
  1. 肖传国的悲剧也是社会的。

    Xiao'tragedy can also be considered as a social tragedy .

  2. 本文并是从此出发对肖传国伤害方舟子案进行刑法思考。

    This paper is based on subject and from damage in the criminal law of thinking .

  3. 肖传国立刻起诉方舟子名誉侵权。结果,法院认为方舟子没有提供足够的证据支持他的指控。

    Xiao immediately sued for libel , and the court subsequently ruled that Fang had no evidence for his claims .

  4. 这个过程由一位在中国的外科医生博士肖传国开发,最初为了治疗脊髓伤害,但是后来也可以治疗脊柱裂。

    This procedure was developed by Dr CG Xiao , a surgeon in China , initially for spinal cord injury but subsequently for spina bifida also .

  5. 方舟子声称,中科院院士应该在中国全职工作,但是肖传国同时担任华中科技大学和纽约大学医学院的职位。

    It said that CAS members must work full-time in China , but that Xiao worked both at Huazhong University and the New York University Medical Center , United States .

  6. 二位方先生的批评对象之一,武汉华中科技大学泌尿科医生肖传国因组织这两次攻击而被捕。

    One of the objects of the two Fangs'criticisms , Xiao Chuanguo , a urologist at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan , was arrested and charged with organising the assaults .