
  1. 结论SRY基因是睾丸分化和发育的关键基因,但正常男女性分化还需要其他基因或因素的作用。

    Conclusions Although SRY gene was the key gene in the process of the differentiation and development of testis , there were other gene or factors important in the process of normal human sex differentiation .

  2. 最近的研究工作表明,睾丸的分化受到胰岛素受体家族基因的调控,正常情况下SRY需通过两个不同的核运输途径使足够剂量的SRY蛋白进入细胞核调控性腺分化过程。

    Recent studies show that testis differentiation requires insulin receptor family function in mice . SRY normally requires two distinct NLS-dependent nuclear import pathways to reach sufficient levels in the nucleus for gonadal differentiation .

  3. HE染色:12周胎儿睾丸组织尚未分化,呈索状,14周胎儿睾丸组织隐约可见到睾丸小叶,但生精小管不能区分,16周始见生精小管结构,但无管腔。

    HE staining : The tissue of testes of 12 weeks have not differentiation , as cord .

  4. 结论:异品系的MSCs睾丸移植后未能分化为有功能的类精子,但对睾丸损伤有促进愈合作用。

    Conclusion : MSCs cannot differentiate into quasi-sperm after heterogeneity transplantation into the testis , but can promote the healing of the testis damage .

  5. 现有资料证实SSCs移植于具有免疫豁免的异体睾丸内仍可继续分化。

    Available information confirmed that SSCs may continue to differentiate after transplanted in the allogeneic testis , which has immune exemption .

  6. Y染色体上含有对睾丸决定和睾丸分化过程起重要作用的基因和基因家族。

    The Y chromosome contains genes and gene families that play critical roles in the process of testis determination and differentiation .