
  • 网络Environmental substances;environmental materials;ROHS
  1. Hg不同相态的含量与环境物质(有机质、土壤粒度、pH值)也存在一定的联系。

    The different phases of mercury are also somewhat related to environmental materials ( organic matter , grain sizes of soil and pH values ) .

  2. β修正分光光度法测定环境物质中痕量硒

    β - correction spectrophotometry for determination of Trace Selenium in environmental materials

  3. 丁草胺在土壤中的吸附及环境物质的影响

    Adsorption of butachlor in soil and influence of environmental substances

  4. 垃圾渗滤液污染地下环境物质变化对污染缓冲的影响

    Influences of Matter Variations on Pollution Buffer Capacity of Landfill Leachate Polluted Subsurface Environment

  5. 环境物质磁性对重金属污染的指示作用研究进展

    Progress on the Study of Magnetism of Environmental Matter and its Indication to Heavy Metals Pollution

  6. 首先,斑马鱼胚胎发育早期过程对于外界环境物质非常敏感。

    First of all , fish embryonic development has been shown to be sensitive to environmental stress .

  7. 利用资源上,红豆草同化环境物质多,利用资源程度高,草粮轮作对土壤养分的亏损有一定的互补作用;高草浆配比中性抄纸技术

    Sainfoin can effectively utilize and convert soil nutrients . Neutral Papermaking Technology Among Papers Made With High-Shared Straw Pulp

  8. 该方法的建立为微流控芯片分离检测某些有机酸、药物、环境物质及核酸等提供了新方法。

    The novel microchip CL detection system could be used for the separation and determination of some organic acids and nucleic acids .

  9. 目前也在研究各种环境物质对包括人类在内的生物体表观遗传形成的影响。

    The research is also looking at the influence of various substances from the environment on the epigenetic constitution of organisms , including humans .

  10. 当狗和猫免疫系统创造抗体对蚤和小蜘蛛,它也许并且开发敏感性对其它环境物质。

    As the dogs and cats immune system creates antibodies to the fleas and mites , it may also develop sensitivities to other environmental substances .

  11. 分析地下水中硝酸盐氮的来源。讨论了人类开采地下水和施放,环境物质对地下水中氮聚集的影响。

    The paper discussed the humanity to mine the groundwater and to discharge the environment matter the influence which the nitrogen gathered to the groundwater .

  12. 在航天航空领域中,飞行器前期的制件环节、组装连接环节、推进剂储藏环节、飞行中监控环节、地球外环境物质探测环节等都需要对物质含水率进行测量和分析。

    In aerospace-field , previous-part-manufacturing of spacecraft , assembly , propellant storage , flight monitoring , space environment detection , all need analysis of materials water cut .

  13. 微生物作为自然界里个体最小,数量最大,分布最广,种类最多的生物类群,在水体净化和水环境物质循环中有着不可替代的重要作用。

    As a biological species with the smallest body , largest quantity and most widely distributed , microbes played an irreplaceable and important role in water environment .

  14. 某些环境物质具有内分泌干扰作用,其中一类可干扰甲状腺系统的结构或功能,被称之为甲状腺干扰物。

    The studies indicated that some of environmental matters posses endocrine disrupter activity , in which a type of them can disturb the structure or function of thyroid system , which were named as thyroid disrupting chemicals ( TDCs ) .

  15. 我们常常能看到一些脱离环境物质、功能和建构逻辑而臆想出来的建筑设计,缺乏完整的空间观念,不尊重建造规律,入口与建筑整体形态不协调,损害了建筑形象的完整性。

    We always saw a lot of building which is deviated from environment , function and logic of construction , it is short of notion of space , not comply with the rule of construction , so it damaged the integrality of architecture .

  16. 在国家投资项目建设过程中,业主代理成为项目业主与外部市场环境物质与信息交流的最主要界面,同时也是业主与项目建设方之间交流与沟通的重要协调者。

    During the construction course of national investment project , the mode of owner 's agent becomes the most important media communicating information between the project owner and outside market environment , and the most important coordinator between the owner and the project constructor .

