
  • 网络Sertoli cell;Sertoli
  1. H2O2对睾丸支持细胞凋亡的影响

    Effect of H_2O_2 on apoptosis of sertoli cell

  2. 直至目前,仍未发现DBP对睾丸支持细胞损伤的特异性标志物。

    So far , DBP on Sertoli cell injury-specific markers had not yet discovered .

  3. 大鼠睾丸支持细胞雄激素结合蛋白mRNA在生精周期中的表达

    Stage-dependent Expression of Androgen Binding Protein mRNA in Sertoli Cell of Rat Testis

  4. 采用冷胰酶消化法分离培养大鼠睾丸支持细胞,采用单细胞凝胶电泳法检测亚硝酸钠对大鼠睾丸支持细胞DNA的损伤作用。

    DNA damage in somatic cells was determined by single cell gel electrophoresis ( SCGE ), and the relationship between DNA damage and HQ dosage was analyzed .

  5. 棉酚对SCE大鼠睾丸支持细胞的影响

    Effect of gossypol on Sertoli cells in Sertoli cell-enriched ( sce ) rats

  6. 着丝粒蛋白可能成为DBP损伤睾丸支持细胞的特异生物标记物。

    Centromere Protein may be the specific protein biomarkers of DBP damaged the Sertoli cells .

  7. FSH对仔猪睾丸支持细胞GDNF表达调节的研究

    Study on the Regulation of FSH on the Expression of GDNF of Piglet Testis Sertoli Cell

  8. 使用光镜及电镜观察DBP作用后大鼠睾丸支持细胞的形态学变化。

    The rat Sertoli cell morphological changes were observed by light microscope and electron microscope . 4 .

  9. 目的简化大鼠睾丸支持细胞分离培养方法,获取高成活率、高数量、高表达的Fas配体阳性支持细胞。

    Objective To simplify the method for separation and cultivation of rat testicular Sertoli cells with high viability , quantity and expression efficiency .

  10. 方法:分离培养48h后的睾丸支持细胞与活化的淋巴细胞共同培养,MTT法检测其对淋巴细胞的杀伤作用;

    Methods : The sertoli cells were cultured together with active lymphocytes to observe the killing effect on lymphocytes by MTT ;

  11. 人参皂甙Rb1和Rg1对小鼠睾丸支持细胞增殖的影响

    Comparison of the Effect of Ginsenoside Rb1 and Ginsenoside Rg1 on the Cultured Immature Sertoli Cells

  12. ZEA对体外培养的大鼠睾丸支持细胞损伤作用的研究

    Studies on the Damage of the Rat Testicle Sertoli Cell in Vitro Cultured Caused by Zearalenone

  13. 睾丸支持细胞(Sertoli细胞)高表达FasL是睾丸成为免疫豁免器官的重要原因之一。

    Testicular supporting cells ( Sertoli cells ) expressing plenty of FasL is one of the important reasons that testicle become immune exemption organ .

  14. 研究了锌对公绵羊睾丸支持细胞、间质细胞大小以及血浆睾酮(T)和促黄体激素(LH)水平的影响。

    The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of zinc on testicular histocyte , and on levels of plasma LH and testosterone in ram .

  15. 方法将PGC与睾丸支持细胞(SC)共培养进行PGC的体外增殖。

    Methods We got plenty of primordial germ cells ( PGCs ) by co-culture of PGCs with sertoli cells ( SCs ) . Support ?

  16. 结论:青春期大鼠受DES持续作用后,成年大鼠睾丸支持细胞和间质区的波形蛋白表达量显著下降,且损伤呈剂量效应。

    Conclusion : Expression of vimentin of Sertoli cells and testicular interstitium in male rat would be significantly decreased after pubertal DES exposure , and the effects were dosage-related .

  17. 方法:对18~22d的大鼠睾丸支持细胞进行分离培养,观察支持细胞体外培养的生物学特性,用免疫组化方法检测支持细胞抑制素α、βA、βB亚基的表达。

    Methods : Sertoli cells aged 18-22 days were separated and cultured from rat testes and the biological characteristics of Sertoli cells were observed , and the expressions of inhibin α,β A and β B subunits in Sertoli cells were detected by means of immunohistochemistry .

