
  • 网络Sulfadoxine;Sulphadoxine
  1. 他们或者服用了氯喹,或者联合服用了磺胺多辛和pryrimethamine。

    They were treated with either chloroquine or a combination of sulfadoxine and pryrimethamine .

  2. 恶性疟原虫对咯萘啶/磺胺多辛/乙胺嘧啶敏感性体外测定方法的研究

    Studies on the sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to pyronaridine / sulfadoxine / pyrimethamine in vitro

  3. 抗疟药咯萘啶与磺胺多辛及乙胺嘧啶配伍治疗恶性疟结果的分析

    Analysis on results of antimalarial pyronaridine combined with sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine to falciparum malaria

  4. 磷酸咯萘啶与磺胺多辛、伯喹伍用在抗氯喹地区治疗恶性疟的观察

    Combined use of pyronaridine , sulfadoxine and primaquine in areas with chloroquine - resistant falciparum malaria

  5. 在大多数疟疾流行国家,对氯喹和磺胺多辛+乙胺嘧啶等较早一代抗疟药物的耐药性十分普遍。

    Resistance to earlier generation antimalarial medicines such as chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is widespread in most malaria-endemic countries .

  6. 世卫组织建议对生活在高传播地区的孕妇使用磺胺多辛&乙胺嘧啶在妊娠中期和晚期进行间歇性预防治疗。

    WHO recommends intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for pregnant women living in high transmission areas , during the second and third trimesters .

  7. 咯萘啶与磺胺多辛-乙胺嘧啶单剂及两天疗法加伯氨喹治疗恶性疟的效果

    Comparative studies on the treatment of drug resistant falciparum malaria with single dose or two day regimens of pyronaridine / sulfadoxine pyrimethamine plus primaquine

  8. [结论]恶性疟原虫对咯萘啶/磺胺多辛/乙胺嘧啶的敏感性可用体外微量法进行测定。

    [ Conclusion ] The in vitro method can be used to assess the sensitivity of P. falciparum to pyronaridine / sulfadoxine / pyrimethamine .

  9. 同样,对非洲高传播地区的儿童,建议除在常规疫苗接种外,进行3剂磺胺多辛&乙胺嘧啶间歇性预防治疗。

    Similarly , for infants living in high-transmission areas of Africa , 3 doses of intermittent preventive treatment with SP is recommended delivered alongside routine vaccinations .