
  • 网络Orchiectomy;Castration
  1. 方法对24例前列腺癌(C期10例,D期14例)采用联合雄激素阻断(双侧睾丸切除+氟他胺)治疗。

    Methods 24 cases of advanced prostate cancer ( 10 in stage C and 14 in stage D ) were retrospectively studied . All the patients have been treated with combined androgen blockade ( bilateral orchiectomy and flutamide ) .

  2. 1例经手法复位治愈,2例经手术复位治愈,14例行睾丸切除和对侧睾丸固定。

    Case was cured by manual detorsion , 2 by surgical detorsion and orchidopexy , 14 by orchiectomy and contralateral orchidopexy .

  3. 两组差别有统计学意义(P0.05),单纯睾丸切除组生存质量较低。

    The difference has statistic significance ( P0.05 ) . And the simple orchiectomy has lower life qualities ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 目的探讨睾丸切除对人唾液表皮生长因子(EGF)分泌的影响。

    Aim To study the influence of orchiectomy on epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) .

  5. B组在双侧睾丸切除后1周开始皮下注射丙酸睾酮并灌饲生理盐水,C组在双侧睾丸切除术后1周开始皮下注射丙酸睾酮并灌饲依那普利。

    Bilateral orchectomy was performed and 1 week later testosterone propionate was injected plus either feeding of normal saline ( group B ) or feeding of enalapril ( group C ) .

  6. 前列腺癌患者睾丸切除术前后外周血淋巴细胞表型和NK细胞的变化

    The changes of peripheral blood lymphocyte subset and NK cell in patients with prostatic carcinoma before and after orchiectomy

  7. 方法:对27例晚期PCa患者在行双侧睾丸切除术后行10%鸦胆子油乳等治疗,并动态检测前列腺特异抗原(PSA)和性激素水平,观察临床表现的变化。

    Methods : Dynamic observation of serum PSA and sexual hormone level changes and clinical characteristics in 27 patients with advanced prostate cancer .

  8. 是否与认知损伤加重有关?(3):老年人睾丸切除术以及内源性T和E2对老年男性、MCI、AD和VaD患者的认知功能有何具体影响?

    The effects of orchectomy and endogenous T and E2 on cognitive function in older men with and without MCI , AD , vascular dementia ( VaD ), and if there are any differences among them .

  9. 在根治性睾丸切除基础上采用腹膜后淋巴结清扫术(RPLND)及化疗等综合治疗措施。

    Combined therapy , including radical orchiectomy , retroperitoneal lymph node dissection ( RPLND ) and chemotherapy , were taken .

  10. 12例非精原细胞瘤者根治性睾丸切除术后1~4周行保留神经RPLND,1例精原细胞瘤者根治性睾丸切除术后行3疗程BEP方案化疗后行保留神经RPLND。

    One case of seminoma underwent radical orchiectomy and then received postoperative chemotherapy ( 3 cycles of BEP regimen ); after that RPLND was performed on him .

  11. 3例前列腺癌施行双侧睾丸切除术后2~12周的患者,每天肌注苯甲酸雌二醇1mg,连续7d。

    Three patients with prostatic carcinoma who experienced bilateral orchidectomy 2 to 12 weeks ago were examined , and each patient accepted intramuscular injection of estradiol benzoate ( E2B ) in dose of 1 mg daily for 7 days .

  12. 其中雌性在卵巢切除后两周时海马SRC-1的表达显著降低,第四周时即恢复至正常水平;雄性睾丸切除后一周海马SRC-1表达就开始显著降低并持续降低。

    Hippocampal SRC-1 levels decreased significantly 2 weeks after ovariectomy but recovered to normal at 4 weeks in females , while in males it decreased right after orchiectomy .

  13. 术后3个月PSA<0.04ng/ml24例,1例<0.01ng/ml,2例未检测到PSA。1例切缘阳性(T3a)、术后PSA持续升高者,行双侧睾丸切除。

    Three months after operation , PSA level were < 0.04 ng / ml in 24 cases , < 0.01 ng / ml in 1 , and not detected in 2.One case with margin positive ( T_ 3a ) and continuously elevated PSA was castrated later .

  14. 采用睾丸切除术加四疗程联合化疗。

    Both cases were treated with radical orchectomy and 4-course cycle chemotherapy .

  15. 猪睾丸切除对舌下腺表皮生长因子表达的影响

    The effect of orchiectomy on the expression of epidermal growth factor in

  16. 确诊后全部病例均作双侧睾丸切除术。

    After ICPG wasdiagnosed , all cases were operated by bilateral orchiectomy .

  17. 在一年前,我因患有前列腺癌而行了睾丸切除术;

    Q.A year ago , I had an orchiectomy for prostate cancer ;

  18. 睾丸切除术对血清β-淀粉样蛋白的影响

    Orchiectomy to influence the serum level of β - amyloid in rabbits

  19. 氟他胺加睾丸切除治疗晚期前列腺癌22例报告

    Orchiectomy with Oral Flutamide in Treating Advanced Prostate Carcinoma & Clinical Report of 22 Cases

  20. 前列腺电汽化术结合睾丸切除术治疗前列腺癌并膀胱出口梗阻

    Clinic Evaluation on TVP with Endocrinal Therapy Treatment of Prostatic Carcinoma with Bladder Outlet Obstruction

  21. 有人做了个廉价睾丸切除手术啊

    Somebody got an orchiectomy real cheap .

  22. 应该建议睾丸切除手术后的患者进行这种睾丸假体移植。

    Patients undergoing orchiectomy should be offered the option to receive a testicular prosthesis implantation .

  23. 目的探讨耻骨联合前横切口行双侧睾丸切除术的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of bilateral orchidectomy using transverse incision in front of pubic symphysis .

  24. 双睾丸切除和药物治疗后前列腺切除治疗晚期前列腺癌(附7例报告)

    Treatment of late prostatic cancer by prostatectomy after castration and pharmacotherapy ( Additional 7 cases reports )

  25. 睾丸切除术,用来治疗前列腺癌的生长及扩散已经有很多年了。

    Orchiectomy has been used for years to slow or stop the growth and spread of prostate cancer .

  26. 结果15例均行病侧附睾切除,1例加作睾丸切除。

    Results Epididymectomy was conducted in 15 and additional orchiectomy in 1.Before surgery 12 cases were misdiagnosed as chronic epididymitis .

  27. 结论综合应用经尿道电切,双侧睾丸切除,加用内分泌药物治疗,以及必要时联用放疗和化疗,能显著改善晚期前列腺癌患者的临床症状和生活质量,延长其寿命。

    The therapy of TURP combined with TAB could ease the symptoms and improve the life quality and life terms .

  28. 为防止局部复发,在根治性睾丸切除的同时行包括腹股沟管内容物和半阴囊切除是必要的;

    It is therefore necessary to resect all the inguinal canal contents as well as half of the scrotum during radical orchiectomy .

  29. 有几项研究表明:因前列腺癌而行睾丸切除术的患者,其患心脏病的风险增加。

    And several studies suggest that shutting down or blocking testosterone in men with prostate cancer may increase their risk of developing heart disease .

  30. 目的:探讨双睾丸切除和内分泌药物治疗后行根治性或姑息性前列腺切除术治疗晚期前列腺癌的临床效果。

    Purpose : we want to learn the clincal effect on treatment of late prostatic cancer by radical or palliative prostatectomy after castration and endocrine pharmacotherapy .