
xì jūn niào
  • bacteriuria
  1. 老年护理院细菌性尿路感染菌群及耐药性分析

    Analysis of Bacterioflora and Drug Resistance in Patients with Bacterial Urinary Tract Infection in Aged Nursing Home

  2. 结论尿道口的细菌与尿路感染有关,导尿所致尿路感染与导尿管留置的时间有关,通过正确的操作和护理可降低尿路感染的发生。

    Conclusions Besides the bacteria of urethra resulted in urological bacterial infection , they are related with the time of Indwelling catheterization , the right manipulation and reasonable nursing are main methods to prevent and reduce the infection of urinary tract .

  3. 依据症状、体征、脓尿和尿培养细菌数诊断尿路感染;

    The diagnosis is based on the combination of symptoms , signs , pyuria and significiant bacteriuria ;

  4. 目的研究尿路常见细菌及导尿后尿路感染发生及解决的方法。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the infection of urinary tract after indwelling catheterization .

  5. 相差显微镜检查尿沉渣上皮细胞黏附细菌对老年女性尿路感染的诊断意义

    Clinical Relevance of Urinary Epithelial Cells Adhesive with Bacteria for Diagnosis of UTI in Old Women

  6. 尿毒症患者肠道细菌对小分子尿毒素的分解作用

    Study on the Decomposition Effect for Micromolecule Urotoxin by Intestinal Bacteria in Patients with Uremia Subjects

  7. 目的评价比阿培南治疗细菌性肺炎和尿路感染的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of biapenem versus meropenem in the treatment of bacterial pneumonia and urinary tract infections .

  8. 前言:目的:减少留置气囊导尿管病人尿道外口细菌生长,预防尿路感染。

    Objective : To reduce the growth of bacterium on the external urethral orifice and prevent urinary tract infection in cases with aerocyst-urethral catheter .

  9. 结论:对留置气囊导尿管后给与胶布外固定,可有效减少尿道外口细菌生长,预防尿路感染。

    Conclusion : The aerocyst-urethral catheter fixed by adhesive tape can reduce the growth of bacterium on the external urethral orifice and prevent urinary tract infection .