
  • 网络telephone communication;VoIP;cellular telephony
  1. 该网络电话网关具有媒体流映射、呼叫处理与控制和接入核心网络的功能,实现了企业内部与公共电话网的电话通信。

    This VoIP Gateway had media mapping , calling control and insert the core network function .

  2. 管理级模块研究中,首先讨论了直接电缆通信、Modem电话通信、Internet网络通信等方法;

    In the research of the model with manage level , first , it discusses the methods of the cable communication directly , Modem telephone communication , Internet network communication and so on .

  3. 廉价的电脑、传真和电话通信将使每天坐车上下班成为历史。

    Cheap computers , faxes and phone calls will make commuting to work a thing of the past .

  4. IP电话通信的实现

    Realizing Communication by Using Internet Phone

  5. IP电话通信技术分析

    On Technology of IP

  6. VoIP和蓝牙技术在无线电话通信中的应用

    The application of VoIP and Bluetooth technology in the wireless phone

  7. 另一方面是对电话通信的控制和处理,包括双音多频模块和呼叫进程音模块,主要为了产生和检测IP电话通信中一些必须的电话信号。

    The other part includes DTMF and CPT module , which generate and detect some necessary telephony signal in the communication .

  8. 论文参照H。323标准简化设计了PC到PC的IP电话通信软件,并以此作为VOIP安全计费系统的简单VOIP测试平台。

    According to the H.323 protocol , the soft of PC to PC phone is designed for testing the IPSAS ( VOIP Security Accounting System ) .

  9. 在现在无所不在的移动电话通信中,特别是如今的3G、4G应用,收发机需要进行多种模式多个频段的选择,因而高性能的单刀多掷开关必不可少。

    For mobile communication , especially the 3G and 4G communication , single-pole-multi-throw switches are indispensable for multi-mode and multi-band application .

  10. 语音对数脉冲编码调制(PCM)在数字电话通信等大型通用数字传输设备中已得到广泛应用。

    Logarithmic pulse code modulation of speech has been used widely in many digital transmission facilities , such as digital telephone network .

  11. 这意味着对每个用户而言他能用单条线路进行上网、VoIP通信和传统电话通信。

    This means that Internet access , as well as VoIP communications and traditional telephone communications , are all possible using a single line to each user .

  12. 本文以光纤电缆混合网络(HFC)为基础,提出了一种应用于计算机数据传输、有线电视广播及电话通信的综合服务方案。

    In this paper , we propose a HFC based comprehensive servicing solution that is applied in the computer data transmission , wireline television broadcasting and telephone communication .

  13. 基于AMBE算法的网络电话通信系统终端机研制

    Design of terminal unit in computer network telephone systems based on AMBE algorithm

  14. 2011年3月,在日本地震和海啸发生后,卫星电话通信供应商铱星公司(Iridium)宣称在提供通信连接服务上发挥了重要作用。

    In March 2011 , Iridium , a satellite phone communications provider , claimed to be crucial in linking services after the Japanese earthquake and tsunami .

  15. 随着通信、计算机网络等技术的飞速发展,尤其是最近20年,语音压缩编码技术在移动通信、卫星通信、多媒体技术以及IP电话通信中得到普遍应用,并起着举足轻重的作用。

    With the rapid development of communications and internet technology , especially the recent 20 years , speech compressing coding technology has been widely used and plays a very important role in mobile communications , satellite communications , multimedia communications and IP-phone communications .

  16. DDN可向用户提供图象通信、数字电话通信、数据广播通信、计算机局域网互联、计算机远程通信等多种服务。

    It can provide users with a variety of services such as video communications , digital telephone communications , data broadcasting communications , LAN networking , and computer communications .

  17. 最后阐述了一套基于EPON、H.248协议、流媒体技术的社区电话通信、社区安全防范和社区商务系统的实现情况。

    Finally expounded the realization of a set system based on EPON , H.248 protocol , streaming media technology of community telephone communications system , community security system and community business system .

  18. 伦敦——法国荷兰合资的数字安全公司金雅拓(Gemalto)周三表示,美国和英国情报机构很有可能入侵了该公司的网络,以便监听全球移动电话通信。

    LONDON - Gemalto , a French-Dutch digital security company , said on Wednesday that it believed that American and British intelligence agencies had most likely hacked into the company 's networks in an attempt to gain access to worldwide mobile phone communications .

  19. 网关是连接不同技术电话通信网络的桥梁。

    Gateway is a bridge connecting telecommunication networks of different technology .

  20. 具有拨号功能的无主机扩音对讲电话通信系统的研制

    Development of a non-central-switch amplifying call and talking telephone system with dialing

  21. 港口地区有线电话通信系统工程设计规范

    Code for design of cable telephone communication system engineering in port areas

  22. 面向对象的方法在移动电话通信仿真测试环境中的应用

    The Application of Mobile Phone in Communication System with OOP on Simulation

  23. 美国的普遍电信服务在电话通信方面已取得很大成功。

    Universal Service has made great achievement on telephone service in the U.S. .

  24. 电话通信设备电磁干扰的测量分析

    Phone Call Telephone Measurement and Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference from Telephonic Communication Equipment

  25. 传统电话通信系统包括终端设备、传输设备、交换设备。

    Traditional telephone communications system includes terminal equipment , transmission equipment , switching equipment .

  26. 应当给电话通信业创造发展环境

    Create the environment to develop the telephone com-munication

  27. 网路收音机、电视或电话通信网

    A radio , television , or telephone network . net-making machine for textile netting

  28. 利用今天的技术电话通信。

    Voice communication with today 's technoiogy .

  29. 在现代,人们用信,传真,电话通信。

    In modern times , people have communicated by letter , telegraph , and telephone .

  30. 电视电话通信中经常出现回波现象,使得通话质量大受影响。

    Echo is always generated in voice communication system , influencing the quality of communication .