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  • shoulder strap;shoulder belt;shoulder harness;shoulder girdle;baldric;bretelle
肩带 [jiān dài]
  • (1) [shoulder harness]∶车内系紧在肩上的安全带,以防止人在座位上被扔向前方

  • (2) [shoulder strap;shoulder belt]∶物件上或衣服上用来挂在肩上的带子

肩带[jiān dài]
  1. 8例背侧入路患者的肩带活动度均大于19°。

    The postoperative movement of shoulder girdle with dorsal approach were averagely more than 19 ° .

  2. 结论:①业余短跑运动员的肩带肌群力量较差,提示短跑运动员肩带肌群力量强弱是造成运动成绩差异的主要因素之一。

    CONCLUSION : ① The muscle strength of shoulder girdle is weak in amateur sprinters , indicating that it is one of the principal factors affecting the performance .

  3. 他扭动身体,挣开背包的肩带。

    He squirmed out of the straps of his backpack .

  4. 这些包的肩带可以调整。

    The bags have adjustable shoulder straps

  5. 她连衣裙上的肩带

    the shoulder straps of her dress

  6. 亚历克斯是一名老练的自行车骑手,所走的路线也是她熟悉的伦敦墙(LondonWall)大街,并且还戴着一条非常显眼的肩带。

    Alex was an experienced cyclist on a familiar route along London Wall , and she was wearing a high-visibility sash .

  7. n.皮带同:thong这将军在制服上穿着肩带。

    The general wore straps on the shoulders of his uniform .

  8. 在其中一张照片里,泰兰穿着以埃丝特·威廉姆斯(EstherWilliams)为灵感的复古土灰玫瑰紧身衣裤,肩带上装饰着蝴蝶结,臀部装饰着亮片,领口有个领结。

    In one photo , Taylen wears a retro Esther Williams-inspired dusty rose bodysuit with ribbon shoulder straps , glitter-adorned bottoms and a bow tie .

  9. 再近一些,在20世纪60年末的年度巴尔莫勒尔(Balmoral)“GhilliesBall”舞会上,女王穿着配有肩带的带有牡蛎图案的连衣裙。

    closer to home , at the annual Balmoral Ghillies Ball in the late 1960s , the Queen wore an oyster ball dress with tartan sash .

  10. 2010年的时装学院庆典,安妮·海瑟薇穿着一件Valentino的裸色无肩带亮片礼服,大放异彩。

    At the 2010 Costume Institute gala , Hathaway glowed in a strapless nude glittering Valentino dress .

  11. 2007年,沃特森女士一展她对时尚的挚爱,再次用一件Chanel海军肩带式镶珠礼服征服了我们。

    In2007 , Ms Watson showed off her love of fashion as she again wowed us in a navy Chanel beaded dress with detailed straps .

  12. 纽约的voltaic出售一系列肩带提包和背包,这些产品被设计为独立的移动充电器,可以为你的便携设备充电。

    New York-based voltaic sells a series of solar-powered shoulder bags and backpacks designed as self-contained mobile power generators capable of charging your portable devices .

  13. 汽车制造商以及瑞典奥托立夫公司(Autoliv)等安全技术供应商已研究出集成安全气囊的安全肩带。

    Auto makers and safety-technology suppliers such as Sweden 's Autoliv have developed shoulder straps with air bags built in .

  14. 卡洛夫推荐乐摄宝(LowePro)ProRunnerx450AW摄影包(在lowepro.com上的售价为370美元(约合人民币2268元)),因为它装有滚轮,关键的是,它有背包肩带:“这很重要,因为我们到山中徒步的次数很多。”

    Mr. Karoff recommended the LowePro Pro Runner x450 AW ( $ 370 , lowepro . com ) because it has wheels and , critically , backpack straps : ' That was important because we did a lot of hiking into the hills . '

  15. 厚肩带、圆领口、U形低腰――这种经典设计现在很多品牌都有,包括Eres、托马斯・迈尔(TomasMaier)、OrlebarBrown和丽萨・玛丽・费尔南德斯(LisaMarieFernandez)。

    The classic design-thick straps , a round neckline and a low , scooped back-is now available from a number of labels , including Eres , Tomas Maier , Orlebar Brown and Lisa Marie Fernandez .

  16. 虽然传统的腰带式和肩带式安全带每年都能防止数千起死亡事故,但也会引起研究人员所谓的“安全带并发症”(seat-beltsyndrome)。安全带可能导致人体组织、肌肉和脊椎的严重损伤,尤其是在猛烈的撞车事故中。

    Although traditional lap and shoulder belts prevent thousands of deaths a year , they can also cause what researchers call ' seat-belt syndrome . ' The belts can lead to severe injuries to organs , muscles and spines , especially in violent crashes .

  17. 现在,我要你感觉到肩带勒住肩膀的感觉。

    I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders .

  18. 你喜欢有肩带的内衣还是无肩带的?

    Do you like the bra with straps or not ?

  19. 这款手提电脑般大小的手袋的特点就是具有可调节肩带和一个手提把手。

    The laptop-sized bag features an adjustable shoulder-strap and a top handle .

  20. 安装座椅/安全肩带系紧螺栓。

    Install the seat / shoulder belt anchor bolt .

  21. 但这个黑色的有个肩带。她臂缠带孝的黑色布条。

    She wore a mourning arm band of black .

  22. 透明的肩带是树脂做的。

    The transparent shoulder straps are made of resin .

  23. 你只要简单地用肩带将自己的头部固定住就行。

    You simply throw the strap over your head .

  24. 中国鲽形目鱼类骨骼的研究Ⅰ.肩带骨及腰带骨

    Osteological studies of some Chinese flatfishes I. bones of the pectoral and ventral girdles

  25. 传统式肩带虽然可帮助矫正肩部脱臼。

    In the past , shoulder sling had been used to correct shoulder subluxation .

  26. 批评的主要原因是画像上右边的肩带。

    The major reason behind the criticism was the right strap in the portrait .

  27. 主要有:谈肩带在排球扣球技术中的作用

    It main consist : The functions of aiguillette in drop shot for volleyball game

  28. 肩带可以非常容易地拆除和安装。

    Shoulder straps remove for easy packing .

  29. 也许她不想在你第一次失败的航行中披上肩带。

    Maybe she didn 't want to wear the sash on your first losing voyage .

  30. 有细肩带的夏季连衣裙。

    A summer dress with thin shoulder-straps .