
  • 网络nitramide
  1. 硝酰胺二聚体静电能和交换能的理论计算

    Theoretical Calculation of Electrostatic Energy and Exchange Energy between Two Interacting Nitramide Molecules

  2. 用于计算交换能关联校正项的单对交换近似在硝酰胺二聚体的范德华最小距离0.42nm附近区域才较合理。

    The single exchange approxi - mation used for computing correlation corrections to exchange energy was found to be reasonable only in the region near the Van der Waals minimum distance of 0.42 nm for nitramide dimer .

  3. 因此推测胃内亚硝酸盐水平较高且经常食用鱼露者,胃内极可能有NMU等亚硝酰胺的内源性合成。

    It is postulated that N nitrosamides , such as NMU could be formed endogenously in the stomachs of local residents who consume fish sauce often and have a higher exposure to nitrite in their stomachs .

  4. 中华猕猴桃的防癌作用(四)浓缩猕猴桃汁阻断N-亚硝酰胺的体内合成&大鼠胚胎毒性实验

    THE EFFECTS OF ACTINIDIA CHINENSIS PLANCH ON THE PREVENTION OF CANCER IV. The Blocking Effects of Concentrated Juice on theN-nitroso Ethyl Urea ( NEU ) in Vivo & RatEmbryotoxicity Test

  5. 目的观察氟硝丁酰胺对喉鳞癌细胞株HEP2的生长调控作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of flutamide on laryngeal carcinoma cell lines HEP-2 apoptosis .

  6. 目的探讨氟硝丁酰胺抑制前列腺增生的作用及其机制。

    Objective To investigate the effects of flutamide on hyperplasia of prostate and its mechanism .

  7. 结论氟硝丁酰胺通过拮抗雄激素作用而抑制前列腺增生。

    Conclusion Inhibition of flutamide on hyperplasia of prostate is associated with antagonizing the effect of androgen .

  8. 不同氮源培养时,硝态氮与酰胺态氮显著促进幼苗增重;同一氮源经Se、Si及Se与Si共施处理未显著促进幼苗增重。

    Nitrate-N and urea-N increased seedling weight , Se , Si and Se and Si mixed application had no positive effect on increase of seedling weight under same N source .

  9. 通过对17个土壤样品的吸附试验和2个土壤样品的淋失试验,研究了山东省主要土壤对铵态氮、硝态氮和酰胺态氮(尿素)的吸持能力。

    Adsorption experiment of 17 soil samples and leaching experiment of 2 soil samples were conducted .