同的是,大菱鲆卵在胚盘皮层区有皮层小泡;

    Unlike eggs of flounder , there are cortical alveoli in the cortex of eggs of turbot .

  15. 核的分裂迁移与胚盘的形成与一般昆虫相同。

    Both the mode of cleavage and the formation of the germ band are in common with otherinsects .

  16. 由鸡Ⅹ期胚盘获得的类囊胚包含禽类胚胎干细胞,且具有较强的增殖与分化能力。

    The chicken blastocyte-like structure ( BLS ) derived from stage X embryo consists of blastodermal cells among which there are embryonic stem cells .

  17. 同时获得了牙鲆和大菱鲆受精卵从胚盘形成到4-细胞期的一系列中心体、纺锤体及核的变化图象。

    A serial of images of centrosomes , spindle and nuclear in olive flounder and turbot fertilized eggs from blastodisc formation to 4-cell stage were observed .

  18. 鸡胚胎干细胞是一种多能性干细胞,从Ⅹ期胚盘分离胚盘细胞或早期鸡胚的生殖嵴分离原始生殖细胞,经体外长期抑制分化培养可得到鸡胚胎干细胞。

    Chicken embryonic stem cells were pluripotent stem cell which derived from stage blastoderm cells or PGCs isolated from genital ridge by long-time restraining differentiation in vitro .

  19. 卵腹面的胚盘细胞逐渐增厚为胚带,其他胚盘细胞发育成浆膜,浆膜刚一形成,羊膜即开始发生;

    The blastoderm cells on the egg venter developed into germ band , the other cells into serosa . The amnion began to grow shortly after the formation of serosa .

  20. 在鳙鱼胚胎发育的几个早期阶段,作者观察到在胚盘、分裂球和囊胚层细胞与卵黄这种重要物质之间有某种有机联系。

    The authors have observed that the blastoderm , the blastomeres and the blastula cells have intimate relation with the yolk which plays a very important part in the development of the embryo .