
  1. 我们将加点粉把汤调浓些。

    We 'll add some flour to thicken the soup .

  2. 东印度用咖哩粉调味的汤,用肉或鸡肉作基料。

    E Indian curry-flavored soup with a meat or chicken base .

  3. 我需要一些胡椒粉来补充汤的香味。

    I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup .

  4. 过去数十年内,为全世界生产洗衣粉和速溶汤的欧美企业漫游全球,寻找能被它们变成消费者的人群。它们把重点放在南美和亚洲市场,却大多忽视了俄罗斯。

    During the past few decades , as the European and US companies that make the world 's washing powders and instant soups roamed the globe seeking people they could turn into consumers , they focused on South America and Asia but largely ignored Russia .