
  • 网络paroxysm;Malarial paroxysm;malaria paroxysm
  1. 在疟疾发作之后,他被调到了爪哇。

    Following a bout of malaria , he was transferred to java .

  2. 他疟疾发作,变得语无伦次。

    He suffered an attack of malaria and was delirious .

  3. 这组科学家警告说,在社区层次上提供驱虫药可能会带来想不到的后果,例如疟疾发作增加。

    The authors warn that providing anti-worm drugs at the community level could have unexpected consequences , such as an increase in malaria attacks .

  4. 本周《新发传染病》上刊登的一篇文章指出,这是因为砍伐树木越少就有可能使疟疾发作的越少。

    That 's because less clear-cutting may mean less malaria , according to a paper out this week in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases .

  5. 我觉得我的疟疾又发作了。

    I realized that my malaria had come back .

  6. 答:在1949年渡江战役中,我第一次得了疟疾,反复发作,吃了不少苦头。

    A : In the battle to cross the Yangtze River in1949 , I contracted the disease for the first time and suffered recurring bouts .

  7. 在非洲我得过疟疾,后来时而发作。烟熏、胳膊伤、受潮、着凉大概没起好作用。

    I had had malaria in Africa , and it returned sometimes , The smoke , my arm , the wet and the cold had probably not helped .

  8. 作用于红细胞前期的疟疾疫苗主要是抑制疟疾的临床发作,控制疟疾的传播;

    The pre erythrocytic stage vaccines aim to prevent the development of all clinical symptoms and subsequent malaria transmission .