
xì bāo jí xìnɡ
  • cell polarity
  1. 线虫(Caenorhabditiselegans)受精卵中细胞极性的建立

    The establishment of cell polarity in Caenorhabditis elegans zygotes

  2. 实验室前期工作已经证明沉默MyoX的表达会引起细胞极性的丧失。

    Previous studies in our lab have demonstrated that inhibition the expression of Myo X lead to the loss of cell polarity .

  3. Numb不对称分布由细胞极性分子控制。

    The asymmetric distribution of Numb is controlled by the cell polarity molecules which accumulate in the appropriate pole of the cell before mitosis .

  4. 肠道上皮紧密连接(TJ)是构成肠道屏障功能的重要结构基础,在调节肠黏膜通透性和维持上皮细胞极性中发挥着重要作用。

    Tight junctions ( TJ ) are the basic structure of intestinal barrier , which serve as the rate-limitting barrier to passive movement across intestinal epithelial cell and the maintenance of epithelial cell polarity .

  5. Axin的异常表达不仅可以导致胚胎体轴复制、胚胎死亡、细胞极性异常,而且与多种肿瘤的发生、发展有密切的关系。

    The abnormal expression of Axin not only leads to duplication of embryonic axis , embryonic lethality and abnormality of cellular polarity , but also has a close relation with tumorigenesis .

  6. 两个肿瘤相关基因的结构与功能&细胞极性蛋白hASIP的不同转录本对人肝癌细胞周期和Fas/FasL介导的细胞凋亡的调节及新基因F-lana的转化作用

    The Structure and Function of Two Cancer-related Genes , the Effect of Isoforms of the Cell Polarity Protein , Human ASIP , on the Cell Cycle and Fas / FasL Mediated Apoptosis in Human Hepatoma Cells and the Transformation Role of a New Gene , F-lana

  7. 缺氧对培养肝细胞极性的影响

    The Effects of Hypoxia on Polarity of Hepatocytes Cultured in Vitro

  8. 细胞极性与卵子成熟和胚胎发育的关系

    Relationship between Cell Polarity and Oocyte Maturation or Early Embryo Development

  9. 钙信号参与中性粒细胞极性化过程的研究

    Calcium Signal in the Process of Cell Polarity in Neutrophils

  10. 细胞极性是真核生物的基本特征。

    Cell polarity is the fundamental characteristics of eukaryotic cells .

  11. 芽孢杆菌模式菌株细胞极性脂组分的分析

    Analysis of the Compositions of Cellular Polar Lipids for Type Strains of Bacillus

  12. 体外肝细胞极性的重建

    Reestablishment of cell polarity of hepatocytes in vitro

  13. 正常大鼠颌下腺上皮细胞极性培养

    Polarized epithelial cell culture of rat submandibular glands

  14. 植物动蛋白的研究主要集中在细胞极性生长和胞质分裂等方面。

    The study on kinesins in plants is focus on cell polar growth and cytokinesis .

  15. 细胞极性是指细胞在形态、蛋白质分布和细胞功能上的不对称。

    Cell polarity is defined as asymmetry in cell shape , protein distributions and cell functions .

  16. 胎牛血清在体外培养肝细胞极性形成的作用

    Fetal bovine serum ; Effects of fetal calf serum on polarization of hepatocytes cultured in vitro

  17. 细胞极性的形成

    The Establishment of Cell Polarity

  18. 其主要特征为上皮细胞极性的丧失及其间质特性的获得。

    Its main feature is the loss of epithelial cell polarity and the acquisition of mesenchymal characteristics .

  19. 胰腺导管腺癌具侵袭性,其腺管单位往往高分化、细胞极性强,酷似良性。

    The glandular units of invasive carcinoma are often well formed with well-polarized cells , appearing deceptively benign .

  20. 作者推测,共生小球藻并非完全随机分布在宿主绿草履虫体内,而是和细胞极性有关。

    Therefore the author speculates that the distribution of Chlorella is not randomly but related with the cell polarity .

  21. 细胞极性是所有细胞所具备的、重要的基本特征,而真菌的极性生长是细胞极性生长的一个最为典型的代表过程之一。

    Cell polarity is a fundamental property of all cells and its importance is evident in a variety of cells . The growth pattern exhibited by filamentous fungi is a typical example of cell polarity .

  22. 花粉的萌发和生长是植物有性生殖发育的重要生理过程,也是研究植物细胞极性生长、分化、以及胞内胞外信号转导的重要体系。

    The germination and growth of pollen is one of the most important physiological process of sexual reproductive development , and it is an important system for research of polarized growth , differentiation , intracellular and extracellular signal transduction in plant cell .

  23. 缺血损伤可使β1-整合素出现断裂。它的这种病理改变可能是导致缺血损伤时肾小管上皮细胞极性消失和脱落的原因之一。

    Conclusion Under physiological condition , β 1-integrin is distributed over the basal membrane of the tubular epithelial cell of neonatal rat . Ischemic injury can cause the changes of β 1-integrin which may be the reason of exfoliation and depolarization of tubular epithelia cell .

  24. Th细胞的极性分化在免疫反应调控中具有重要作用,Th细胞极化失调所致Th1/Th2失衡与多种疾病的发生相关。

    The polarization of Th cells plays a critical role in regulation of immunological reaction . Imbalance of Th cell polarization counts for various diseases .

  25. 结论应用无PVP聚碳酸脂膜的微孔滤器可以建立体外RPE细胞有极性单层生长的模型,并用于屏障功能的研究。

    Conclusions The filter with PVP-free polycarbonate membrane may be used to set up the model of RPE cells with polarized growth of monolayer and investigate the barrier function of RPE cells .

  26. 缺血缺氧损伤对肠上皮细胞整合素极性及细胞凋亡的影响

    Influence of ischemia and anoxia on distribution and polarity of integrin in intestine epithelial cells

  27. Actin通过解聚、聚合的动态变化,维持细胞形态、极性、促进细胞游走、胞质分裂,参与胚胎发生、器官形成等多种生理及病理过程。

    Actin maintains cell shape and polarity , promotes cell migration and cytokinesis by dynamic changing about depolymerization and repolymerization , and participates in various physiological and pathological processes like embryogenesis , organogenesis , and so on .

  28. 上皮细胞通过细胞极性和细胞间粘附和紧密连接而发挥功能,但同时也限制了迁移的能力。

    Epithelial cells play function through the cell polarity , adhesion and tight junction , at the same time limiting the ability of migration .

  29. 肝细胞是具有极性的锚定依赖性细胞,需要一种不溶的细胞外基质才能获得生存、重组、增殖并发挥功能,支架材料的生物相容性和细胞黏附能力是至关重要的。

    Hepatocytes are anchorage-dependent cells , they need an insoluble extracellular matrix , in order to survive , reorganization , proliferation and exert function , the biocompatibility and cell adhesion capacity of scaffold materials is very important .

  30. 该文重点论述了生长素在细胞间的极性运输方式及其信号转导途径、生长素对维管组织分化的信号诱导作用及其表现特征,以及生长素诱导植物维管组织分化的分子机理。

    This article focus on the polar transport of auxins through cells and the signal transduction of auxins in this process , the signal induction on vascular differentiation of auxins and their representing characters , and the molecular mechanism of auxin signal induction on vascular differentiation in plant .