
  • 网络Potamogeton distinctus;Potamogeton;pondweed;Potamogeton malaianus
  1. 例如像水绵的丝状藻,水蕴草,加拿大的眼子菜(伊乐藻属)等。

    Examples include filamentous algae such as Spirogyra , and waterweeds like the Canadian pondweed ( Elodea ) .

  2. 鄂陵湖浅层深2m的冻结湖相沉积物中埋藏植物屑保存完好,植物屑均来源于同一种沉水植物&龙须眼子菜(Potamogetonpectinatus)。

    The plant tissues , which were well - preserved in 2 m - thick shallow frozen lacustrine sediments of Ngoring , came from the same species of submersed plant , Potamogeton pectinatus .

  3. 在眼子菜属中进行选择性区分;其中一个种类。

    Alternative classification for some genera included in Potamogetonaceae ; one species .

  4. 其次是篦齿眼子菜,光叶眼子菜在微山湖有大量分布。

    Next was Potamogeton pectinatus , Potamogeton lucens in Weishan lake has large distribution .

  5. 角状的水池草;完全水生的草本植物;有些分类中包括在眼子菜科中。

    Horned pondweed : completely submerged herbs ; in some classifications included in Potamogetonaceae .

  6. 青海湖眼子菜科植物的研究

    Studies on the Potamogetonaceae in Qinghai Lake

  7. 几种眼子菜属及其邻近属的水生植物的任何一种,沉水或漂浮的多年生水生植物。

    Any of several submerged or floating freshwater perennial aquatic weeds belonging to the family Potamogetonaceae .

  8. 海寿,眼子菜北美洲东部的一种淡水植物,有带有长柄的心形叶和紫蓝色穗状花序。

    A freshwater plant of eastern North America , having heart-shaped leaves with long petioles and spikes of violet-blue flowers .

  9. 洪湖主要沉水植物群落的定量分析Ⅱ.微齿眼子菜+穗花狐尾藻+轮藻群落

    Quantitative analysis on the main submerged communities in Honghu lake . ⅱ . Potamogeton maackianus + myriophyllum spicatum + Chara community

  10. 水生植物眼子菜类囊体膜经SDS&PAGE可分离出9条含叶绿素区带。

    The Chlorophyll protein complexes of pondweed chloroplast thylakoids membranes were separated by discontinuous SDS PAGE into 9 chlorophyll containing bands .

  11. 综合评定结果显示,龙须眼子菜是一种营养价值全面、消化率高的水草,可用作牛羊等饲料。

    Potamogoton pectinatu is a kind of water weed with higher nutritional value and digestibility , and can be used as feed for animal .

  12. 以龙须眼子菜为代表的沉水植物是一种富含蛋白质、矿物质及维生素的良好饲料资源,但是由于水草表面吸附一层粗灰份,作为饲料影响牛、羊的适口性。

    Submerged vegetation is a kind of good feedstuff resources with rich protein , mineral substance and vitamin , but ash and sodium sulfate attached to submerged vegetation affect dainty of cattle and sheep .