
xiān máo yùn dònɡ
  • ciliary movement
  1. 目的:观察外燥对小鼠气道组织、气管纤毛运动(CM)与呼吸道液黏多糖(RS)的影响。

    Objective : To investigate effects of external-dryness on the tissue of air-way , tracheal ciliary movement ( CM ) and mucoitin secretion of the respiratory tract in mice .

  2. 这可能与中药在抗菌、抑制病毒、增强气管支气管纤毛运动、促进呼吸道分泌物排泄、促使炎性屏障形成、清除氧自由基及防止内毒素对机体的损伤等方面相关。

    This may be antibacterial , viral suppression enhanced tracheobronchial ciliary movement , the promotion of respiratory secretions excretion , and promote the formation of inflammatory barrier , scavenging oxygen free radicals and prevent the damage to the body endotoxin and Chinese medicine .

  3. ET还可促进呼吸道粘膜的多种活性物质释放,使炎性反应加强,刺激呼吸道纤毛运动,刺激支气管平滑肌细胞增殖。

    Besides , ETs can stimulate the cell proliferation of the bronchial smooth muscle and the movement of bronchial cilium .

  4. 以相差显微镜及成像分析技术测定纤毛运动频率(CBF)。

    Ciliary beating frequency ( CBF ) was measured by phase contrast microscope and videotape analysis .

  5. 目的:研究柴胡注射液对鼻粘膜纤毛运动的影响,并比较其在24h内使用不同给药间隔和给药次数对鼻粘膜纤毛运动的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of Chaihu injection on the movement of membrana pituitosa cilium , and compare its effect in different dosing interval and frequency among 24 hours .

  6. 呼吸道纤毛运动状况的高速数字化显微成像

    Measurement of respiratory ciliary beat frequency quantified with high-speed digital microscopy

  7. α-细辛脑对气管纤毛运动的影响

    Study of the effect of α asarone on trachea cilia movement

  8. 一氧化氮信息传递系统对大鼠呼吸道纤毛运动的影响

    Effect of NO signal system on rat airway ciliary motility

  9. 兔实验性上颌窦炎黏膜纤毛运动的检测

    Observation of cilia movement in rabbits with experimental maxillary sinusitis

  10. 被切除的上颌窦黏膜术后虽会再生,但再生的黏膜纤毛运动功能较正常低下。

    The function of regenerate mucosa after operation is lower than normal mucosa .

  11. 丙泊酚对离体兔气管黏膜上皮纤毛运动的影响

    Effects of propofol on rabbit bronchial cilia movement measured with high-speed digital microscopy

  12. 本文报道一例原发性纤毛运动障碍患者的超微结构表现。

    A case of primary ciliary dyskinesia was reported .

  13. 紫花龙胆水煎液对气管纤毛运动的影响

    Effect of gentianaceous flower decoction on trachea cilia movement

  14. 用小鼠气道酚红排泄法和蛙上腭纤毛运动法观察枇杷膏的祛痰作用。

    Excretion function of the airway in mice was determined by phenol red method .

  15. 原发性纤毛运动障碍临床研究进展

    Progress of Clinical Research in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

  16. 4种滴鼻剂对蛙口腔粘膜纤毛运动的影响

    Effect of 4 nasal drops on ciliary movement in mouth cavity mucous of frog

  17. 喉腔粘膜纤毛运动功能的动物实验

    Animal experiments of mucociliary movement function of laryngeal space diagnosis of amyloidosis of larynx

  18. 小鼠中耳及呼吸道纤毛运动频率研究

    Study on ciliary beat frequency of the mucosa of bulla and upper respiratory tract in mice

  19. 外燥对小鼠气管上皮纤毛运动与呼吸道液分泌的影响

    Effects of External-Dryness on Ciliary Movement of Tracheal Epithelium and Secretion of the Respiratory Airway in Mice

  20. 结论:用活性碳检测上颌窦黏膜纤毛运动是一种有效判断纤毛功能的方法。

    Conclusion : activated charcoal powder is an effective method in estimating the function of maxillary sinus cilia .

  21. 目的:探讨高渗盐水对成年慢性鼻窦炎患者鼻腔黏膜纤毛运动功能的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effect of hypertonic saline on nasal mucociliary clearance in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis .

  22. 目的:评价良园枇杷膏对咳嗽反射抑制和对纤毛运动的增强作用。

    Aim : To observe the effect of compound dextromethorphan granules on cough-relieving in guinea pigs and on the esophageal cilia movement in toads .

  23. 鼻黏膜纤毛运动时间,试验组与对照组治疗前后均未见显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Nasal mucociliary clearance : within these two groups , there are no significant differences between pretreatment and posttreatment . ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 鼻粘膜呼吸区上皮细胞原代培养模型的建立和纤毛运动频率的测量

    Culture of human nasal respiratory epithelial cells in serum free medium supplemented with hormones and growth factors and measurement of human nasal ciliary motility using videomicroscopy

  25. 负氧离子到达肺泡时,促进肺泡粘膜上的纤毛运动,改善肺部的换气功能,提高血流量和携氧能力。

    Coming to alveolar , these ions will promote the alveolar mucosa cilia movement to improve the function of lung ventilation , and improve the blood flow and oxygen capacity .

  26. 目的:研究抗痨颗粒对气管纤毛运动的影响,探讨其敛肺止咳,清热化痰的作用机理。

    Objective : To study the effect of this granula on trachea cilia movement and its mechanism on relieving cough with drugs of astringent effect to the lung , and clearing away heat and dispersing phlegm .

  27. 川芎嗪、冰片对纤毛持续运动时间的影响

    Effect of Ligustrazine , Synthetic Borneol on Lasting Time of Ciliary Movement

  28. 结果:川芎嗪离体法及在体法的纤毛持续运动时间相对百分率分别为9.8%、87.3%;

    Results : Relatively percentage of lasting time of ciliary movement of ligustrazine in vitro and in vivo was 9.8 % 、 87.3 % ;

  29. 许多原生动物利用伪足、纤毛或鞭毛能运动。

    Many protoctistans are motile , using pseudopodia , cilia or flagella .

  30. 结果显示,脂质体制剂与药物水溶液相比,可显著降低盐酸普萘洛尔的鼻纤毛毒性,纤毛运动时间由5min延长到250min;

    The conclusion was that the liposome preparation had less toxicity than its solution , for example it prolonged the ciliary vibration duration from 5 minutes to 250 minutes .