
  • 网络organelle membrane
  1. Ca2+处理能有效减轻高温胁迫对叶绿体、细胞核等细胞器膜结构的损伤。

    Ultrastructural observation showed that Ca ~ ( 2 + ) could stay the membrane structure of organelle such as chloroplast etc. to be destroyed effectively under the stress of high temperature .

  2. 相分配&一种纯化细胞器和膜微囊的方法

    Phase Partition & A Method for Purification of Cell Organelles and Membrane Vesicles

  3. 结论体外循环后心肌组织cPLA2γ激活可能导致了心肌细胞及细胞器膜完整性破坏、能量代谢及收缩功能障碍。

    Conclusion Increased cPLA_2 - γ gene expression in myocardial tissue after CPB might play an important role in damage of membrane integrality , energy decompensation and myocardial contraction dysfunction .

  4. 自由基主要破坏细胞及细胞器的膜性结构。

    Free-radicals mostly destroy membranaceous structures of cell and organelle .

  5. 此外还介绍了固定化植物细胞反应器以及生物膜反应器,讨论了大规模植物细胞培养反应器的选择原则。

    Moreover , the immobilized plant cell reactor and biofilm reactor were presented , and the selection principle of large scale plant cell culture reactors was discussed .

  6. 胸腺细胞和细胞器水平的线粒体膜电势研究

    Study on the mitochondrial inner membrane potential of apoptotic thymocytes at cell and organelle level

  7. 种子是生命力的载体,其传热传质的研究已经从宏观迈向微观,从整体迈向细胞、原生质、细胞器、分子膜的水平。

    A seed is the carrier of life , and research on the heat and mass transfer of a seed has already stridden toward the level of microcosm , such as cell protoplasm , cell organism , and molecular membrane .

  8. 胀亡(oncosis)是一种特殊形式的非凋亡性细胞死亡方式,它的特征性表现为细胞肿胀、起泡、细胞器肿胀、细胞膜通透性增加和核溶解。

    Oncosis is a special kind of non-apoptotic cell death mode , it is characterized by cell swelling , budding , organelle swelling , increased cell membrane permeability and caryolysis .

  9. 叶肉细胞中可见大量的泡状结构和膜片层,叶肉细胞死亡。上述结果表明,细胞器特别是叶绿体膜结构的破坏与盐胁迫叶肉细胞最终死亡密切相关。

    These results indicated that the injury in membrane structure of various organelles , especially chloroplast , was closely associated with the eventual death of mesophyll cells .

  10. 在健康的哺乳动物细胞中,Bax主要在细胞质中,但是作为细胞凋亡的起始因子,它会改变构象而插入细胞器的膜上,主要在线粒体的膜上。

    In healthy mammalian cells , the majority of Bax is found in the cytosol , but upon initiation of apoptotic signaling , Bax undergoes a conformation shift , and inserts into organelle membranes , primarily the outer mitochondrial membrane .