
xiān wéi ɡuānɡ xué
  • fiber optics
  1. IECTC86纤维光学技术委员会1994年年会简介

    Introduction of the Primary Meeting of IEC TC86 ( Fiber Optics ) in 1994

  2. 纤维光学国际标准提案工作的回顾与思考

    Review and Ponder on Offering Proposals for International Standards of Fiber Optics

  3. 观测天体光谱的纤维光学方法及2.16m望远镜实用系统

    The Astronomical Fiber Optical Spectroscopy System of the BAO 2.16m Telescope

  4. 使用纤维光学信号分配网络的微波相控阵天线

    Microwave Phased Array Antenna Using Fiber Optic Signal Distribution Network

  5. 我国纤维光学标准化现状和发展趋势

    Present situation and trends of fiber optics standardization in China

  6. 本文扼要叙述了作者基于纤维光学的原理而提出的一种光学元件&环镜。

    A new optical element glass ring is introduced in this paper .

  7. 纤维光学甚至被一些喜欢制作新奇事物的人用作桌子的装饰。

    Fiber optics have even been adopted by novelty makers for table decorations .

  8. GB/T13265-1997纤维光学隔离器第1部分:总规范

    Fiber optic isolators & Part 1 : Generic specification

  9. 纤维光学显示屏与光纤盆景

    Fiber Optic Display Screen and Optical Fiber Potted Landscope

  10. 我们在这个房间装了纤维光学摄像机。

    We 've planted fiber-optic cameras in the room .

  11. 美国军用纤维光学现状

    US military sees wides use of fibre optics

  12. 纤维光学:研究光线沿透明纤维材料传送的科学。

    Fibre optics : The studies of light that transmits through transparent fibrous materials .

  13. 有稳定回路的纤维光学角速度传感器

    Fiber optic angular rate sensor with stable circuit

  14. 用纤维光学技术测定液体混合程度对筛板塔效率的影响

    The Evaluation of Liquid Mixing Effects on Sieve Plate Efficiency Using Fiber Optic Technique

  15. GB/T16530-1996单模纤维光学器件回波损耗偏振依赖性测量方法

    Measuring method for polarization dependence of return loss of a single-mode fibre optic component

  16. 纤维光学和量子力学的类比

    Similarity of fiber optics to quantum mechanics

  17. 纤维光学技术在通信卫星中的应用

    Applications of Fiberoptic Technology in Satellite Communication

  18. 先进复合材料的纤维光学法无损评价

    Fiber Optical NDE Method for Advanced Composites

  19. 属于或与纤维光学相关。

    Of or relating to fiber optics .

  20. 纤维光学面板阴极射线管

    Fibre optic faceplate cathode ray tube

  21. 多模光导纤维光学声探测

    Multimode fiber-optic detection of sound

  22. 本文介绍了一种新的对复合材料进行无损检测的方法&纤维光学法。

    A new method of NDE for advanced composites , the fiber optical method , is presented .

  23. 脉冲YAG:Nd激光防龋实验机纤维光学传输系统的设计

    Fiber-optic transmission system for an experimental pulsed YAG : Nd laser apparatus used in decayed tooth prevention

  24. 美国海军正在研究如何利用纤维光学同没入水下的舰艇进行通讯。

    The United States Navy is investigating the use of fiber optics for communicating with submerged submarines .

  25. 纤维光学锥形聚光器

    Fibre optic conical condenser

  26. 精密纤维光学连接器

    Precision fiber optic connector

  27. 纤维光学图像增强器

    Fibre optic image intensifier

  28. 纤维光学屏面光导摄像管

    Fibre optic faced vidicon

  29. 激光管纤维光学装置

    Laser pipe fibre optics

  30. 纤维光学行扫描记录器

    Fiber optic linescan recorder