  18. 方法取2-3周龄大小的wistar雄性大鼠,应用胶原酶、胰蛋白酶及脱氧核糖核酸酶消化制备大鼠睾丸支持细胞,体外与活性淋巴细胞共同培养,了解其对淋巴细胞的杀伤作用。

    Methods testicular Sertoli cells from2to3-week-old male Wistar rats were prepared by digestion with collagenase , trypsin and DNase and cultured together with active lymphocytes to observe their killing effect against lymphocytes .

  19. 目前,虽然DBP对睾丸支持细胞的损伤作用已明确,但因其作用机制十分复杂,其确切的损伤机制还不十分清楚。

    At present , studies have shown that DBP can damage Sertoli cells , but its mechanism is very complicated , the exact injury mechanism is not clear .

  20. 研究表明GJ的通透功能可塑性比较大,先前研究发现甲状腺激素可能影响心肌细胞和睾丸支持细胞Cx43的表达,但结果也尚有争议。

    Several studies showed that TH may affect the Cx43 expression on the myocardial and Sertoli cells , although the results are still controversial .

  21. 6-HO-BDE-137对大鼠睾丸支持细胞的毒性

    Toxicity of 6-HO-BDE-137 to Rat Testicular Sertoli Cells

  22. 方法1.体外分离、纯化、培养和鉴定大鼠睾丸支持细胞:取18~21日龄雄性SD大鼠的睾丸组织,体外原代培养睾丸支持细胞,苔盼蓝鉴定细胞活力,油红O鉴定细胞纯度。

    Isolation , purification , culture and identification of rat Sertoli cells in vitro : Take 18 to 21 day-old male SD rat testis , culture primary Sertoli cells in vitro , identify cell viability by trypan blue , and identify cells purity by oil red O.2 .

  23. DBP作用于雄性大鼠后,睾丸支持细胞相关蛋白表达异常,改变了睾丸支持细胞的结构和功能,导致生精小管结构及功能的变化,以致生精功能障碍。

    When male rats exposed to DBP , the Sertoli cell-related protein expressed abnormally and the Sertoli cell structure and function altered . This leads to seminiferous tubule changes in the structure and function , also results in spermatogenic dysfunction .

  24. 结果:模型组睾丸支持细胞肿胀变性,模型组NOS活性(A值:0.146±0.023)明显低于对照组(0.298±0.031);

    RESULTS : Compared with the control group , sertoli cells in the model group were swelling and degenerative , and NOS activity in model group ( A : 0.146 ± 0.023 ) was evidently lower than that in control group ( 0.298 ± 0.031 ) .

  25. 结论:建立了大鼠睾丸支持细胞纯化培养方法,支持细胞中INHα、βA、βB亚基表达均为强阳性表达,证实支持细胞能够合成、分泌INH。

    Conclusion : In vitro culture method of rat Sertoli cells was successfully established . Sertoli cells in vitro were positive for inhibin α,β A and β B subunits and rat testicular Sertoli cells were capable of producing inhibin and proven to be the major source of inhibin .

  26. 方法建立大鼠睾丸支持细胞原代双室培养模型,通过光镜、跨上皮电阻测定及免疫荧光定位方法研究PAE对大鼠支持细胞及支持细胞间紧密连接结构的影响。

    METHODS Based on the two-compartment primary Sertoli cells culture model , the effects of phthalates on the tight junctions of Sertoli cells were studied by the methods of light microscope , transmission electron microscope , transepithelial electrical resistance assay and immunofluorescence localization .

  27. 蛋白质组学方法筛选差异表达的蛋白:提取睾丸支持细胞总蛋白,采用双向电泳(2-DE)结合基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间串联质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS/MS)分析鉴定差异蛋白。

    Proteomics method was used to screen different expressed proteins : to extract total protein of Sertoli cells , then analyze and identify the differences protein by two-dimensional electrophoresis ( 2-DE ) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight tandem mass spectrometry ( MALDI-TOF-MS / MS ) . 5 .

  28. 低氧对大鼠睾丸支持细胞形态结构与存活率的影响

    Effects of hypoxia on morphology and survival of rat Sertoli cells

  29. 睾丸支持细胞对大鼠原位肝移植术后急性排斥的抑制作用

    Study of Liver Co - transplantation with Sertoli Cells in Rats

  30. 睾丸支持细胞瘤2例报告并文献复习

    Sertoli Cell Tumor of Testis : Two-Cases Report and Literature Review