  17. 环境标准物质探讨及含有干扰组分的COD标准物质的研制

    Environmental CRM and Preparation of COD CRM Containing Interfering Component

  18. 研究表明,BPA具有内分泌干扰作用,是环境荷尔蒙物质。

    It has been reported that BPA was one of environmental endocrine disrupters .

  19. 这些低外显基因可通过参与类固醇性激素的代谢,环境致癌物质的解毒作用,以及DNA损伤修复等多种途径参与乳腺癌的发生。

    These low penetrance genes involved in a wide variety of functions including steroid hormone metabolism , detoxification of environment carcinogens , DNA damage repair are associated with breast cancer happen .

  20. 针对可重构生产线生命周期各个阶段,分析图表显示产生选定环境影响物质的数量,包括CO2、有害物质和能源消耗。

    Result tables present the selected environmental flows , including CO_2 , particulate matter , and energy consumption , for each of the RMS life cycle stages .

  21. 溴、碘是大气中的痕量元素,作为大气中活性卤素,参与大气中众多环境污染物质的化学反应,大气气溶胶中痕量元素Br、I引起了各国学者们的关注。

    Bromine and iodine are trace elements in the atmosphere , as the atmosphere of active halogen , to participate in the many environmental pollutants in atmospheric chemical reactions .

  22. 此外,本文还较为详细地介绍了国内外环境荷尔蒙物质的监测分析手段,尤其是LC/MS、GC/MS、HPLC、MS/MS等现代环境监测仪器在这一领域中的应用。

    The monitoring methods for the endocrine disrupters inland and outside the world are also introduced , especially the application of modern instruments such as LC / MS , GC / MS , HPLC , MS / MS.

  23. 尼古丁(Nicotine)是影响烟叶品质的重要因素之一,也是一种环境有毒物质,是烟草工业废水和烟草废弃物中的主要有害成分。

    Nicotine is one of key factors related to tobacco quality and a toxic substance in environment , in fact , nicotine is the major harmful ingredient in wastewater and tobacco waste .

  24. 龙宝山金矿成矿流体具有低温、低盐度和富含H2O、CO2等特征,并通过自组织过程,不断与环境进行物质和能量交换,形成聚矿耗散结构。

    The metallogenic fluid are low temperature , low saline and rick of H 2O and CO 2 . The fluid system had continually changed materials and energy with it 's environment by self organization , and last formed the dissipative structure of ore aggregating .

  25. 介绍了环境荷尔蒙物质的种类、致毒机理及生活环境中的分布情况,并对ppt、ppq量级的超微量环境污染物质主要是二恶(口英)物质的监测分析方法进行了评述。

    Introduction on kinds of environmental hormone , their toxicity mechanism and distributing in habitation , and review on monitoring analytical methods of minim amount such as ppt and ppq level environmental pollutants and dioxins were presented .

  26. 对Cu-Zn-Al合金和45号钢试样分别施加电场和磁场后,观察到了类流态胞区的运动,表明类流态受电场和磁场的影响,并且与外界环境存在物质和能量的交换。

    When electric field and magnetic field was forced on Cu-Zn-Al alloy and No. 45 steel , motion of quasi-fluid regions was observed , and this showed that electric field and magnetic field would influence the quasi-fluid regions , and they exchange substances and energy with surroundings .

  27. 加强包装运输环境有害物质评价与管理的探讨

    Discussion on Enhancing Evaluation and Management of Packaged Environmentally Hazardous Substances

  28. 农药类环境荷尔蒙物质及其危害

    Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals from Pesticides and Their Harmfulness to Environment On Substance

  29. 田间配置方式对水稻群体生态环境及物质生产的影响

    Effects of Stands Distribution on Ecology and Matter Production of Rice Population

  30. 淀山湖水环境有毒物质污染评价

    Toxic Substances Pollution Assessment of the Water Environment in Dian Shan Lake