
  • 网络fiber material;fibre materials;FRP;CFRP
  1. 目前,纤维材料已经广泛使用在工程结构加固中。

    At present , FRP material has been widely used in structure reinforcement engineering .

  2. 远红外PP纤维材料流变性能的研究

    A Study on Rheological Behavior of Far-Infrared PP Fiber Material

  3. 原始的碳纤维材料很像布料。

    In its untreated state the carbon fibre material is rather like cloth .

  4. 随着复合纤维材料缠绕成型行业的发展,单纯的缠绕设备二维CAD设计已-不能满足现代短周期、低成本、高质量设计的要求。

    With the development of fiber composite materials shaping industry , a simple two-dimensional design of winding equipment does not meet modern design has a short cycle , low-cost , high-quality design requirements .

  5. 在目前还不能通过寻找一种更为廉价的纤维材料来代替钢纤维的情况下,通过掺加碎石来替代部分石英砂,以达到降低RPC的造价成为必要。

    At present there still cannot find a more cheap fiber materials instead of steel fiber , through the rubble to substitute partly mixing quartz sand to reduce the cost of RPC become necessary .

  6. 为了更深入地研究碳纤维材料对金属酞菁催化性能的影响,选择结构更加规整且表面缺陷更少的MWNTs作为载体,重点研究了CoTAPc-MWNTs对Rh6G的催化氧化性能及其催化机理。

    In order to further investigate the effect of carbon fiber materials on the catalytic performance of MPcs , the more structured MWNTs with less surface defects were chosen as the support .

  7. 纤维材料加工是材料加工的重要分支。

    Fiber material processing is an important branch of materials processing .

  8. 耐火纤维材料的高温热物性研究

    Research on thermophysical properties of refractory fiber under high temperature

  9. 消光纤维材料光散射的漫射近似解

    Diffusion Approximation Solution for Light Scattering in Dull Fibre Materials

  10. 热中子透射法测干玻璃纤维材料含硼量的研究

    Measurement of boron content in dry glass fibre by thermal neutron transmission method

  11. 耐高温金属基复合石英光导纤维材料的制备

    The making of high heat-resistant metal-based silicon-fiber composite material

  12. 碳纤维材料与碳纤维纸

    Carbon fiber material and carbon fiber paper

  13. 化学纤维材料在土建工程中的应用

    Application of chemical fiber in civil engineering

  14. 纤维材料在中国汽车工业中的应用前景

    Outlook of Fibres in Domestic Automobile Industry

  15. 膨爆法对秸秆纤维材料表面形态的影响

    The Influence of Explosion on Stalk Material

  16. 纤维材料具有非常显著的传热学特性,材料的热传递能力很差,是一种很好的隔热材料。

    It is a very good insulation material caused by its poor heat transfer capacity .

  17. 该方法实现了超声测量单向复合纤维材料特性的自动递进反演过程。

    This method realizes evolutionary inversion automatically in ultrasonic measuring the feature of unidirectional fiber composite .

  18. 俄罗斯增强纤维材料

    Reinforced fiber material in russia

  19. 玄武岩纤维材料的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Basalt Fiber

  20. 加固梁在受弯破坏时是钢筋屈服后纤维材料断裂或钢筋屈服后受压混凝土被压碎。

    FRP strengthened concrete beams can fail in involve steel yield-FRP tensile rupture and steel yield-concrete crushing .

  21. 目前,国内外关于聚氨酯静电纺丝纤维材料用于微生物防护的研究报道较少。

    At present , there are few reported researches on microbe protection by PU electrospun fiber materials .

  22. 本文首先介绍了桥梁加固维修的基本原则和主要方法,着重于与碳纤维材料有关的方面。

    This article introduces the bridge strengthening and maintenance of the basic principles of main methods , with a focus on carbon fiber materials and related aspects .

  23. 以环氧改性有机硅树脂作为成膜物质,并以玻璃体二氧化硅材料、特殊陶瓷材料、磷酸锌、纤维材料为填料,制成保温隔热防腐涂料。

    A heat insulation and anti-corrosive coatings is prepared from epoxy-silicone resin as film-forming substance and silicon dioxide of vitreous body , special ceramics , zinc phosphate and fibers as fillers .

  24. 丝素纳米纤维材料可作为神经类细胞生长的良好生物支架材料,特别是柞蚕丝素纳米纤维有着更为广阔的研究前景。

    Fibroin nanofiber material including tussah silk nanofibers can be used as a biological scaffold material for neuron growth , having a optimistic future in their practical application to nerve injury .

  25. 碳纤维材料具有强度大、模量高、耐腐蚀性强、耐高温性好等优异性能,在军事和民用等多个领域得到广泛应用。

    Carbon fiber has high strength , high modulus , corrosion resistance , high temperature resistance and other excellent performance , and it is widely used in military and civilian fields .

  26. 讨论了用木质生物质资源代替化石资源的溶液化途径,及其溶液化生成物制备胶粘剂、碳素纤维材料和缓冲材料的技术路线等问题。

    The liquefaction way with wood - biomass resource instead of fossil resource and technological courses on preparing adhesive , carbon fiber material and new cushioning material are discussed collectedly in this paper .

  27. 室内装饰物中的材料发展也不例外,纺织品作为室内主要的装饰物和室内装饰物的重要材料,近几年在设计方面加重了对纤维材料的研究力度,形成了具有创新精神的新趋势。

    The development of interior decoration material is no exception . As the main and important interior decoration material , textile has gained much attention from researchers recently , especially in the design of fibrous materials .

  28. 运用大量现成品与纤维材料,以及与空间结合所展现的作品准确的切入当下问题所在,并附于纤维与现成品艺术更新层面上的意义。

    Works use a large number of Ready-mades and fiber materials , as well as the combination with fiber space cut into the current problems . Also , it attaches updated significance to fiber and Ready-mades arts .

  29. 其次,根据陶瓷/纤维材料复合靶板在冲击载荷下的破坏特点,建立了陶瓷/复合材料靶板抗弹性能分析模型,给出了弹道极限速度预测公式;

    Secondly based on the damage feature about ceramic / fiber composite target caused by impact load , analysis model about defense performance of ceramic / composite material target is formed and the predictable formula about ballistic limit velocity is also given .

  30. 论述了热轧法水溶性非织造布所用纤维材料的选择、生产加工工艺方法及其物理机械性能对产品的影响,并介绍了其在环境保护产品方面的发展和应用前景。

    In accordance with the water resolvability calendered nonwovens , the choice of fibers , the process technology and the effect of mechanism properties on the products are expounded , and its development in the products used in environment protection and the use prospects are introduced .